Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 11, 1984, Image 119
SIL S b UNLOADtRS E LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 HORSESHOE ROAD LANCASTER. PA 17601 MANUFACTURER & BUILDER OF QUALITY WET-CAST CONCRETE STAVE FARM SILOS FEEDING SYSTEMS-BARN EQUIP.-SILO UNLOADERS “LANCASTER” CONVEYORS 'SUPREME” RING DRIVES AND "LANCASTER” BELT FEEDER "VAN DALE" MAGNUM SILO LANCASTER" TAPER BOARD FEEDERS UNLOADER AND ACCESSORIFS “LANCASTER" HAY FEEDERS "AUTOMATIC” ROLLER MILLS "LANCASTER” WATERERS ‘RITCHIE" CATTLE WATERERS “LANCASTER” STEEL GATES "STEINER" ROLL MIXERS “LANCASTER” FIBERGLAS “SHOW-EASE" COW STALLS FEED AND SILAGE CARTS "ZIMMERMAN" AND “LEISS" FANS “LANCASTER" 36" FANS “WEAVERLINE" FEED CARTS s USED & REBUILT EQUIPMENT yrrnrvrrrinnrrrrrrrrrrra )WTrvTrrrrrr»~»'»w»Tnr»~ii3 l4' SILO-MATIC w/ Z Z AC’ORNE HYDRAULIC . • NEW AUGERS & STAINLESS » • RAM PISTON MANURE Z » STEEL 24” BLOWER- « » PUMP COMPLETE BASE « Z COMPLETE “SPECIAL" Z I UNIT ■ $1990 00 Z ° $1990 00 I freßaaaßeaaaggaßßaaeeeeW ajLajIJLAJUUUUJUJIJI-flXa-fIJLa B USED & REBUILT EQUIPMENT Silo-Matic Silo Unloader 16’ New Auger & SS Blower Badger 24’ Silo Unloader with 36" Blower For Parts 1 - Clay Silo Unloader 16', FairCond 1 - Clay 16’ Silo Unloader, Good Cond , Less Motor 1 - Pat? 16-20 Rebuilt Unloadei ( omplete 1 -Starline <*7o -12’ Unloadei - Complete 1 - Starline *7O - 20’ Unloader - Complete 1 - Used *2OO Roller Mill w/Motor 1 - Used Supreme Batch Mixer w/Motor & Scale "SPECIAL” - GEHLBOO RECUTTER BLOWER w/540 & 1000 PRM PTO-EXTRASCREEN -GOOD #6OO Auto Roller Mill electric or PTO Dyna-Vent Bedding Chopper w/3 HP Elect. Motor (Like New) Jamesway 80’Belt Feeder-2 yrs old-Good Cond .. USED SILO SPECIALS 1 -20x70 Lancaster Silo, built in 1075 1 - 14x60 Madison Silo w/New Roof & Chute, delivered in Local Area . SOLD $5900.00 1 - 12x50 Madison Silo w/New Roof & Chute, delivered In Local Area SOLD $4900.00 PARTS & SERVICE FOR - SUPREME, VAN DALE, STARLINE, PATZ, BADGER. SILO-MATIC, FEED EASY CALL US FOR DETAILS ABOUT REPLACING YOUR OLD SILO-MATIC BLOWER WITH A NEW PLEASE CALL 717 299 3721 MARTIN'S SILO REPAIR Moving Concrete Stave Silos Also - New & Used Extensions - Replastering - Fill Pipes - Distributors - Roofs - General Repair Rt. 1 Box 315 Denver, PA 17517 215-484-2517 Unadilla Wooden Silos, Sales and Service. Stationary pipes, chutes and silo roofing. Daniel $. Stoltzfus R D 2 Narvon, PA 17555 717-354-4374 TERRE HILL silo co. me. Terre Hill, PA 17581 PHONE: 215-445-6736 53 Yrs. Sales Serv Top Unloading Bottom Unloading SILOS b UNLOAOERS Sales office WAYNE LLOYD LARRY HIESTAND DAVE BEILER 6 calf hutches complete with bucket, hay racks and fences good condition, 8 x 16 calf shelter excellent condition 717-665-6449 ■■■■■■■■■ aclip & Save" ■■■■■■■■■ \ POLY DOME CALF NURSERY * "The Igloo" «/> •6 a ■ Distributor I Earle M. Zimmerma | 1478 Colebrook Rd | Lebanon, PA 17042 | 1-(717) 272-3558 !■■■■■■■■■ Clip & Saves ■ ■■■■■■■, SILOS b UNLOADERS _ tt . . $2495.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $2190.00 $1990.00 $2190 00 $990 00 $1250.00 S2(HH).OO $1250.00 $995.00 $BOO.OO $lO,OOO 00 PARTS DEPT ■HhIK3SSL_ GRAIN DRYING & STORAGE Prompt Unloading We Buy And Sell Combining and Hauling ERWIN J. MILLER & SON (717) 656-8593 Loc: V 2 Mile North of Bird-In-Hand on Beechdale Rd. DAIRY EQUIPMENT The Poly Dome nursery does not ■ have a drastic temperature - change like an open hutch. ■ The temperature is varied ■ naturally by utilizing the green- I house affect. O By absorbing the sunlight into the bed pack in the day and radiating it back at night, we keep the calf more comfortable which also reduces stress. Dealer inquiries welcomed from certain areas CaM or Write OR BUILDINGS h SUPPLIES For Sale - I2’x24' calf haven, slatted floor with built-in pit. needs work, $4OO 717-627-1724. USA Building agncultura l-commercia I, full factory warranty, all steel-clear span, smallest building 30x40x10, largest 70x135x16. 30, 40, 50, 60 ft. widths in various lengths. Call 24 hours, 1-800-521-0334 extension 540. Must sell cheap immediately, will deliver to building site AIR-DRIED CABINET LUMBER ALL KINDS & QUANTITIES call or write Horace B. Hartshaw Jug Hollow Rd. Phoenixville, Pa. 19460 Phone (215) 933-3661 8 commercial steel windows, most glass good. 40" x 80" for concrete block wall $350.00 D Lownes, 215-696-6833. Chester Co. Locust Post round and split, 7 ft long, Carlisle, Pa 717-243-5153. GRAIN EQUIPMfcNT 51' x 27’ wet tank, Long 51' x 8” transport auger, Long 27’ x 6” auger with transport kit, two 12” fans, 180' of 12" per forated tubing, misc. attachments, augers. Contact Perry County ASCS Office. New Bloomfield, Pa. 17068 Phone 717-582-2525 for bid information Bid deadline 3/12/84 RUBBER MATTING * COMFORT STALLS * FREE STALLS * HORSE STALLS * CATTLE & HORSE TRAILERS * HOG PENS& HOUSES All Sizes Available & Custom Cut Dealer Tim Zimmerman 414 Rowe Road Shippensburg, Pa. (717) 532-4183 GRAIN EQUIPMENT 10,000 bushel Brock gram bin, three years old, used only two seasons Gas dryer, stirrators, unloading auger, ladders, Westfield 7”xsl’ loading auger on wheels. Everything for $15,500. Adams County. 717-359- 5160. jy problems. Hundreds and hundreds of farmers have found it both effecitve and economical. We have developed the right equipment at the right price with the know-how to back it up. Now you can rent this equipment and do it yourself or we will contract to do the job for you. Call us collect for more information. The Following Mueller Equipment In Stock • Tri-Plate B & C Fre-Heaters • Model D Fre-Heaters • Refrigerated Receiver ! • (2) 7V 2 H.P. Dunham Bush Condensing Unit, ! I 3 Phase (Excellent Value) $5OO Each i j • (2) 3”xlo’ Sections Girton Tube Coolers | • (2) 5 H.P. 3 Phase Circulating Pumps .. 1 • 500 Gal. Mojonnier w/Washer I • 800 Gal. D-2 Girton ■o 9* «/> I • 300 Gal. Girton (nomilk) I WEAR'S DAIRY EQUIPMENT RD 2, Box 85 Mifflinburg, PA 17844 PH: (717) 966-1396 Quality Equipment - Quality Service i t)*Pf ff - '■FHI ’t*r? f I Cl 'I Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 11,1984-C39 GRAIN 1 OUIPMt NT Used mixers- 2 sprout I Waldron mixers (I 1 /? ton I and 2 ton) $650 each; Also | one used 60HP sprout i Waldron hammermill with motor and motorstarter $BOO, 717-637-2214. USED TANKS & EQUIPMENT Give Us A Cell Or Stop By For Sale ■ California pellet mill, Roughmger model, capacity 9 ton per hour, good condition, 717-865- 6611. . $2OO Each | . $2OO Each | 51,500 j 52,500 i $lOO