CM—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 11,1984 S^PMJCO NEW IDEA 1 SPECIAL White 5100 4 4 6 Row Planters Also New Idea 900 Series 4 4 6 Row Planters USED EQUIPMENT Oliver 1850 Tractor Farmall 966 Tractor, Cab, Air, Duals Farmall 400 T ractor Ford 9600 White 5100 4R Planter (Excellent) IH 564 R Planter White 271 20x8” Disk Harrow, like new White 264 12' 2 disc harrow (new) Amco Terrace Disk MM 4B Semi Mtd Plow White 508 4xlB SAR Plow Ford #lOl 3 x 14 Plow (Excell) Noble 25’ Field Cultivator Hesston 1014 Wmdrower MM 3496 Combine, Cab, 2R Head, 12’ Gram Head White 8600 Combine, dsl . hydro, ait Nl 709 Uni 4WD w/83$ husk unit Woods 7’ Rotary Cutter JD 24T Baler w/thrower Case 220 Baler w/thrower 1068 Haybuster no-till drill (demo) Fox 728 2R Corn Head Better Bill 1100 Gal Liquid Spreader STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE RD Box 46 Klingerstown, PA 717-648-2088 WENGERS INC. JEJ 251 SOUTH RACE STREET, MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 or PHONE: 717-866-2135 71 71 27 , 3 .~gggj CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT _ NEW 1984 TRAILERS ON SPECIAL • 2 Axle, 4 Ton $1450 BACKHOES Ford 4500 ..*10,500 FordSN $3500 Long sin 1... *16,500 (2) IH 3444 .... *7500 1H3820 $16,500 F0rd5500...*12,500 Ford 4500 .... *7500 IH 260 A *14,500 Ford 4500 .... *9500 IH 3414 *6500 Case 5808 .. $12,500 JD 500 *7500 Wfj* *% rBALDWIN i MOTOR DIVISION, i I INC. f | REPAIR & REWIND-ALL BRANDS I | AC & DC MOTORS f Call 717-354-5566 Call 717-354-4651 BALDOR ELECTRIC MOTORS Warehouse and Factory Service x Vt hp. thru 10 hp. 1 ph. z I Vz hp. thru 100 hp 3 ph. I f FARM DUTY MOTORS IN STOCK * LP 0 Box 232 Honey Brook ■ PA 19344 Engine Specialists Since 1915 WHITE ENGINES Makars Of HERCULES Engine t | The Diesel For: Cl I • SHOPS * *•>* • GENERATOR SETS * • REPOWER, ETC. Direct Injection Mikes If Etsy Sterling DIESELS OUR SPECI ALt7 Let Us Know Your ServiCfe Problems 24 Hour Service - Check Our Prices HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE PH-717-656-6133 PH: 717-786-2173 2998 West Newport Rd RD3, Bo* 91A Ronks, Pa. 17572 Quarryvtlle, Pa 17566 2Vi mile East of Leola - 2 miles west of Along 772 Georgetown on Furnace Road DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED PACKAGE PRICE $8950 FINANCING AVAILABLE WITH 20% DOWN ■UPTO 7 YEARS BACKHOE ATTACHMENTS Ford *1750* up JD.. . .*3soo*up Case *2500 & up AC *2500 3 pt. Hoe Attach *22so* up IH Hoe Attach *2500 & up CRAWLER LOADERS JD 450-As Is. *5750 Cat9slß. . *21.500 JD3508 w/Back hoe. $16,500 Cat 977 L. *68,500 JD 350 w/4 ml 58950 Case 350 .... $8950 Cat 9418... . $26,500 Case 450 w/Hoe 519,500 1973 Chevy Titan 318, 13 Speed w/Wetline ’6950 Steel 20 ft. Dump Trailer ’3500 YOUR « SUTLER > DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main St., Honey Brook, Pa. 215-27? 3131 I DOZERS JD43O *5OOO Cat DBH . . *24,500 -JD4SO 6 Way $12,500 Cat D4C ...$12,500 AC HD4 .. *B5OO JO 2010 *6850 OFFROAD ROCK DUMPS (4) Mack 25 Ton Rock Trucks From *38,500 (3) Mack 20 Ton Rock Trucks *85,000 TRACTORS WITH LOADERS Ford 600 $3250 FordSN .. . .$2450 JD4OO $7500 IH 2400 $7500 IH 2400.... Coming in AC 1600-As Is- . $3500 AC DIS-As Is .. $2950 Case 530-As Is- $2950 TRACTOR CABS IH 06 Cab $775 JD 4620 Cab $1250 (4) Used for JO 4020 s3so to $l5OO Used for Ford 6000. $775 New for Ford 5000-7000 $lBOO Ford 8000-9000 Cab $1750 (5) New tor MF-275t0 1155 $2OOO (10) Used Rollbars Call New Cooler for Cab $5OO (2) Used for IH 66 . $950 & 1500 Used For JD 4230 $1250 MF 1130 Cab $l5OO Case-930-1030. $775 New Butler 1830 Trailer Mixer New Butler 115 Stationary Mixer 1830 Butler '% Ensilmixer Mil «*• iSSSSSt T P | % s -■ f • Butler Liqui - Stor system with side mount pump DEPENDABLE IS MORE THAN OUR NAME MISC. CONSTRUCTION (40) Used hoe buckets... From *lOO (25) Loader buckets... From *lOO (30) Set forklift forks From *3OO (6) Winches Call Wayne 984 Diesel Street Sweeper *8950 FORKLIFTS Int. 7000-21’ Int. 45008 21' IH 544.. . RUBBER TIRED LOADERS 0MC770. ...$17,500 Ford A 62 1978 Nice Cab $27,500 Hough 50 $B5OO AC 6058 . . . .$28,500 SKID STEER LOADERS OMC 1700 Diesel.. . 1H4150 Diesel... Melroe 720 Melroe6ll $6500 $9500 $B5OO $6500 ELEVATORS & AUGERS LG Corn Drags Cardinal 56' 8" Auger NH 36' Case Mayrath Livestock DEALER Systems utALtK IN STOCK Rental Butler Trail Pump - 28 ft Used TRAILERS 1984 3X 18 Ton $6BOO 1984 2X4 Ton 51450 &$l6OO 1978 2X6 Ton $2650 1983 3X9 Ton $4400 1983 IX 2 Ton $ll5O 1984 2X 12 Ton $5BOO 1983 2x6 Ton $3600 1977 10 Ton sth Wheel . . Used 6 Ton Used 9 Ton Used 25 Ton Freuhaul 40' Flat . *10,500 (2) 1979 Stnck 40’ Flats $12,500 .. *5750 20' Steel Dump Trailer $3500 1977 Phelan 40 Ton Low Boy LOG SKIDDERS JDS4OA $8,500 JDS4OA $9,500 CORNSHELLERS JD433pt. t pull type MM 1200 JD6 Nl For pull t mtd. CULTIVATORS Ford 2 x - 4* JD2x-4x- lx IH2x-4x- lx Case 4x FLAIL CHOPPERS JD 16A-ISA CULTIMULCHERS Gehl72 11' to 15' CuttipacKers NH 36 -9'to 16’ MC 273-3737 SPECIAL Winco 55 KW P.T.O. Generator Single Phase-Continuous Du ty 1000 RPM-110V & 220 V, Heavy Duty Trailer, Welder Recep ticale, Used 20 Hours- Like New -$2950 $3950 $2250 $2750 $3500 CLEAN N.I. UNI SYSTEMS $2500 (Mix & Match Attachments) • Tractors -706 D w/Cab, 705 D w/Cab-801D w/4WD 702 w/Cab (Late) • Husking Beds - 726,721 • Harvesters- 767, 760 • Shelter-729A • Pickup Heads 761 • Grain Heads - 716, 713. 711 $7OOO $12,500 • 4 Row Cornheads - 844 N, 738,731 • 3 Row Cornheads 743 N, 735,725, 763, 724 • 2 Row Cornheads - 723. 762 • High Moisture Throat For 760 • Combines - 710 727, 766,