Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 11, 1984, Image 163
DPIA elects officers NEWARK, Del. The Delaware Poultry Improvement Association held its annual business meeting in Dover recently. The following officers were elected; Carl E. Niblett (Georgetown), president; Kenneth Steele (Bear), Vaughn Callahan (Harrington) and Guy E. Phillips (Georgetown), vice presidents; J. Edward Mcllvaine (Georgetown), treasurer; and George W. Chaloupka (Bridge ville), secretary. Nine directors were also elected, three from each county: New Castle County Carlton Hughes (Wilmington), David Baker (Middletown) and William Greer, Jr. (Delaware City); Kent County Curtis Marker (Dover), Marvin Mesibov (Houston) and L.B. Bloom (Hartly); Sussex County Willis Kirk (Laurel), L. Edward Jestice, Jr. (Laurel) and Ronald Conaway (Laurel). 408 ACRES REAL ESTATE The following real estate from 2 neighbors will location and time of auctions given with each be sold at Public Auction at each farm site with below listed farm. Auction Date 212 ACRES LOCATED 4 MILES EAST ON ROUTE 146 AT 157 EXIT, ANNA. ILL TO MT. PLEASANT CHURCH. ROAD MARKER 27.30, THENCE V 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; and part of the Soutwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; and part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; and part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; all in Section 26, in Township 12 South, Range One East of the Third Prin cipal Meridian; also a strip of land 48 rods of equal width off of the north side of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; and 2.48 acres, more or less, adjoining out of the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter. Al of the aforesaid being in Section 26, Township 12 South, Range One East of the Third Prin cipal Meridian, and situated in Union Coun ty, IHinois, and containing 112 acres, more or less, and the North Half of the Northwest Fourth of the Southwest Quarter of Section 196 ACRES Located SVa miles east on Route 146 at I-57 Ex it, Anna, 111., Thence 1 Mile South or ll'/z miles LEGAL DESCRIPTION; The premises as described in the caption thereof, as shown at Item No. 1 hereof. Fifty-six (56) acres off of the West side of the North Half (N'/?| of the North West Quarter (NW%) of Section Three (31, Township Thirteen (13) South, Range One (1) East of the Third Prin cipal Meridian, situated in the County of Union, also the North Half (N%) of the South West Quarter (SW%), and the South West Quarter (SW'/«) of the South West Quarter ISW'/.), and the West Half (W%) of the South East Quarter (SE%) of the South West Quarter (SW%), all in Section Thirty-Four 134), Township Twelve (12) South, Range One (1) East of the Third Principal Meridian, containing 140 acres or a total of 196 acres AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Farm land in this area selling at a much less figure than many areas. This land all ideal for livestock-grain operation. Good investment opportunity here. Be sure to check these tracts out. Absolutely no reasonable offers refused. Your atten dance appreciated at all our auctions. For informa tion Phone Sellers or Auction Company. A date was also set for the an nual banquet, which will take place March 21 at the Felton Fire Hall. Goals of the association, established in 1939, include: Encouraging youth to par ticipate in poultry-related educational activities. Conducting guidance activities which will encourage young people to choose vocations in the poultry industry. Promoting the use of poultry meat and eggs. The Delaware Junior Broiler Program is a prime example of a youth activity sponsored and supported by DPIA. However, because of the current avian in fluenza threat, for the first time in 35 years the association has decided not to sponsor this event. Instead, it will suppport other youth activities such as egg FARM NO. 1 Twenty Six (26), in Township Twelve (12) South of the base line in Range One (1) East of the Third Principal Meridian, containing 20 acres, more or less; and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, and the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, aH in Township 12 South, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Union County, IKnois; al containing 212 acres more or less. TRACT I; Consists of a new 6 room frame home on 2 acres, now being under new construction. Home has fufl basement partiaNy finished, attached garage, also kit chen cabinets & bath fixtures alt being in stalled, nice kitchen with 2 bedrooms, liv ing room & partially carpeted. Home to be FARM NO. 2 more or less, situated in the County of Union. State of INinois. TRACT IV: Consists of 80 acres more or less all lying North side of dirt road just North of buidincs. There are 111 tillable acres al being productive for area. This tract to be sold separate and combined with Tract V for best bid offering. TRACT V; Consists of 116 acres more or less with a large 2 story modem frame home with 4 bedrooms upstairs, 1 bedroom down, large kitchen with abundance of cabinet space, large family room ft living room, 2 baths ft carpeting throughout part of home. Saturday, March 3,1984 TO BE SOLD A T 10:30 AM. 212 ACRES MILE SOUTH OR 10 MILES WEST ON ROUTE 146 OF VIENNA. ILL. TO MT. PLEASANT CHURCH, THENCE % MILE SOUTH. brick veneered on outside with some brick already layed, ideal tract for someone with carpenter knowledge to finish. To be sold separately ft combined with Tracts II and 111 for best bid offering. TRACT II; Consists of 31 acres more or less tying on east side of road. This tract has 25 tillable acres, grain bin with auger and a metal machine shed with concrete pad having been used for feeding area. Good building spot available. Excellent opportuni ty to purchase smaN acreage at auction price. To be sold separately and combined with Tract I and 111 for best bid offering. TRACT III; Consists of 179 acres more or less. There is approx. 124 tdbble acres with balance in timber & waterways. Ideal for livestock-grain farming operation. There TO BE SOLD A T 12:00 NOON 196 ACRES West of Vienna, 111. on Route 146, thence 1 Mile South There is a 116 double 4 Herring Bone NHk ing Parlor with a 48 x 120 ft. shed with 42 free staN concrete loafing area. Also a 22 x 60 ft. Indiana slo with 70 ft. bunk feeder. Several other outbuUings on this tract. This tract is ideally suitable for a dairy setup or livestock-grain farming operation. This tract to be sold separately and combined with Tract IV for best bid offering. Seler is not reserving 01, gas or mineral rights of record. Seller does reserve right to accept or re ject any and aH bids on separate or combin ed tracts although no reasonable offers to be refused as Seller has moved his family & dairy herd to Central Illinois location. Al legal precedence stand corrected at Auction time and al statements made at Auction preparation demonstrations, .. chicken barbecue contests and programs or the annual poultry and egg judging contests. banquet, contact George For further information about Chaloupka at (302) 85M250. FEBRUARY SAT FEB 11 930 AM Public Auction of Horse Drawn Farm Machinery, Horses and Harness Located 1 mi north of Strasburg on Herr Rd David King, Owner Steve Petersheim, Auctioneer SAT FEB 11-9 30 AM Absolute Public Auction of Farm Machinery located along Cedar Mill Road, ap proximately 2 miles South of Ephrata, Pa Take Rt Keith's Complete Auction Serv. Col. Keith Reid-Auctioneer Phone 618-445-2233 Albion, 111. 62806 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 11,1984—D31 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each week s publication is a rental building on edge of property to G.E. Telephone with purchaser to receive all bonus payments. Highway frontage & side road frontage. This tract to be sold separately & combined with Tracts I and II for best bid offering. Selers are not reser ving any of their oil, gas & mineral rights of record. Sellers reserve right to accept or reject any and al bids on separate tracts or combined tracts, but no reasonable of fers will be refused as sellers have moved from area and have other employment. AH legal precedence stand corrected at auction time It all statements made date of auc bon take precedence over printed materials. Possession given on Real Estate at closing time. JOHN HIGH JR., SELLER PHONE 618 732-8570 KEENES, ILL take precedence over primed materials. Possession of farm land at closing time and home resented for month to month oral lease. TERMS: All 5 real estate Tracts: 10% down payment date of Auction with balance due upon completed deed & abstract fur nished up to date by Selers. Taxes for 1963 to be paid by Sellers, with 1984 taxes due and payable in 1985 to be assumed by Purchaser. TOM CLUGSTON SELLER PHONE 618 842 3968 FAIRFIELD, ILL. 62837 322 south of Ephrata to Cabin Road to farm Auc tion for Amos W and Em ma M Zimmerman, Auc tion conducted by J Omar Landis Auction Service, Ephrata, Pa SAT FEB 11 - 10 AM Public Auction of Livestock and Farm Equipment Located 3 mi southeast of Strasburg from Rt 896 Take Ivy Rd to Mt Pleasant Rd Sale Located 1 mi south of Route 896 along Mt Plea sant Rd Paradise Twp Lane Co , Pa Benuel S & Annie Esh, Owners Dif fenbach's Auctioneers SAT FEB 11 - 9.30 AM Public Auction of Cars, Vans & Line Body Trucks Located at the Mid dletown Grange Fairgrounds, Penns Park Rd in Wnghtstown, PA Bell Telephone Co of PA , Owners SAT FEB 11 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment Located 1 mile east of Banger along the road to Richmond In Banger, turn off Rt 191 at the car wash onto Mess mger St Go to Center St, then 1 mile toward Rich mond Northhampton Co, PA Lester P Reimer, Owner Ralph W Zet tlemoyer Auction Co , Inc , Auctioneers SAT FEB 11 10 30 AM Public Auction of valuable farm equipment Located app 5 miles northwest of Manheim, Lancaster Co Mastersonville Fire Co grounds Mastersonville, PA Ronald C Shaffer, owner E M Murry Assoc , Auctioneers SAT FEB 11 10 AM Public Auction of 1000 Acre Vegetable Growers Equipment Tractors, Trucks, Irrigation Equip ment, Etc Located on Sharptown-Auburn Rd Aubern, NJ Musumeci Bros , Owners Wm Bragdon & Jimmy Hill, Auctioneers SAT FEB 11 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery, Bee and But cher Equipment Located 2 miles north of Mid dleburg on Rt 104 Turn onto Salem Church Rd 4/10 mile to sale site Snyder Co , PA John W Hollenbach Owner Mark J Jones & Dale L Longacre, Auctioneers SAT FEB 11 10 AM Public Auction of Horse Drawn Machinery, Livestock, Hay, Straw & Corn Located at the farm of William M Lee, bet ween Meiserville and Mt Pleasant Mills Follow direction signs off Rt 104 at Church of Christ Mr & Mrs William M Lee, Owners Bryan D Imes, Auctioneer SAT FEB 11 12 Noon Public Auction of Farm Equipment Located at Bartron’s Equipment Co , Rt 92, TunkhannocK, PA , Wyoming Co Jerry Burke, Auctioneer SAT FEB 11 - 11 AM Public Auction of Erin wood Farm Machinery, Flarvestores & Equip ment Located 1 mile south of Rt 5 just east of the village of Leßoy on Asbury Rd Ennwood Farm, Owners William Kent, Inc , Auctioneers SAT FEB 11 10 AM Public Auction of Fur niture, Antiques & Household Located at Stoney Creek Barn, Vi mile East of Dauphin on Stoney Creek Rd , 8 miles West of Harrisburg off Rt 22-322 William Bowman, Donald Lederman, Harry Stroup and Others, Owners Kerry Pae, Auc tioneer MON FEB 13 1130 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Terre Hill Silo, Bunker Feeder, Milk Tank, Pipe Line Milker & Lumber Located 1 mile NW of Kempton, turn off Rt 143 onto Hawk Mt Rd , for 2 blocks to Weider Rd , then ‘A mile to farm Berks Co, PA Richard & Cynthia Wieder, Owner Ralph W Zettlemoyer Auction Co, Inc , Auctioneer TUES FEB 14 9AM Public Auction of Holstein Herd Dispersal, Mules, & Farm Machinery Located Rt 272 south of Lan caster, PA, 6 miles, turn east on Ship Rock Rd 'A mile, or 6 miles North of the Buck, East on Ship Rock Rd V: mile to sale Henry F Fisher, Owner Lloyd Kreider, Randal V Kline, Roy E Good, & Gary Shirk, Auctioneers TUES FEB 14 - 530 PM Farmersville Auction in Farmersville, 3 mi East of Brownstown, Lancaster County, Pa John J Rutt,