Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 21, 1984, Image 54
Bl4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984 BY KIMBERLY HERR CENTERVILLE - It began when Kim Myers was bored in a high school study hall. It was sparked on by a competitive spirit between Kim and her cousin. It resulted in two winning ribbons from the Farm Show. Kim, 20-year-old daughter of Ray and Ellen Myers, explained that when she was a student at Hempfield High School - she graduated in 1982 - she had a study hall, and she was bored. So, she decided to join a rug braiding club offered at the school. She also explained that she and a female cousin had a long-running First-place Farm Show rug is displayed by Kim Myers Clothing (Continued from Page B 12) Pants or Shorts District i 1 Emily Ross Marion Center 2 Judy Foster Enon Valley District II 1 Beth Brandt Palmyra Other District I 1 Susan Mishrell Waterfall 2 Regma Good Marion Ctr 3 Jennifer Brown Garrett District II 1 Amy Strausbaugh Manheim 2 Susanne Brendle Mercersburg 3 LisaShenk Lititz Sweepstakes 1 Amy Jo Strausbaugh Manheim 2 Bety Garnty Saegertown 3 Susan Mishrell Waterford Clothing and Textiles sth Year Top District I 1 Susan Grove Greensburg District II 1 Laurie Welsh Sugarfoaf 2 Jennifer Compton Mifflintown Simple Dress District I 1 Dawn Gilliland Franklin District II 1 Karen Chromster York Jumper District I I Kathy McWilliams Washington 2 Carol Spicher Rossiter 3 Diane Bell Blairsville District II 1 Stephanie Moyer Harleysvitle 2 Julie Prusakowski Harleysville 3 Heidi Zendt Mif fhntown Other District I 1 Jane Anne Strong Smock 2 Kevin Carson Franklin 3 Jennifer Betford Commodore District II 1 Tanya Rohrer Lititz 2 Pam Kimmel Hegins 3 Jennifer Sfacktish Jermyn Sweepstakes I Tanya Rohrer Lititz 2 Kathy McWilliams Washington 3 PamKimmet Higgins Clothing and Textiles 6th Year Pants and Top District I I Sherrie Mtshrell Waterford 3 Laura Robinson Baden District II 1 Julie Longenbach Northampton 2 Christine McDonald Shtppensburg 3 Catherine Cesanek Northampton lumpsuit District I 1 Kelly Bail Rea 2 Cheryl Rieg Chester Springs Other District I 1 Dawn Methang, Washington District II 1 Lynelle Stutzman Schwenksville 2 Jody Carney, Lansdale 3 Jung Park N Wales Sweepstakes 1 Kelly Bail Rea 2 Dawn Methang New Hobby Results in Two Farm Show Ribbons competition. So, when Kim decided to enter a braided rug in the Farm Show last year, she wanted it to be the best it could be She wanted to win She came home with a second place ribbon. This year, she tried again And when she brought her blue braided rug home from Harrisburg there was a blue first place ribbon at tached to it. But Kim does not take all the credit for winning. She shares some of it with her teachers at Hempfield High School and her parents. "Mr. Nohrenberg is basically the person who really got me started,” Winners Washington 3 uynelle btutzman bcnwenksville Dress-up Outfit • Dress or Pants District I 1 Marty Boman Indiana 2 Dawn Gilliland Franklin 3 Diane Dickey Kittanning District II 1 Sylvia Royer Lebanon 2 Melanie Shenk Lititz 3 Natalie Wagner Lititz Sweepstakes 1 Sylvia Royer Lebanon 2 Melanie Shenk Lititz 3 Marty Boman Indiana Tailored Outfit District I 1 Pam Shugars Latrobe 2 Judy Bates Derry 3 Ellen Nebgen Altoona District II 1 Michelle Rohrer Lititz 2 Renee Haldeman Manheim 3 Rhonda Witmer Lititz Sweepstakesa 1 Pam Shugars Latrobe 2 Michelle Rohrer Lititz 3 Renee Haldeman Manheim Tailored Suit District I 1 Bret Reyburn State College 2 Kelly Wibte Three Springs 3 Beverly Diehl District II 1 Linda Justick Avoca 2 Gail Pa r tmgton Sugarloaf 3 Lon Reesor Lebanon Sweepstakes 1 Bret Reyburn State College 2 Kelly Wtble Three Springs 3 Linda Justidk Avoca Tailored Coat District I 1 Sheri Bensmk Corry District II 1 Holly Bachert Annville 2 Susan Eck Muncy Sweepstakes 1 Sherri Bensmk Corry 2 Hollv Bachert Annville 3 Susan Eck Muncy Party Gown Short Gown District I 1 Carol Ann Hall Franklin 2 Karen Daum State College District II 1 Cindy Harmsh Lancaster Long Gown District I 1 Janet Rudy Sewickley 2 Joanne Morrill Leechburg 1 Dawn Raubenstme Hanover 2 Robin Staudenmcier Conynghan 3 Melissa Hayhurst Northumberland 1 Carol Ann Hall Franklin 2 Cindy Harmsh Lancaster 3 Dawn Raubenstme Hanover Free Lance District I 1 Beth Sarver Greensburg 2 Nina Lonchar Enon Valley 3 Brenda McCrecken Homer City 1 Diane Schoenberger Palmerton 2 Lon Dotter Lehighton 3 Janet Carney Lansdale Sweepstakes 1 Beth Sarver Greensburg 2 Diane Schoenberger Palmerton 3 Lon Dotter Lehighton District II Sweepstakes District II gap. r. -i. * Kim Myers and her father, Ray, work together on a new braided rug. Kun said, explaining that Mr. Nohrenberg is a driver education teacher and one of the rug club instructors at Hempfield High School. “Mom and Dad helped me on the last four rounds (of the braided rug),” Kun said. “Dad used to be the untangler.” Kun explained that as she braided the material, sometimes working with strands of material 70 feet in length, it would get tangled. Her father would sit behind her and reverse braid from the back so that the material would flow freely for Kun. The final product, when Kun was finished braiding and her father was through untangling, was a 4 X 6 foot oblong rug, done in shades of blue, with some tan and white shades also included. Kim said that she worked on the rug for about three months in her spare time. What made her rug the winner out of the six rugs entered? "I really don’t know,” Kim laughed, adding that she enjoys having her rugs on display at the Farm Show. “I think it’s thrilling because everybody calls you up and says they saw your rug at the Farm Show.” But Kim earns the recognition she gets. “She really has to use a lot of muscle,” Kim’s mother, Ellen, said, explaining that it is im portant to keep the braids tight and to do that Kim must constantly pull on the materials as she is braiding. "When you first start out you really get blisters,” Kim laughed. Kim hooks the braids onto the stairway banister in their down stairs family room. This allows her to pull on the material and tighten ,h <' hi aid And in addition to muscle and tough hands, braiding rugs calls for patience. Kim explained that if the rug is made without doing enough backstitching, the ends of the rug will curl up and be unusable, making it necessary for parts of the rug to be redone. “I actually have less patience than what most people would,” Kim said modestly. But patience or not, Kim has already started on next year’s Farm Show entry, a round braided rug ‘‘lhe round rug is one of the hardest you can do,” Kim said. “I want to make it as big as possible.” Since Kim has brought home ribbons both years she entered the Farm Show competition, she feels the pressure to create another ribbon-winner. She plans to keep on winning. r* r*t - , Rug is attached to bookcase so that Kim Myers can pull braid tight. 4-H’ers Grade and Identify Potatoes HARRISBURG - Lehigh and Schuylkill Cbunty 4-H members won top team awards in the potato grading and identification contest during the 68th Pennsylvania Farm Show. The Lehigh County team cap tured the top award in the division for experienced judges, receiving 1266 points out of a possible 1500 Team members were Seth Gruber, New Tripoli; Debra Krause, RD 3, Slatingdon; Tim Hoch, RD 3, New Tripoli; and Doug Peichtel, Bnemgsville. Debra Krause was the overall individual contest winner. In the division for experienced judges, the 4-H team for Union County placed second, and the team from Lycoming County was third. In the division for novice judges, the winning team was from Schuylkill County. Judges included s*. .v * Amy Hethenngton, Joanne Careyva, and Kelly and Chris Murray, all from Ringtown. The team from Northampton County placed second in the novice division, and the York County judging team placed third. Twenty-five teams competed in the contest. Individuals 1 Debra Krause Lehigh Co 2 Pattie Snook Union Co 3 TimHoch Lehigh Co Team A Potato Grading Ist Bob Leiby (Agent) Seth Gruber Debra Krause TimHoch DougFeichtel Lehigh County 2nd Kay Humbert (Agent/ Sally Kieffer Patti Snook Abra Kieffer Crystal Zechman Union County 3rd John Can (Agent) Jennifer Eakm Tod Eakm Richard Styer Kevin Styer Lycoming County Teamß Potato Grading Ist George Perr> (Agent) Amy Hethenngton Kelly Murray Chris Murray Joanne Careyva Schuylkill Co 2nd Joel Simmons (Agent) Cathy Fasching Theresa Fasching Kim Brown Tracey Brown Northampton Co 3rd Denise Chase (Agent) Rob Haskins Jon Haskins MikeFetrow York Co