Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 11, 1984, Image 22

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    (Continued from Page Al)
Chapters respectively,
representing Region 111.
Spokesperson for Agriculture
Contest - Milton Hoffman, of the
Warrior Run Chapter.
Honorary Young Farmer Award
- John W. Schwartz, of Lit
tlestown, territory manager for
PAG Seeds.
Geesaman, right, retiring president; to Tom Zartman, new
Hoffman, of Warrior Run Chapter.
Farmer Award
Outstanding Young Farmer
Advisor Award -- William
Schaeffer, of the West Snyder
The largest convention
registration was achieved by the
West Snyder Chapter at the two
day gathering in Harrisburg.
The Manheim Chapter in Lan
caster County showed the greatest
■ary Young
Community service award co-winners at Pa. Young Farmer Convention are Russell
and Phyllis Hummel, left, and Donald and Carol Sanders, of the Miffiinburg and Selin
sgrove Chapters respectively.
membership increase during the
past year with a gain of 17.
And, the Ephrata Chapter was
honored for having the largest
membership among chapters
throughout the state
In other major business, the
Young Farmers elected officers to
direct their statewide organization
during the coming year.
Tom Zartman, of the Ephrata
Chapter in Lancaster County, took
over the presidency, succeeding
Leroy Geesaman, of the Northern
Lebanon Chapter, who has served
for the past year.
President-elect of the PA. YF is
Jay Grove, of the Shippensburg
Chapter, who served as treasurer
for the past year.
Replacing him as treasurer is
Ronald O’Neil, of the Kutzlown
Chapter in Berks County
Reelected were Vernon
Leminger, of the Ephrata Chapter,
as secretary; and Larry Hay, of
the Berlin Chapter, as Public
Relations Director.
Regional vice-presidents include
Eric Coolidge, Wellsboro Chapter,
Region I, Karl Herr, Solanco
Chapter, Region 11, Robert
Garrett, Mifflmburg Chapter,
Region III; Glenn Snyder, Get
tysburg Chapter, Region IV,
Roger Platt, Berlin YF, Region V,
and Ron Fuller, Blue Mountain
Chapter, Region VII.
Continuing as co-editors of the
Young Farmer magazine will be
Terry Martin and Donald Mooney.
In the competition for the Out
standing Young Farmers, other
regional winners were.
Under 30 - Region 11, Clair and
Mini Miller, Elizabethtown
Chapter; Region 111, Rick and
Kathy Bailer, Selmsgrove
Diversion signups
(Continued from Page Al)
danymen, 01 12 4 peicent, Had
•signed a conliact with A6C-b trim
lo die Mgn-up peiiod govei iiment
officials had estimated dial bet
ween 25 to /5 percent of tlie
dairymen would sign conn acts
Ihe participating danymen
nave indicated in then contracts
intentions to i educe milk
pioduclion by a total ol 9 2 billion
pounds dunng Hie 15 months that
the program runs Ibis lepresenls
5 5 percent ol the estimated
pioduclion dunng the 15 month
piogram, actoi ding to AbC.S of
Ihe estimated ieduction toi 1984
is i 4 billion pounds of milk, with
an estimated lange of i eduction of
o j to 8 2 billion pounds of milk
depending on the three peicent
tolerance above oi below the ac
tual conn acted pel cenlage
Umtiacls indicated i eduction ol
.1.1/,000 mole cull lows than would
normally be culled from herds.
Representative of newest YF Chapter in Pa., Phillip Carr, of
Clearfield Area, left, is congratulated by Leroy Geesaman,
retiring state president.
Chapter, Reg. i. i>, Ruben aou
Barb Keefer, Shippensburg
Chapter, Region VII, Jeffrey
Werner, Northern Lebanon
Over 30 - Region 11, Nelson and
Alma Wenger, Manheim Chapter,
Region 111, Ronald and Jeanette
Reich, Selmsgrove Chapter,
Region IV, Larry and Dons
Wilkinson, Gettysburg Chapter;
Region VII, Lester and Edna Faye
Burkholder, Kutztown Chapter
Regional winners in the com
munity service competition also
included Galen and Lilli Ann Kopp,
Elizabethtown Chapter, Region 11,
Donald and Bertha Thrush,
Shippensburg Chapter, Region IV,
Raymond and Dons Glasser,
Deputy Secretary of Agnculture,
Richaul Lyng said, pniduceis
indicated intentions to send 23
pei cent of ihe cull cows by Jan
31sl Lyng also staled dial the
payments to producers will miai
an estimated $O3O million
A bieakdoWn ol the figuies toi
tlie nation and slates in this legion
ai e
-U6A, 2/,520 ol the nation s
,i11.i,58(i danymen have conn acted
lodiveit (4,544,670 cwls of milk
-Fennsylvama, 1227 of the slate s
21.000 danymen have contracted to
di veil 2,021,802 cwls of milk
-New Voik, 1490 of the slates
18.000 danymen have continued t >
dtvei l 2,926,675 cwls of milk
-Maiyland, 191 of the stale s 2200
danymen tiave conn acted t"
divei l 424,848cw1s of milk
lielawaie, 21 *>t the stales 250
danymen have conn acted t"
dtvei t 42,102 cwls of milk
\iioss the counliy danyman
i .•ntiatied to ieduce pioduclion by
Marion Center Chapter, Region V.
A new chapter receiving its
charter at the convention was the
Cleafield Area Young Farmers.
Next year’s Winter Convention
will be held in Somerset County.
In addition to the various
business and award sessions at the
convention on Wednesday and
Thursday, the program included a
number of educational programs
on such topics as computers, farm
medicine, finances and marketing
and farm electricity.
The Ladies Program also
featured several speakers and
workshops on a variety of subjects,
ranging from candlewickmg to
Colonial cooking.
an avei age ot li tm pei cent ot then
In 1 ennsy iv ama, Cancaslei
t Miimy has 9(> danyinen con
uaiied io ieduce, Berks County
nas .5.1. Chesiei i ounly has .11,
y.iik lias l\ and Cebanon ( ounly
has 19
David Both, piesident ot the Ha
Danymen .s Association, said in a
telephone conversation, Henn
sylvania has a lot ot legislered
Holstein bleeders Because this
pi ogram does not allow for the sale
ot breeding slock, it is more suited
toi commercial and grade herds.
1 think there was also a lot of
concern about what would happen
aflei the 15 month program,
because dairymen in this area are
on a base-excise plan,” Both said
Ihere was such a short lime to
decide if you were going to par
ticipate Maybe if we had another
month more would have signed
Dany economists are predicting
the low level ot participation in the
progiam will lesull in a lowering
ot i he milk stippoii price at the end
"1 the pi ogi an