Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 11, 1984, Image 28
A2t—Lancaster FaraUng, SatnNay, February 11, 1954 Milker school (Continued from Page A 26) . how the parts of the milking vac “ um , pur ?£ dep ? d * 0,1 } he system muyt be sized to owe another. The capacity of the lne va cuum regulator Avian hits 400,000 flock BY LAURA ENGLAND LANCASTER Avian in fluenza, taking its toll on Penn sylvania’s poultry industry, again defied the USDA quarantine boundry and claimed a 400,000 layer hen flock in Lebanon County. Located .outside the quarantine zone in northern Lebanon County, the 400,000 bird flock is the largest flock to date diagnosed with the avian virus. Positive diagnosis was confirmed Tuesday on the flock which is north of Fredericksburg. Eradication of the flock began Wednesday with approximately 80,000 birds depopulated. An ad ditional 80,000 were to be slaughtered Thursday, according to task force spokesman Chuck Williams. Williams said it is not certain if the entire flock will be depopulated because the deadly disease in fected only two of the six houses on the farm. “We’re making an effort to contain the disease within those two houses,” he said. Since the eradication program began in November, task force policy has been to kill all the birds located on an infected premise. In addition to this flock, three others were confirmed with avian Two Great Alfalfas 526 531 Ask your Pioneer salesman about the alfalfa variety that’s right for' your farm. PIONEER BRAND-ALFALFA SEED PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL. INC., EASTERN DIVISION, TIPTON. INDIANA 46072 The Limitation of Warranty and remedy 'appearing on the label is part of the terms of sale. Pioneer is a brand name; numbers identify varieties. " Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Des Moines, lowa, U.S.A. flu this week. This brings the total number of flocks to 271, representing 11.1 million birds. As of Thursday, 268 flocks, representing 10.5 million birds, were depopulated. Williams said that 107 poultry premises have been approved for cleaning and disinfecting. Of these, 30 have received permits to repopulate their houses. Interstate Shipping The Pennsylvania Poultry Federation announced this week that all egg packers shipping eggs to other states must have par ticipated in the poultry watch program for at least two weeks prior to shipping. This is a new policy which will go into effect March 1,1984, said Tim Allwein, spokesman for the Federation. “This gives poultrymen adequate time to get their flock on the program if not so already,” he said. By entering the program now, Allwein said poultrymen will aviod interruptions in marketing and in service to out-of-state customers. Over 1,200 farmers are currently participating in the program which aids in early detection of avian flu. To enroll in the program, please call 717-295-1800. Yields, winter-hardiness and Bacterial Wilt tolerance are excellent High tolerance to anthracnose. Very fast recovery after harvest. stabilizes the vacuum level," Shirk said. "It must be sensitive and have the capacity to handle all the air running through the system, therefore it is has to be as big as the vacuum pump. It must also be cleaned regularly to remain sensitive. "The regulator controls the vacuum at the teat end,” Shirk continued. "Fluctuations in the vacuum level at the teat end can cause stress and induce mastitis. Therefore it is important to have a sensitive vacuum regulator. The / I PIONEER. _ BRAND I Q EVERGREEN Q TRACTOR CO., INC. WINTER SERVICE SPECIAL Quality costs less during the John Deere oil filter sale CUP THIS COUPON ANDSWEIO% ON JOHN DEERE TRACTOR OIL FILTERS Stop in and stock up soon sale ends March 15th TRACTORS: (1) JD 4630, Quad Range & Duals,Sharp (1) JD 3020 Dsl. Power Shift, 3 pt. Dual Remote . (1) JD 2840, Loaded (Super Sharp) (1) White 2-105 w/Roll Guard .. (1) White 2-62 4WD w/Quick Tach Loader and Cab. 800 Hours, Like New *16,750 (1) IH 460 Gas N.FTA, Power Steering . *2,350 (1) IH FarmalfMNj|*2 (1) Farmall H wTcultivators MF 30-B Industrial Dsl w/Loader 3 pt & PTO JD 4020 Tractor, SynPgr»y. wide front, one oTaTmw, JD 430 wide front, 3 pt. Case VAC . . JD 530 3 pt sharp JD 2510 Gas. sharp, recent overhaul JD 2640, Hi-Lo dual remote COMBINES & PICKERS; (1) JD662OLL Combine w/213 Flex Head 800 hrs (1) IH 203 Combine, Gas w/10' Platform, P.U Reel,2 RowCornhead, Cab. (1) New Idea #325 Two Row Narrow Picker w/Sheller, Heavy PTO .. (1) Gleaner Model K w/10' Platform and 2 Row Corn Head, Cab . . (1) JD 443 Corn head (1) JD 443 Corn head, new style . . (1) Used 350 BU. Myer Morton PTO Batch Dryer . .. COMING IN; JD 4020 Tractor w/cab and air, side console IH 300 Row Crop WFT.A fast hitch JD 7000 8 R 30" planter, liq P O.P. monitor, no-till JD 7000 6R Consv Planter, dry JD 7000 4R Consv Planter, dry IH 400 4R Air Planter JD 1240 Plateless Planter 30 Evergreen Rd. Lebanon, PA (717) 272-4641 servo diaphragm is the most sensitive. The weighted lever regulator is the least sensitive. The only place for the weighted lever regulator is on the junk pile. Your cows’ udders are much to valuable to use the weighted lever.” Shirk noted that stray voltage can be a problem that leads to lowered milk production and mastitis. While humans can not feel an electrical charge below six volts, cows are sensitive to as little as half a volt of electricity. Stray voltage is caused by un SHOP REPAIR WORK OF *lOO OR MORE QUALIFY FOR DISCOUNTS Discount on farm equipment 10% repairs To be eligible work must be Offer good January 10th scheduled by Feb. 17th. to February 17th, 1984 Financing Available. *19,500 *7,500 *13,900 *15,900 *950 *950 *8,750 *9,350 *2,350 *475 *3,100 *5,650 *12.500 *52,000 (1) Oliver 4-14” Trailer Plow, Hydraulic Lift (1) JD F 350 5-16" Auto Reset Plow Sharp (1) IH 710 5-16" Auto Reset Plow Sharp .. (1) John Deere AW 10' Disk (1) John Deere 12'RW (1) IH 10' Transport Disk . (1) JD #21014’ Level Action Disc . . . $ 6,750 (l)JD#2loll's”£gTjjj ... GRAIN DRYERS: *3,950 *4,350 *6,950 *3,450 (2) New Farm Fans ABB Auto-Batch Dryers. MUST $ 3,450 MOVE CALL FOR PRICE. (Dealer Inquiries Welcome) balanced lines, poor connections, poor grounding and a variety of other factors. Approximately 20 percent of all dairy farms have some degree of stray voltage, Shirk said. We know more about stray voltage now than we did a few years ago, said Shirk. This allows us to to proper ground new milking systems when they are installed. The group visited the Delmar Weaver farm in New Holland to study the design and components of a milking system. FILTER PART NUMBER QUANTITY PURCHASED CUSTOMER NAME ADDRESS DATE lARVESTERS & FORAGE EQUIPMEN (1) John Deere 3940 Harvester, Hydro-electnc Controls, 1,000 PTO Used very little (1) John Deere 34 w/One Row RC & Pickup (1) Grove Forage Wagon w/Roof & Gear (1) John Deere Three Row Row Crop Attachment, New Belts *3,850 (3) Badger Self Unloading Wagons w/Tandem Gears and Roofs (Sharp) ea. *3,500 (1) Kelly-Ryan Silage Dump Container HAY MACHINES: (1) John Deere 1209 Mower Conditioner (1) Hesston 1090 USEIefatQACRES LIKE NEW p (1) John Deere Conditioner (I)MF H l2 Baler w/Thrower, Hydraulic Control . (1) IH 46T w/Thrower Nl Rake. .. .... NH 27 Baler w/thrower, hydraulic aim ULLAGE: *8,950 *1,550 *1,850 *2,950 *3,250 *5,350 *1,250 *1,350 *1,050 *575 *2,950 *450 *2,850 *2,850 *1,175 . *875 *450 *4,275 *3,850 EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO. INC. irgreen Road