Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 21, 1984, Image 79

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    SALISBURY, Md. Getting program for the upcoming 1984 Wicomico Youth and Civic Center
maximum return on production Delmarva Com and Soybean in Salisbury, Md., will hit this topic
dollars is a major concern of Technology Conference, Feb. 9 hard. Most of the morning session
today’s grain farmers. And the from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. at the will be devoted to a discussion of
How many ‘friends” Can you identify??
Foreign Aid Given by the United States
for the years 1946 to 1980
Country: Iran 2,170,628,000 Switzerland 0
Afghanistan $542,331,000 Iraq 95,584,000 Syria 586,015,000
Albania 20,400,000 Ireland 146,524,000 Taiwan 6,567,227,000
Algeria 203,282,000 Israel.... 18,490,073,000 Tanzania.... 271,446,000
Andorra 0 Italy 5,884,190,000 Thailand .. 2,407,318,000
Angola 8,898,000 Ivory Coast .. 46,863,000 Togo 50,152,000
Antigua 0 Jamaica —192,501,000 Tonga 0
Argentina... 462,826,000 Japan 3,950,707,000 Trinidad and
Australia ... 123,586,000 Jordan 2,417,897,000 Tobago ... 40,864,000
Austria 1,256,769,000 Kenya 394,459,000 Tunisia 1,071,312,000
Bahamas 301,000 Kiribati 0 Turkey 8,361,345,000
Bahrain 2,408,000 Korea (North) 0 Tuvalu 0
Bangladesh 1,503,924,000 Korea Uganda 53,474,000
Barbados 3,324,000 (South) 13,625,466,000 United Arab
Belgium... 1,867,491,000 Kuwait 0 Emirates 0
Belize 10,246,000 Laos 2,509,312,000 United Kingdom
Benin 48,516,000 Lebanon .... 299,756,000 8,779,506,000
Bermuda 0 Lesotho 78,824,000 Upper Volta . 139,045,000
Bhutan 816,000 Liberia 329,935,000 Uruguay 248,659,000
Boliva 888,077,000 Libya 230,115,000 U.S.S.R 186,400,000
Botswana ... 119,040,000 Liechtenstein 0 Vanuatu 0
Brazil 3,066,430,000 Luxembourg 0 Venezuela... 353,568,000
Brunei 0 Macao 0 Vietnam. .23,361,456,000
Bulgaria 0 Madagascar.. 21,185,000 Wallis and Futuna 0
Burma 197,000,000 Malawi 64,260,000 Western Sahara 0
Burundi 24,742,000 Malaysia... 237,366,000 Western Samoa 9,841,000
Cambodia Maldives 0 Yemen
Cameroon 39,713,000
Canada 30,500,000
Cape Verde .. 37,326,000
Central African
Republic.. 15,829,000
Chad 65,249,000
Chile 1,388,662,000
China 455,000
Colombia.. 1,603,319,000
Comoros 269,000
Congo 10,427,000
Cook Islands 0
Costa Rica .. 271,994,000
Cuba 20,130,000
Cyprus 149,259,000
Denmark ... 921,970,000
Djibouti 4,716,000
Dominican Republic
.. 430,714,000
El Salvador .284,571,000
Equatorial Guinea 0
Ethiopia .... 667,704,000
Falkland Islands 0
Faroe Islands 0
Fiji 0
Finland 57,088,000
France.... 8,466,639,000
French Antilles
and Guiana 0
French Polynesia 0
Gabon 18,414,000
The Gambia.. 22,625,000
German Democratic
Republic 800,000
Germany, Fed.
Rep. of . 4,980,422,000
Ghana 391,312,000
Gibraltar 0
Greece 5,542,454,000
Greenland 0
Grenada 0
Guadelope 0
Guatemala.. 492,562,000
Guinea 162,001,000
Bissau .. 14,958,000 Solomon Islands 0
Guyana 126,806,000 Somalia 219,292,000
Haiti 279,167,000 South Africa... 1,300,000
Honduras ... 356,690,000 Spain 2,537,406,000
Hong Kong ... 43,800,000 Sn Lanka . . 508,887,000
Hungary 32,700,000 Sudan 296,238,000
Iceland 82,184,000 Surinam 5,831,000
India.. ..10,268,489,000 5wazi1and....43,641,000
Indonesia.. 3,188,872,000 Sweden 109,037,000
Write Senators John Heinz & Arlen Specter, Senate Office Bldg
Washington DC 20510. Why are you sending our tax dollars to
America's Enemies??
For more information, send self addressed stamped envelope to
Andrew J. Watson 7051 Linglestown Road Harrisburg, PA
Mall 148,938,000
Malta 84,409,000
Martinique 0
Mauritania... 61,283,000
Mauritius 23,532,000
Mexico 341,867,000
Monaco 0
Mongolia 0
Morocco... 1,322,612,000
Mozambique .62,038,000
Netherlands Antilles.. 0
New Caledonia 0
New Zealand.. 3,592,000
Nicaragua .. 370,060,000
Niger 119,642,000
Nigeria 408,414,000
Norway ... 1,245,549,000
Oman 32,841,000
Pakistan .. 5,684,567,000
Panama 439,547,000
Papua New
Guinea 322,000
Paraguay... 211,767,000
Peru 903,809,000
Philippines 3,131,494,000
Poland 539,300,000
Portugal .. 1,326,246,000
Qatar 0
Reunion 0
Romania 22,435,000
Rwanda 29,772,000
Islands... 413,725,000
St. Chnstopher-
Nevis-Anguilla 0
St. Lucia 0
St. Vincent& the
Geradmes 0
San Marino 0
Sao Tome and
Principe 566,000
Saudi Arabia 324,036,000
Senegal 163,180,000
Seychelles .... 3,151,000
Sierra Leone .82,978,000
Singapore 21,962,000
Sprayer techniques to be discussed
(North) .. 125,000,000
Yemen (South) 4,500,000
Yugoslavia 2,831,962,000
Zaire 784,558,000
Zambia 182,527,000
Zimbabwe ... 29,905,000
Central Treaty
Near East&South
Regional. 566,043,000
West Indes-Canbbean
Reg 182,143,000
ROCAP (Reg. Office
Central America &
Panama). 285,116,000
Latin America
Regional. 667,102,000
Indochina Assoc.
States.. 1,557,067,000
East Asia »
Regional. 356,520,000
Entente 5tate538,262,000
Portuguese States
m Africa ..
East Africa
Regional.. 90,929,000
Regional. 466,711,000
West Berlin .131,881,000
Regional. 623,976,000
Pacific Islands
(Trust Territories
of the United
States)... 324,151,000
Regional.. 40,158,000
Interregional. 29,830,000
Total U.S. foreign aid
for the period 1946
through 1980, 229,
Total other U.S. loans
and grants for the
period 1946 through
Total foreign aid for
fiscal year 1981
Grand Total
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Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984—C3
sprayers and sprayer techniques
a key management concern, given
the cost of chemicals and the losses
which can occur when Weeds and
other pests are not effectively
“When you’re applying minute
amounts of chemicals in com
bination with different additives,
you have to know what you’re
doing,” says University of
Delaware extension agricultural
agent Dave Woodward, a member
of the conference planning com
mittee. “Some new materials can
be applied in amounts as low as a
pint per acre in certain cir
cumstances, so sprayer
calibration is very important.
Besides being very expensive, the
chemicals could damage the plants
you’re trying to protect if you put
on too much.”
In some cases a wetting agent
can enhance the activity of a
pesticide. Dr. Mark Labbee of the
Rohm and Haas Company will lead
off the morning session with a talk
on what a wetting agent is, what is
does and how to select the one that
will perform best under specific
farm conditions.
Extensive work is under way in
the development of new equip
ment for applying pesticides. One
of the most promising of these tools
is the controlled droplet applicator
or CDA sprayer.
“There have been good reports
on this new technology, which
permits you to drastically reduce
the water applied per acre,”
Woodward says. “There’ve also
been claims that the amount of
chemical used can be reduced
beca,use droplets are uniform and
do a better job of covering. But,“he
adds, “results with CDAs haven’t
been consistent. We hope that Dr.
Charles Slack of the University of
Kentucky can shed some light on
this subject when he shares his
research on CDA sprayers.”
Another current topic of interest
to growers is the possible use of
soybean oil instead of water as a
carrier for herbicides
Preliminary study by University of
Delaware extension crops
specialist Frank Webb indicates
the oil may do a better job. He will
describe this work. If soybean oil
proves adaptable for this use, it
would provide another market for
soybean by-products.
The final talk during the session
on spray management will be by
University of Maryland extension
weed specialist Dr. Ron Ritter. He
will discuss the proper use of post
emergence sprays on both com
and soylieans.
CORP. lill
9 East Mam Street, Lrtifc, PA 717-626-4721 IBSSI