Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 21, 1984, Image 43 inventory clearance sale on new 40- to 85-hp 50 Series tractors...get bottom-line prices that meet or beat any tractor with competitive specs a Get big savings Make your move to a new John Deere now, during our inventory clearance sale Get a cash rebate on purchase that ranges from $l,OOO to $2,600 depending on model (see the chart) And that's on top of our good deal to you Plus Use your current tractor toward downpayment for a new 40- to 85-hp 50 Series Finance with John Deere and finance charges will be waived to March 1, 1984 * Or on any of these models Modal 40-hp 1250 40-hp 1250 MFWD 45-hp 2150 45-hp 2150 MFWD 50-hp 2255 55-hp 2350 55-hp 2350 MFWD 65-hp 2550 65-hp 2550 MFWD 75-hp 2750 75-hp 2750 MFWD 85-hp 2950 85-hp 2950 MFWD A.B.C. GROFF, INC. »«0 tttEKIINE Oxford PA New Holland PA 215*932 2753 717 354 4191 215-932 2754 eSk Mohnton RD2 PA , ’ (nearAdamstown) 7^2724641 215-484 4391 717 272 4641 LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT (Formerly Chapman Equipment Center) Chapman PA 215 398 2553 CLUGSTON IMPLEMENT, INC Chambersburg PA 717 263 4103 COVERT & SONS, INC Neshanic Station NJ 201 369 5241 BUY NOW, SAVE NOW! JOHN DEERE COMPACT UTILITY TRACTOR TODAY, PAY NO FINANCE CHARGES UNTIL APRIL 1 with or without mechanical front-wheel dnve (MFWD), you can take an additional cash rebate in lieu of waiver (see chart) Another option lease a new tractor with lease payments discounted comparable to the waiver of finance charge value * Come in soon and check out our bottom-line prices on new John Deere 50 Series "Efficiency Expert” tractors Cash Rabala In Llau of Waiver Cash Rabat* On Purchaaa FOSTER EQUIPMENT SALES Elmer NJ 609 769 1535 "ASKT EIDER SALES OSTOS'We. t SERVICE, INC Stoneboro PA 4!2 376 3390 412 376 3740 ROBERT G. HAMPTON, INC. Shiloh NJ 609 451 9520 BUY A 'Availability of John Deere financing and leasing plans subject to approval of credit Leases not eligible for cash rebates or for cash m lieu of waiver This offer may be reduced m value or withdrawn at any time The Long Green Line™ EVERGREEN ENGINES CO 32 Evergreen Road Lebanon PA 17042 717 273 2662 NEUHAUS’ES York PA 717 428 1953 New combine buys are best now: get cash rebates from $2,800 to $5,200 including finance charge waiver to first use month in 1984, or a rebate in lieu of waiver fjj WSBS Look at this not only do you get a cash rebate for a new separator but you also get an added bonus for any new headers bought with the separator or separately (see the chart) That's right—a rebate for the separator, a rebate for the header, and even a rebate if you buy just the header alone Use your current combine toward downpayment for a new Titan, finance with John Deere, and pay no finance charge until the first use month in 1984 Or you can take a cash rebate in lieu of waiver * For example, a 6620 Corn and Soybean Combine bought in December Modal Self-Propelled 4420 6620 6620 Side Hill 6622 Hillside 7720 8620 tThis rebate applias lo the combine with platform since the 6601 is sold that way ’Availability of John Deere financing and leasing plans subject to approval of credit Leases not eligible lor cash rebates or for cash m lieu of waiver This offer may be reduced in value or withdrawn at any time JOHN DEERE Nothing runs like a Deere I.G. SALES Silverdale PA 215-257-5136 ■' in C't I PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT BARREH EQUIPMENT n t „ , , Oyster Dale Road Smicksburg PA OteyßD2 PA 814 257-8881 215-987-6277 SOLLENBERGER EQUIPMENT Everett PA 814 652 5223 1983 would have a cash rebate in lieu of waiver of $3,250 if the first use month is October in your area Or on a 7720 Gram Combine bought in January 1984, a cash rebate in lieu of waiver of $2,175 if the first use month is July in your area Ask your dealer (or the amount in lieu of waiver on the combine of your choice Or another option is to lease a new combine, with lease-payment discount comparable to the waiver of finance charge * Now's the time to choose, while the best values are available This program will end on January 31, 1984 Cash Rebate on Purchaaa Model Pull-Type 6601 7721 Headcre: All platforms All row-crop heads All corn heads $2 300 3.200 3.200 3,900 3 600 4.200 LANDIS BROS. INC Lancaster. PA 717 291-1046 HERMIT K.KISTLER INC. Lynnport. PA 215-298-2011 ROBERT E. LITRE INC. Zieglerville PA 215-287-9643 GEORGE V. SEIPLE & SON Easton PA 215 258 7146 Now's the time to buy that compact diesel utility tractor you know you’ll need in the spring Buy a John Deere 650, 750, 850, 950 or 1050 Tractor now, and no finance charges will accrue until April 1, 1984 Put an economical, reliable diesel to work for you right now, and keep the money you save on finance charges in your pocket to help cover other new year expenses Stop in and see us soon Make your best deal and save on finance charges Approved credit required Caah Rabate on Purchaaa 2,300 t 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 000 TOBIAS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Halifax. PA 717-362-3132 LOST CREEK IMPLEMENT Oakland Mills, PA 17076 717-463-2161 WOODHULL EQUIPMENT, INC. Medford. NJ 609-654-2011 M.S. YEARSLEY & SONS West Chester, PA 215-696-2990 SMITH’S IMPLEMENTS, INC. Mercersburg, PA 717-328-2244 TAM SERVICES INC. RD4 Bo* 77A Gettysburg. PA 717-334-9148 717-334 3710