Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 11, 1984, Image 16

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    Al6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Fabruary 11,1984
Livestock market
Livestock Auction
Westminster, Md.
Tuesday, February 7
Report supplied by auction
bidding! $2.00 higher! High Yield
to 42.00-43.25; Standard & Utility
38.00-41.50; Carmens 34.00-38.00;
Shelly 33.00 down. Slaughter Bulls-
One low good 1485 lb. at 45.00. Fed
Steers- No high Choice offered;
High Choice 1100-1500 lb.
Mainly Holsteins 57.00-61.25;
Standard 50.00-55.00. Fed Heifers-
Couple Choice 1100-1225 lb. 60.25-
64.75; Med. to Good 47.0053.00.
Prices. US 1&2 200240 lb. 48.00
48.50, couple 270280 lb. 48.0048.50,
some 290390 lb. 41.0045.00. Sows
450525 lb. 44.50-46.75; few 240300
lb. 40.0042.00. Boars 470510 lb.
VEAL CALVES: Smaller run,
higher prices. Choice 180-275 lb.
85.00-99.00. Killers 80-100 lb. 48.00-
55.00. Weak & Rough 45.00 down.
FARM: Good demand $5.00
higher! Holstein Heifers- Few 100-
120 lb. to 62.00. Holstein Bulls- Bulk
95-120 lb. 85.00-106.00; some 60.00-
North Jersey
Hackettstown, N. J.
Tuesday, February 7
Report supplied by auction
1305 head.
Calves 13.00-99.00; Cows 28.00-
47.75; Easy Cows 20.00-36.00;
Heifers 26.75-58.00; Bulls 33.00-
54.75; Steers 36.75-59.00: Hoes
35.00- Roasting Pigs, each
12.00- Kids 2.0044.00; Boars
25.00- Sows 33.0041.00; Sheep
13.00- Lambs, each 25.00-
58.00; Lambs, per lb. 59.00-95.00;
Goats, each 15.0065.00; Hides
w?.\ HMtqOi'b
/Lam & Ga*dm Equipment. 9mc.
17 5SWt Mai« St v 1515 East Chocolate Ave.
Ephrata. PA,17522 Hershfey, PA 17033
- Located on 322 Phone (717) 533-4060
Phone (717) 7381131 “none (/l /) 533-4060
Indiana Livestock
Homer City, Pa.
Thun., Feb. 9
Report Supplied by PDA
CATTLE: 195. Compared with
last Thursday’s market: SI. cows
unevenly steady. SI. steers: Choice
60.0065.25; Good 57.0060.50; (few)
Standard 50.0055.00. SI. heifers;
Choice 58.0063.00; Good 51.00
58.00; (few) Standard 45.0050.50.
SI. cows: Breaking Utility &
Commercial 39.0043.00; Cutter &
Boning Utility 36.00-40.00; Canner
& L. Cutter 30.0036.50; Shells down
to 21.00. SI. bulls: (few) Yield
Grade No. 1, 12002000 lbs. 45.00
47.00; (few). Yield Grade No. 2,
10001200 lbs. 43.0045.50.
Medium Frame No. 1, 400600 lbs.
54.50-61.00. Heifers, (few) Medium
Frame No. 1, 320-600 lbs. 43.00
CALVES: 153. Vealers Good &
Choice 8.0010.00 higher, Standard
& Good 5.006.00 lower. Choice
88.00108.00; Good 80.0090.00;
Standard & Good 90120 lbs. 51.00
59.00; 60-85 lbs. 45.0053.00.
FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 90
125 lbs. 60.00101.00.
HOGS: 228. Barrows and gilts
steady. US No. 1-2 200-250 lbs. 50.00-
50.50, No. 1-3 200-260 lbs. 49.00-
50.25; No. 2-3 195-250 lbs. 47.00-
48.50; No. 1-3 110-125 lbs. 36.00-
38.00; 170-190 lbs. 45.0047.75; US
No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. 40.0043.00; No.
2-3 350-550 lbs. 38.0041.00.
Boars 28.00-30.00.
King’s Auction
Tuesday, February 7
Report supplied by auction
45 loads.
Alfalfa 110.00-137.00, few in 90’s;
Alfalfa Mix, 101.00-129.00, 1 load,
94.00; Timothy, 104.00-129.00;
Clover, 100.00-118.00; Straw,
mostly 99.00-104.00; Ear Com, in
the 120’s.
Chambersburg Auction
Chambenburg, Pa.
Thursday, February 9
Report supplied by PDA
CATTLE; 334. Compared with
last Thursday’s market: SI. cows
3.00- higher. SI. steers: few
Good 59.25-62.75; few Standard
50.00- SI. heifers: few Good
52.10-57.85; few Standard 44.50
50.25. SI. cows: Breaking Utility 8c
Commercial 41.00-45.00; Cutter &
Boning Utility 38.5043.50; Canner
8c L. Cutter 35.50-39.00; Shells down
to 30.00. SI. bullocks; one Good at
51.75; few Standard 46.25-50.85. SI.
bulls: few Yield Grade No. 1,1445-
2120 lbs. 48.85-55.35.
FEEDER CATTLE: Steers, few
Medium Frame No. 1, 360-640 lbs.
CALVES: 362; Couple Prime
107.00-113.00; few Choice 88.00
96.00; Good 65.00-80.00; Standard 8c
Good 75-105 lbs. 51.00-61.00; Utility
60-85 lbs. 45.00-52.00.
Belknap Auction
Dayton, Pa.
Wednesday, February 8
Report supplied by PDA
CATTLE 58. Compared with last
Wednesday’s market, Good
slaughter steer one at 60.25, Couple
Standard 52.00 & 53.75, Couple
Utility 44.75 & 46.50. One Choice
Yield Grade 4 slaughter heifers at
52.75, one Standard at 48.00. Few
Breading Utility & Commercial
slaughter cows 40.0040.50, Cutter
& Boning Utility 35.00-39.00,
Canner & Low Cutter 29.00-35.00,
Shells down to 22.00. Choice
slaughter bullocks one, Good
slaughter bullock at 55.00, one
Standard at 44.00. One Yield Grade
HI 1325 lbs. slaughter bull at 45.00.
CALVES 85. Few Choice Vealers
98.00-99.50, few Good 80.0d-90.00,
few Standard 60.00-70.00, Standard
& Good 120-135 lbs. 60.00-70.00, 90-
100 lbs. 50.0056.00, 6545 lbs. 40.00-
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FARM CALVES. Holstein Bulls
90-130 lbs. 80.00-97.50, one 115.00.
Few Beef Cross bulls 8c heifers 70
90 lbs. 54.00-60.00.
HOGS 242. Barrows 8c gilts
steady to 50 cents lovjer. US No. 1-2
220-250 lbs. barrows & gilts 50.50
50.90, lot 51.50, No. 1-3 195-260 lbs.
48.5050.50, lot 47.30, No. 2-3 210-330
lbs, 45.0048.50, lot No. 1-2 196 lbs.
44.75, lot 185 lbs. 40.00. Sows $1 to
$1.50 lower. US No. 1-3 330690
Ibs./sows 41.7548.00. Boars 25.00
Weekly Summary
Fri,, Feb. 10
Report Supplied by PDA
CATTLE: 6898. Compared with
6561 head last week, and 5906 head
a year ago. Compared with last
week’s market:
Slaughter steers .50-2.00 higher;
SI. heifers unevenly steady; SI.
cows steady to 1.50; spots 2.00
higher; SI. bullocks not fully
tested; SI. bulls strong to 3.00
higher. SI. steers: High Choice &
Prime No. 34, 71.00-75.10; Choice
NO. 24, 66.00-72.00; Good 59.50-
66.50; Standard 51.0060.00. SI.
heifers: Choice 60.00-65.50; Good
55.0060.00; Standard 45.0052.75.
SI. cows: Breaking Utility &
Commercial 38.0044.00; Cutter 8c
Boning Utility 36.0041.00; Canner
8c L. Cutter 32.0039.50; Shells down
to 21.00. SI. bullocks: (few) Choice
60.7564.50; Good 52.0056.75; (few)
Standard 46.0052.75. SI. bulls:
Yield Grade No. 1, 10002400 lbs.
48.00-56.75; Yield Grade No. 2,900
1450 lbs. 43.0049.50.
Medium Frame No. 1, 300-700 lbs.
51.00-65.50; Heifers, Medium
Frame No. 1, 300400 lbs. 43.00-
CALVES: 4123. Compared with
3957 head last week and 3756 head a
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Cad ar writ* May far mors raatano why yau ahauM |_F
own a Mart on Bulwna.
□ Band mar* WormaMan an MORTON BUILDINGS
□ Hava your aalaaman phana for an aaaafnfwM
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□ Akplina Hanpara
Phooa No
year ago. Vealers steady to 2.00;
spots to 10.00 higher, (few) Prime
100.00-117.00; Choice 85.00-110.00;
Good 75.00-85.00; 110-130 lbs. 60.00
85.00; 90-110 lbs. 50.0042.00; 65-90
lbs. 41.00-52.00; Utility 50-100 lbs.
FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 90
130 lbs. 59.00113.00, mostly 70.00
110.00; Hoi. Heifers 90145 lbs.
HOGS; 7075. Compared with 6569
head last week and 7949 head a
year ago. Barrows and gilts mostly
1.001.50, spots 2.00 lower. US No. 1-
2 200245 lbs. 49.5052.00, No. 1-3 200
250 lbs. 47.0050.50; No. 2-3 200300
lbs. 45.0048.50; No. 1-3 140190 lbs.
40.00-45.00; Sows mostly 1.002.00
higher. US No. 1-3 300585 lbs. 41.00
49.00; No. 2-3 300675 lbs. 37.00
41.00. Boars 28.0034.00.
FEEDER PIGS 1228. Compared
with 896 head last week and 943 a
year ago. Feeder pigs uneven. US
No. 1-3 2035 lbs. 12.0023.00 per
head; No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 19.0030.00;
No. 1-3 50100 lbs. 30.0045.00.
SALES: 1956. Compared with 1916
head last week, and 2225 head a
year ago. All sales by CWT. Feeder
Pigs steady to 11.00 higher, spots
20.00 higher, 25 to 60 and 60 lbs. &
up 1.005.00 lower. US No. 1-2 25-40
lbs. 95.00124.00, 4050 lbs. 81.00
107.00, 5060 lbs. 78.0086.00, 6075
lbs. 56.0074.00; US No. 2-3 3545 lbs.
SHEEP: 865. Compared with 634
head last week and 423 head a year
ago. Mostly 1.00-3.00 higher. High
Choice & Prime 45-110 lbs. 60.00-
79.00; Choice Bo-120 lbs. 56.0fr«8.00;
Good 70-100 lbs. 45.0frd8.00. SI.
ewes: 16.00-30.00.
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