Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 11, 1984, Image 115
jg»i JOHN DEERE DESIGN, DEPENDABILITY AND DEALERS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE gjjj ™* CHECK THESE SPECIALS - CALL RIGHT AFTER 7 A.M. FOR INFORMATION & PRICE ®* JOHN DEERE 2510 TRACTOR I -• K* ■■ JOHN DEERE 1530 TRACTOR Dsl, sngl hyd. outlet w/SAUDER loader was *lo*ooo Reduced to *9,250 t - DEUTZ 6807 A TRACTOR ” » Dsl. 1981, Cab. MFWD, Radio was *16,900 jV** Reduced to *15,900 JOHN DEERE 1209 MOWER CONDITIONER ~iir~ jig JOHN DEERE 4430 TRACTOR w/Cab, Air/Htr., Power-Shift, 20.8-38 Rear Tires Priced at $ 21,900 JOHN DEERE 3010 TRACTOR Diesel, Row Crop, Good Rubber Priced at $ 5,000 " JOHN DEERE " BOTTOM-LINE SPECIALS Choose a quality used tractor— any make—get our bottom-line deal plus waiver of finance charge to July 1,1984 Now s the best time to prepare for next season with a quality us ed tractor You can upgrade your I—> power dependability features ■ f f and comfort We re ready to offer you our best bottom line deal on any make of used tractor over 40 pB^BMRKk hp And if you finance with John Deere finance charge will be IfJ waived to July 1 1984 W For 1983 investment tax credit ~ and depreciation deduction you _ can buy during November or VBHP December and still qualify Come in and choose the low jL hour late model used John Deere or other tractor that wilt make your operation more cost efficient * Availability of John Deere financing and leasing plans subiect to approval of credit OUR SELECTION OF USED TRACTORS JD 4640 Osl. Quad. S.G. Body A/H w/Radio, Dual Outlets- Quik Coupler JO 4440 Dsl, Quad. S.G. Body A/H w/JD 260 H.D. Hyd.. Ldr. JO 2940 Dsl. TSS Hi- Lo Trans. JO 2640 w/Roll Guard and Enclosure JO 4430 Dsl, P/S, SG Body A/H JD 1530 Dsl, w/Sauder Loader ♦ t Dsl, sngl hyd. outlet good condition priced at *5,695 Excellent Was *3,250 Reduced to *2,850 JD 4010 Dsl ROM.-16.9-34 Rear Tires JO 3010 Dsl, Row Crop JD 2510 Dsl JD 400 Industrial Trac- tor/Loader MF 1085 Dsl , MF 65 Dsl, Row crop MF 135 Gas, PIS, 3-pt, Hi-Lo Ford 600 DEUTZ 6807 A Osl. Cab, MF WD. AM-FM, tape CASE 430 Gas w/Hyd. Loader tfc SjS'.s£tfs tf&fc tfc ■&tfc ss*s£s 4% $ 4?4* 4% 4&4*tft $£ 4* Jfc. s£.sZ 4&2fi 4* 4* 4& 4&4&4&4 JOHN DEERE 230 DISK HARROW Wing Fold. 60 blades, xli ll 21'4” Cut, w/Cush Gang. LMV Was** 11*950 Reduced to *lO,OOO JOHN DEERE 4640 TRACTOR w/SGB Air/Htr., Dual Outlets Quik-Coupler, AM-FM Radio 24.5-32 10 P Rear Tires Priced at *36,900 JOHN DEERE 2940 TRACTOR 18.4-34 Rear Tires Priced at *16,900 WITH: JDI4B Hydraulic Loader Independent Valve, 84” Bucket Priced at *2,650 JOHN DEERE 2640 TRACTOR w/Roll Gard - Weather Enclosure Priced at $15,500 JOHN DEERE 4010 DSL TRACTOR 16.9-34 Tires, Roll O Matic Priced at $6,950 JOHN DEERE 400 INDUSTRIAL Loader Tractor Priced at *7,500 JD 1240 4-38” r, Dry Fert, Insect., Monitor Reduced to *1,750 JD 1240 4-row, Dry Fert., Insect., Steel Whl Reduced to *1,200 IHC 56 4-row, Dry Fert., Insect Reduced to *B5O IH C 56 4-row, Liquid Fert., Insect. As is *350 USED PLOWS JD 350 5B16" Semi-mtd., Power Reset, Ga Whl., Cush Disk Cltr Reduced to *2,095 JD F 125 4BI6” 3-pt. w/trashbds Priced at *650 JD 810 A 3B14" 3-pt Priced at *295 USED MANURE SPREADERS NI2IB Tandem 8 ton w/Hyd End reduced to N 1224 Tandem 10 ton w/Hyd End reduced to NI 214 w/216 Flail, Mech End reduced to NI 213 w/217 Sngl Btr, w/Hyd End reduced to NI 213 w/217 Sngl Btr reduced to IHC 275 Tandem, Hyd. End priced at Several NI 206 Ground Driven priced to sell Nl 206 SPREADERS NEW IDEA 95 BU. GROUND DRIVEN SPREADERS * us *& cosT! Jjff* 206 New Idea Spreader Available With or Without Steel Wheels With or Without Endgate Att. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 11,1984 -C3S USED CORN PLANTERS NEW ID TILLAGE TOOLS —IN STOCK- Disk Harrows 115 -10 0’ - Save $332.30 215 -11’5”- Save $533.90 215 - 12’10" w/cush gangs - Save $572.90 315 -1210”- Save $800.90 235 - 18’6” dura cush center fold - Save $1444.10 1010 field cult 25*/z’ flex, horiz fold - Save $885.30 1610 chisel plow 10' 3-pt. ht. - Save $176.60 WINTER REPAIR SPECIAL FREE ENGINE OIL CHANGE WITH TRACTOR REPAIR WORK *lOO MINIMUM On all John Deere Service Work On Farm Tractors and Farm Machinery - No Minimum-Thru March 1,1984 DISCOUNT APPLIES TO ALL SER VICE WORK DONE IN OUR SHOP INCLUDING HAUL ING, LABOR, AND JOHN DEERE PARTS USED PER FORMING THE JOB. ☆ FIELD SERVICE EXCLUDED ☆ Make all your farm machinery repairs now to avoid wasting valuable time and money in the busy Spring. Our mechanics are ex soon! - (717) 291-1046 By Appointment Only Sorry we cannot offer discounts on credit sales Repair Financing Available Thru JDFP Credit Approval Required JOHN DEERE " BOTTOMLINE SPECIALS Get asor 10 percent discount on these new tillage tools AND pay no finance charge until $3OOO $3295 $1395 $1395 $1195 .$995 Here s why u makes good dollar-savmg sense to buy now Depending on the tillage tool you choose (see chart below) our dealership wilt give you our best deal and then deduct another 5 or lo percent from the latest suggested retail base price Fo> example, this extra discount on an 18 Vi foot 235 Disk saves you more than $1 100 Finance with John Deere and finance charges will be waived to March 1 1984 Or lease and your lease payments wit) be discounted comparable in value to the waiver of finance charge * And remember if you buy during November or December you 11 qualify tor the 1983 investment lax credit and depreciation Machine Moldboard Plows Chisel Plows Field Cultivators Disks Mulch Tillers Mulch Finisher Availability ol John Oaata financing ano lasting plant twbjaci to approval o* crad i laatat not aiigibia 'or cash rabataa or for cath n i<au o' waiver Tn t offer may ba reduced m vaiua or withdrawn at any tima 10% OFF March 1, 1984 Discount from Suggested Ratail Price 5 percent 10 percent 10 percent 10 percent 10 percent 10 percent