BlO—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 28,1984 CO S Teacher Billy, what kind of / do people in Alaska raise? \ 1 / Billy Eski-moo cows? \ Oj I Smart When are Irish potatoes not really \ f from Ireland? I Smarter- When they're french fries. I \ Dumb Where are you most likely to find / \ chili beans? / Dumber At the North Pole? New Holland Beef Club The New Holland 4-H Beef Club held its first meeting of 1984 at Terre Hill Silo Company with 17 members present. Election of officers was the agenda for the evening. Officers are as follows: President, Emily Weaver, Ephrata; Vice-President, Fred Weaver, Ephrata; Secretary, Krista Yost, Leola; Treasurer, Jodie Weaver, New Holland; Song Leader, Kim Martin, East Earl; Song Leader, Andrea Yost, Leola: '®s» I . PEACH 2. REP 3. iBUOW A. IT PURPLE 5 . BROWN NEW HAMPSHIRE IS LO CATED IN THE NORTHEAST BECAME THE 9Hi.STATE IN IT&&- NEW HAMPSHIRE WAS THE FIRST OF the & COLONIES TO ADOPT !TE OWN CONSTITUTION, AND THE FIRST TAN SUP PORTED FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY WAS ESTAB LISHED /N PETERBOR OUGH /N ms. Social Chairman, Troy Leid, Denver; Game Leader, Chad Brubaker, Ephrata; News Reporter, Kristin Chupp, New Holland. The Club Leaders also gave their reports. The next meeting will feature Mike Phautz from Denver who spent three months in Japan. It will be held on Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Terre Hill Silo Company. ORANGE GREEN IT BROWN PURPLE LT. GREEN 6 • 7. 8. 9. 10. state biro p THERE ARE TEN THINGS IN THIS PICTURE THAT BEGIN \N/7H THE LETTER "S ". CAN VOU FIND THE/T) ? &OOQ lUG/C *// •Nnsfo/