' nylu,M nollA "J ■i-.jt,’ iii M.M. WEAVER & SONS INC. ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT MON., MAR. 19, 1984 Located: North Groffdale Road, Leola, PA ATTENTION: Anyone having farm equipment to consign to our Annual Spring Auction, where we have been selling your surplus farm machinery year after year to many satisfied customers and over 1000 potential buyers, and would like to have it advertised, please call by Wednesday, February 29,1984 at 717-656-2321. Auction By M.M. WEAVER & SONS, Inc. Auction conducted by John E. and Paul E. Martin Auctioneers 717-733-3511 or 717-733-3305 MACHINERY DISPERSAL JACK WOOD SALE BARN Cincinnatus, N.Y. SAT. FEB. 18-84 11:30 A.M. By Virture of Order and direction of Chase Manhattan Bank N.A. The machinery from Walter B. Stevenson operating as Convenanter Farms, Haynes Road, East Freetown, N.Y. to be sold at public auction at the following location at the Jack Wood Sale Barn, Taylor Valley Road RD# 2 Cincinnatus, 3 miles North of Cincinnatus just off Route 26. Watch for Auction Arrows. MACHINERY JD #4020 Diesel Tractor, NH #225 Skid Steer Loader w/Fork & Bucket loader, NH #303 Liquid Tank Spreader, NH #479 haybine, NH #315 baler w/kicker, NH 50’ Skelton elevator, NH #770 Chopper w/2 row com head & pickup head (selling separately) NH #23 Hopper Blower, Gehl #940 self unloading box on Gehl Tandem wheel running gear, Dion self unloading box on Dion tandem wheel axle, Kvemeland 5 btm. 18” plow, Int. #4OO Cyclone 4 row com planter w/roller pump liquid system w/150 gal. tank, JD #l4B hydr fork & bucket loader, JD #2lO Disc w/buster bar, JD #B3OO grain drill, JD #B94A Rake, (2) JD #1065 run ning gears w/kicker racks, Knowles running gear w/kicker rack, JD tractor roof, JD front weights, JD #790 Barrel! Spreader, Brillion Cultimulcher, Allied 32’ grain auger, 18.4x34 double ring tractor chains, Wic Bedding Chopper w/Honda gas motor, (2) agway metal feed carts, metal gates. Other Machinery selling the same day and the same place NI Speed Wheel Rake, NH #365 Harrell Spreader L.H., Front end tractor Buzzsaw, Brand New Winter Comfort Tractor Cab fits JD A or B plus other machinery not listed. CATTLE DISPERSAL Cattle Dispersal immediately following the machinery sale. This Sale will feature several strickly fresh cows & Ist calf hfrs and the balance will either be handling or springing close. Make plans to attend this good sale of machinery and cattle. TERMS: Cash or Good Checks day of Sale OWNERS CHASE MANHATTAN BANK N.A. Sales Managers JACK WOOD LIVESTOCK & AUCTION SERVICE Cincinnatus, N.Y. 13040 Phone 607-863-4141 Lunch Available. >W n’r.h . jjtn" ,r / , OF FARM EQUIPMENT LIVESTOCK & HOUSEHOLD GOODS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1984 At 10:00 A.M. Located along Rt. 30 between Kinzer and Gap, Lancaster County, PA. 2 MULES 2 HORSES, one 2Vt yrs. old 10 BREDA OPEN HEIFERS Minneapolis Moline UT on steel and pulley; M. 28 h.p. Diesel with Speed Clutch; Pump; Compressor; Alternator; 300 gal. Girton Tank; No. 14A N.I. Spreader; N.H. 268 Hay-line Baler with engine; N.H. 404 Con ditioner on steel; J.D. Disc; Harrow; Roller; N. Rake; 2 Deering Cultivators; N.I. Tobacco Planter; 3 Flatbed Wagons; Oliver Grain Drill; Me. Corn Planter; 6 ft. Grass Mower; Mc.D. Com Binder for parts; 4 in. Auger; Me. 6 ft. Grain Binder; 16 in., 13 in. Papec Cutters; Pipe; Hyd. Motor and Hose; Grindstone; Old Milk Can; 106 Wire Plow; 2 Minnich Bale Boxes; Tobacco Hoers; 50 ft. Belt; Seeder; Bob Sleigh; Binder Twine; Block and Tackle; 2 Hole Com Sheller; Dehomer; Tool Bo*; Vise; Shovel and Forks; 1-2-3-4-5 Horse Trees. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Wooden Wardrobe with 2 doors and 2 drawers; Old Quilt Needle Holder; Glass Butter Chum; 1881 Menno Simon in German; Beds; Chairs; Cider Press; Crocks; Small Iron Kettles; Aluminum Awnings, 45 in., 80 in., 93 in. long; Biench; Baseboard Heaters; Dishes and many other items. Terms By AMOS F. YODER Auctioneers Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin 656-7770 Frank L. Steller 656-8195 No-Out-Of-State Checks Refreshments Available PUBUC AUCTION OF ORCHARD & PACKING HOUSE EQUIPMENT For MR. EDWIN SOUDER (Eagle Acres) SAT., FEBRUARY 25,1984 Time 11:OOA.M. Alura Richwood Rd., Richwood, N.J. Peach grader - rated 240 boxes per hr,, 40’-2 way belt, wet brusher, 1-40’ chain conveyor, 1- bulk hydro cooler (18’), - used during 1983 season. 1975 Ford Tractor (4000 Diesel), 1962 Ford Tractor w/Front End Loader, Brush Rake, Bulk Box Fork, 1954 Ford Tractor, 1953 Ford Tractor, 1952 Ford Tractor, 1951 Ferguson Tractor, 1970G.M.C. Flatbed Truck, 1964 Chev. Ton Stake Body, 1954 Chev. Field Truck, 1946 Chev. Field Truck, 1971 Chev. P. 0., 1965 John Bean Sprayer, 1957 Chev. Supply Wagon (500 gal.), 4-Bulk Box Trailers, 1-16’ Field Trader, 1-20’ Tandem Trailer, Set of Ford Tractor Fenders (16” Tires), J.D. 10’ Cutharrow, 2-13’ Orchard Harrow, Allis Chalmer Fork Lift, 1- Ford Sub Soiler, 1-7’ Bush Hog, 1-P.T.O. Weed Spayer w/120 Gal. Polyglass Tanks, Root Duster, Lily Spreader, 1-P.T.O. Air Com pressor, 4 Air Triming Guns, Scratch Harrow, 1-3 Bottom Plow, Electric Peach Box Stapler, Foot Power Box Stapler, Hand Air Stapler, Hand Stapler, Potato Planter, Antique Cider Press, 2-6’xß” Windows, 40-6’ Ladders, 10 Apple Ladders, Forks, Shovels, Horse Collars, Harness, Iron Pile, Labor House Items- Dishes, Gas Stove, Bunks, Blankets, Refrigerator and Many Other Items. Auctioneers Note: Owner having sold farm, everything will be sold to highest bidder. Everything was well taken care of and in very good condition. (Richwood is 13 miles from Commodore Barry Bridge on U.S. Rt. 322, turn South at 2nd light, sale less than mile from 322). Ralph D. Hughes - Auctioneer 589-6454 Terms- Cash or Good Check. Lunch Available. ' vv I Public Auction Register Closing Date ■ Monday. 5 00 P M of each week's publication SAT MARCH 10 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery and Troy Roto- Tiller Located along Clay Village Rd, just oft Forgedale Rd, V 2 mile North of Boyer’s Junction (Pncetown Rd) or 1% miles south of Dryville, 4 miles south of Kutztown, Rockland Twp , Berks Co Watch for signs Solon A Hess, Owner Frey Auc tioneers SAT MARCH 10 - 11 AM Public Auction of 5 Farms Located within 1 mile PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, FEB. 21,1984 at 10:00 A.M. On Premises located 3 miles north of Churchtown 3 miles northwest of Morgantown, off Rt. 23, at West end of Churchtown, on Terre Hill Rd. for Vz mile then on Hammertown RD. 3 miles, next to Zerbe Sisters' Nursing Home. Watch for Sale signs. Lancaster County, Penna. 17 FARM TRACTORS John Deere 2940 D 4 wheel drive 218 hr’s; John Deere 4020 D J.D. 4000 D w/rollguard; J.D. 3020 D w/side console 2600 hr’s J.D. 420 crawler w/loader; J.D. H. Plow & cul.; J.D. MT. on steel parts; Oliver 1560 G wide front 01. 550 gas; I.H. 350; I.H. Super M Power Steering Farmall 504 D on steel; Farmall cub w/cul. 2- 8N Fords 3400 gas Ford - loader boom & bucket 1-Ford Ferguson; N.H. L 35 Skid-loader Case 1537; Case 1737 needs work. FARM IMPLEMENTS 1981 N.H. TRBS D. four wheel drive w/cab air 16 ft. grain platform nice; 203 I.H. w/12 ft. grain head; 1976 C 65 Chevy trucks 24 ft. grove bed nice. Hay Equip. - J.D. #336 baler w/thrower; N.H. #273 w/thrower; N.H. #268 w/thrower; J.D. #24T; J.D. #I4T 2-N.H. #256 rake; N.I. 3pt. rake; A.C. #390 haybine; #455 N.H. trailer type mower; J.D. 1290 Haybine; I.H. 990 7 ft. haybine; 1 Highway mower; N.H. 404 crusher; N.H. #S3A thrower; J.D. #494A com planter; I.H. #56 four row; I.H. #290-2 row planter trailer type; J.D. #1240 plateless. N.I. #323 one row picker; J.D. #4OO-grinder mixer; J.D. FBB grain drill 17 double disk; J.D. #4OO rotorhoe; 2 J.D. #BOO sec. four row 3 pt. cul.; J.D. RG2-3 pt. cul.; J.D. #45 plow 2 bottom w/NU.B; Oliver Transport Disc; J.D. 28 disc KBA transport; J.D. 16 Disc KBA; 2- J.D. 3 section harrows; J.D. 8 ft. and 10 ft. culmulcher 12 ft. Dunham culmulcher; 21 ft. bnllion packer w/side wings; 12 ft. brillion packer; New Pequea spreader; N.I. 218 spreader-tarn wheels; J.D. field sprayer w/hydro. pump. A.C. 6 ton wagon gear; Her shey 2 row transplanter; 2 front mount cord wood Saw’s; 2-steel wheels 34” C 16”Wx60” high tires & wheels; New loader; J.D. loader frame; J.D. loader bucket; J.D. loader stand’s; New J.D. silage wagon roofs; 2 wheel cart VF4 Wise, motor w/starter V 4 motor; Wise, parts and reduction gear clutch; Mag. parts; J.D. spreader parts; N.I. spreader parts; N.I. corn picker parts; Web’s chain rolls; 12ftx30ft. trailer w/two axles; Handy man Jack’s New open end wrenches; Socket Sets dropcord’s Heavy duty ext. cords 50ft.; plow shares moldboard lot of J.D. parts; nuts and bolts; endless belt; J.D. Guard’s other & J.D. mower parts; I.H. grain binder canvas; New other binder parts other items not men tioned. Many items like new. Inventory of George M. Weaver will be sold due to his death. Out of State Buyer’s must have current bants letter of credit with guaranteed amount or cashier check’s. Must be there by 10:30 A.M. to get tickets for door prize drawing. Ist Prize - New chain saw & some tools. Must be 18 years or older to get a ticket. Not Responsible For Accidents TERMS BY EDWIN HURST and IVAN HOOVER Auctioneers Alvin Horning Paul Snyder ,11 Yitij’dsV.YßbiutsZ .unitmtl - BFO Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 11,1984-039 radius of the Village of Malta, 2 miles south of Dalmatia, 6 miles north of Millersburg, 18 miles south of Sunbury, 35 miles north of Harrisburg Turn off Rt 147 onto Mahantongo Creek Rd Watch for auction sign S Paul Mazza & Associates, Attorneys George & Mike Deibert, Auctioneers SAT MARCH 10 9 30 AM Public Auction of Farm Real Estate, Farm Equip ment & Antique Household Furniture Lunch Available Located in Blair Co, 5 miles east of Hollidaysburg, PA off Rt 22 beside Canoe Creek State Park Emerson C Cnssman Estate Ron Gilhgan, Auctioneer SAT MARCH 10 -9 30 AM Public Auction of Real Estate, Livestock & Farm Equipment Located 2 miles east of Rt 222 from New Providence, 3 miles west of Rt 896, 4 miles south of Strasburg, May Post Office Rd , south of Strasburg, west on White Oak Rd to sale, Eden Twp , Lancaster Co , PA Christ F & Nancy K Stoltzfus, Owners Diffen bach’s Auctioneers TUES MARCH 13 - 9 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery, Farmall Trac tors, 20 Head of Heifers and Antiques Located 2 mi east of Intercourse on 340 John L Zook, Owner Steve Petersheim, Auc tioneer TUBS MARCH 13 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment & Household Goods Located between Myerstown & Prescott, Lebanon Co Henry & Hilta Eberly, Owner Hor nmg Farm Agency, Inc , Auctioneers TUES MARCH 13 - 7 PM Public Sale of Feeder Cat tie and Feeder Rigs at the Carlisle Livestock Market exit 12 off I 81, 717-249-4511 TUES MARCH 13 - 530 PM Farmersville Auction in Farmersville, 3 mi East of Brownstown, Lancaster County, Pa John J Rutt, Auctioneers WED MARCH 14 930 AM Public Auction of a Consignment of Farm Equipment Located 3 miles west of Loysville, Perry Co, PA Take Rt 274 to the Village of Center Turn at Bishops Store in Village of Center C H Wolgemuth, Auc tioneer FRI MARCH 15 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc , Maryland Farm, Woodsboro, MD, Vi mile North West of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co THURS MARCH 15 10 AM Public Auction of Tfac tors, Farm Equipment, Trucks, and Clipper Seed Cleaner Located approx VA mile from Littlestown, PA , on Route 194 (Road from Littlestown, PA to Hanover, PA) turn onto Mehrmg Road and go short distance to sale site Mr and Mrs Wesley Am brose Owners Dennis J Plunkert, Auctioneer THURS MAR 15 An nual Spring Sale of Farm Equipment by Stoltzfus Farm Service Cochran ville, Pa FRI MARCH 16 Public Auction of Full Line of Farm Machinery Located at RD 1,81 am, Perry Co , PA James Koser, Owner Klmg's Auction Service FRI MARCH 16 SPM Public Auction of 65 Trac tors and Trucks, Material, Small Items and Tools, Etc Located at the Kemp ton Community Center FRI MARCH 16 - 6 30 PM Public Auction of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs Located at Keister’s Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc , Rt 555, 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selinsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers FRI MARCH 16 - Public Auction of Farm Equip ment, Antiques and Household Goods Located along Red Run Rd , 2 mi northwest of Terre Hill, near the Red Run Campground Lloyd H Martin, Owner Nevm Martin, Paul Horst and Lowell Horst, Auc tioneers FRI MARCH 16 Public Auction of Dairy Cows, Mules, Farm Machinery, and Household Goods Located at 361 Mount Sidney Rd, Lancaster, Witmer, PA David B and Naomik Smucker, Owner Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers
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