Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 21, 1984, Image 153
I Public Auction Register SAT MARCH 24 9 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment and Household Goods Located just oft Kramer Mill Rd (Directions PA Turnpike Exit 21 to Rt 272 South to Reamstown Turn (eft at Dutchman’s PUBLIC AUCTION Sale Located: at St. Dennis Church Center, Rte 213, Galena, Md. for Estate of Margaret R. Whitehead, deceased (from Easton, Md.) Sale at Galena, Md. SAT., JANUARY 28,1984 at 11:00 A.M. ANTIQUES & FURNISHINGS: Oak extension table on claw feet; Oak china cupboard, mirrored and carved lion heads, claw feet; 6 oak chairs (leather uph) carved scroll and leaf hon heads and claw feet; Oak carved corner cupboard; Oak side board; Oak server; Mahogany desk w/folding lid; 2 round Oak low tables; Walnut table w/claw feet; Walnut Victorian small sofa clB6o carved crest rail; Mahogany coffee table - carved knees - ball and claw feet; pedestal table; Walnut Secretary desk cl 840; rockers; Marble top stands with brass gallery; Gate-leg table drop leaf; 4 Walnut Victorian arm chairs; carved teak wood oriental stand w/round marble insert; Brass rope twist stand w/square marble top; sofas, chairs, child’s arm chair; 3 tier table w/turned pedestal and tripod legs; butler tray on Marlboro legs; Brass oil lamp; Bedroom furniture, table lamps, mirrors; Library of Books; towel rack, Empire side chairs, deep Victorian frames; pictures and paintings; wardrobe; metal floor lamps; Crystal and glass; Sterling and Silver plate; china; linens; lots of Flow-Blue china; Pewter; muffin stand; candlesticks and snuffers; collection of pit chers; plus Steinway Square Grand Piano Rosewood and scroll legs, 1867, number 4997. Many other important items too numerous to mention. ESTATE of DOROTHY PACA of Chestertown; Schaff Bros. Baby Grand Piano; Pine wash stand; chest of drawers w/glass pulls and ball feet; ladies desk; tavern table; 8 chairs, double drop leaf table; Flow-Blue china; Empire sideboard, pair of Girandoles; books, Empire sofa, Q.A. wing back chair; Lots of Sterling and Silver to include Steiff Rose Sterling service for 8 of (8 pcs. each) plus serving pieces. 1976 Plymouth Volari Station Wagon, 41K Miles, 6 Cyl, Stick. PLUS: Ant. Comer Cupboard; Walnut desk; Mahogany chest of drawers; English Q.A. leather top desk; Mahogany secretary; Ant. Bronzes; oil painting; Oriental rugs, etc. HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Auctioneers & Sales Managers Galena. Md. 21635 Phone 301-648-5601 LUNCH by St. Dennis Church Women Inspection - morning of sale PUBLIC AUCTION New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Tractors & Horse Drawn Farm Equipment-Supplies-Small Items SALE OF SMALL ITEMS 9:00 A.M. New customers and out of state buyers must have current bank letter of credit with guaranteed amount or cashier checks. A list of your sale items must be in our office by Jan 24 to be included in our complete listing in the Jan. 28th issue Abe Diffenbach, Manager For more information contact Abe Diffenbach or Norman Kolb at 717-354-4341 Next FARM EQUIPMENT SALE FRIDAY, March 2, 1984 Diner to Mam St Turn left and drive to Kramer Mill Rd ) Allen H and Katie M Martin, Owners T Glenn Horst and Timothy G Horst, Auctioneers THURS MARCH 29 9 AM Public Auction of An nual Spring Machinery FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1984 Bring A Load, Buy A Load and Tools Located in Cen tre Co , at the West side of Rebersburg, PA Mel Stoltzfus, Owner Click, Gibboney, Gilligan and Martin, Auctioneers SAT MAR 31 ■ CONSIGNMENT 9 AM SALE Const Equip, Trucks, Trailers & Contrs Equip to be held at Wall Stadium property, located on Rt 34 in Wall Township (Belmar/Manasquan area), N J Vilsmeier Auc tion Co , Inc PUBLIC AUCTION OF TRACTORS-FARM EQUIPMENT - TRUCKS Location; 3 miles south of Smyrna, Del. Turn off US 13 onto Rt. 84 across from Garrisons Golf Course. Second farm on right. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28,1984 11 A.M. Rain or Shine Two 1950-T Oliver diesel tractors with fender fuel tanks, 674 Int. diesel tractor with cab (1164 hrs.), 2250 Int. loader, 915 Int. diesel combine with cab & 15’ grain head, 963 Int. corn head (2 yrs. old), 863 Int. com head, Int. 16’ mulcher, 1210 A JD grain cart (400 bu.), John Blue 300 gal. sprayer, 400 Int. Cyclo 6 row no till planter, JD 21 tyne F.B.C. grain drill, 2 Oliver 6x16” plows, Woods 5106 ditch bank rotary mower, 6’ 3 ph rotary mower, A.C. 2300 disc, 3 ph 6’ disc, 6’ 3 ph blade, one row 3 ph. Int. planter, roadscrape, 844 Int. corn head for parts, 3 sets duals for tractors, acetylene & Oxygen tanks & torches, electric welder, gasoline air com pressor, tools, Q.A. 50 Honda, misc TRUCKS 1971 Ford 9000 diesel twin screw truck tractor, 1971 Int. Fleetstar 2000 diesel twin screw truck tractor, 1970 Int. Fleetstar 2110 gas tandum truck tractor, 1964 Trimline 36’ tandum trailer with grain sides, 1965 Fruehauf 36’ tandeum trailer with grain sides, 1963 Dorsey 36’ tandeum trailer with grain sides, 1970 Int. Loadstar 1890 with 18’ gram dump body, 1970 Ford FlOO pickup, 1969 Int. 1100 utility truck, 10’x50’ mobile home. A. GENE SHORT Selling for William Hutchison 656 Int. tractor with new tires (2878 hrs.) #7B A-C Air Champ planter with 5 extra units for 11- 15” soybean planter, seed monitor & In secticide hoppers, 300 gal. John Blue sprayer, 18 tyne Oliver grain drill, 12’ Brillion cultivator, 6 row 30” Brillion cultivator, #55 Int. chisel plow (10’), 2 funnel body wagons, 28’ K.W. elevator, springtooth, 10’ Oliver disc, 12’ placker. Also Selling 4 row potato planter, Oliver 225 disc, 1960 GMC truck, 1958 ten wheel Chevy, 1952 Chevy, 12’ Brillion chisel plow, J.D. #2lO disc 15’, 45’ aluminum double decker stock trailer. Terms: Cash or Approved Check Sales Mgr. & Auctioneers C.T. Scuse & Sons 302-653-7530 FARM EQUIPMENT 11:00 A.M. SAT MARCH 31 Public Auction of Farm Machinery and Misc Items Located at RD 1, Newport, Perry Co, PA Kenneth Schreiber Owner Klmg's Auction Service SAT MARCH 31 10 AM Public Auction of Horses Located at Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc , Rt 555, 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister, Short Farms Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers SAT MARCH 31, 1983 10 AM Public Auction of farm equipment, tools, furniture, ear corn, hay and numerous small ite/ns Located 1 mile southeast of Reamstown on Stefty Rd Elam W Noft, owner Nolt & Witmer Auctioneers SAT MAR 31 900 AM Consignment Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilligan, Auc tioneers SAT MARCH 31 11 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery Consignment Located in Sciota, PA, Seidof’s, Owner SAT MARCH 31 Public Auction of Const Equip , Trucks, Trailers, and Misc items Located at PUBLIC SALE OF A 4V4 ACRE FARMETTE IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES THURSDAY, JAN. 26 1984 Along N. Railroad St. Leading From Route 322 At Hinkletown To New Holland Earl Township Lancaster Co. Pa. REAL ESTATE consists of 2 tracts of land containing 4 acres and 133 perches with 488 feet frontage wtth 2 W story 8 room dwelling elec and water frame barn and wagon shed and other out buildings ALSO one horse one seat carriage 2 trotting buggys one horse open spring wagon 40 ft wooden extension ladder 2 buggy har nesses other harness lines collars 2 shovel harrows wooden wheel barrow lot of wooden bu crates metal roofing metal water trough martin birdhouse buggy jack spring wagon seat spring wagon blinker set tobacco siring box and spear beam scales metal chicken nests and waters axe digging iron manure fork aluminum gram shovel scythe wooden fork manure sled pump trough garden rake 275 gal oil tank elec heater household goods metal bed spring and mattress couch rediner rocker oil space heater throw rugs metal cabinets qt jars cook ware shoe last hand carpenter toots Stanley plane hammer and hatchet squares socket set REMMINGTON 22 BOLT ACTION RIFLE STEVENS 16 GAGE SINGLE SHOT GUN 4 board square extension table coal buckets and shovels lantern oak combination desk and book case BOWERS type slant top desk with secret drawer small chest large blanket chest cedar chest 6 pressed back chairs, 3 horse blankets buggy lapp robes large fur driving gloves binoculars martys mirror one horse wooden toy other small toys chicken on the nest E DILLER AND SON NEW HOLLAND PLATE horse magazines horse cut outs wash stand wooden ward robe large glass marble and other marbles pocketwatch lot of geographic magazines over many years comforts garvm store toy horse bank old linens burlap bags some silver coins in silver dollar halves quarters dimes and wheat pennies and lots of other items not here listed inspection of dwelling SAT JAN 21 SALE AT 10 30 AM REAL ESTATE AT 1 P M SALE ORDERED BY MARCUS Z. MARTIN EXECUTORS OF THE LEROY 0. MARTIN ESTATE H.H. Leid Auction Service, Sensenig and Fry Clerks Michael Kane Atty- Lunch Stand by Martindale Fire Co. Aux. STONEHURST FARM INC. 75 HEAD IN OUR STABLE! Call us and ask when the van will be in your area to pick up Amish We will be in your area once a week. p R S \ c Heifers & Cows Due Soon V p A e —— ” E CALL US NOW FOR YOUR NEEDS E Donald & Harold Welk J vate Sales Only | Stonehurst Farm, Inc. | *so*oo Jan Feb 1984 I Box 116 Lime Valley Rosd ißnng this coupon to the farm After you buy® Strasburg, PA 17579 |tve will give you $5O 00 off your bill on every I 717-687-7475 I 2 ** 1 __ - $25 00 off on one - ■ 717-464-2273 ■ Clip Coupon Now 1 _ %mm mm mm « ■> w Since 1919 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984—029 the Wall Stadium in Wall Township, nj (Belmar/Manasquan area) Utility Contrs Assoc of NJ Inc , Owners APRIL THURS APRIL 5 - Mon thly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc Lancaster Farm, 2220 Dairy Road, Lan caster, PA FRI APRIL 6 9 AM Public Sale of Farm Machinery at New Holland Sates Stables, Inc 12 miles east of Lancaster off Rt 23 in New Holland, Pa Abe Diftenbach, Manager FRI APRIL 6 130 PM Public Auction of State Grade Consignor Feeder Pig Sale Located at the Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc SAT APR 7 Public Auction of Full Line of HORSES & MULES FOR SALE (Transportation) We Have Service Age Bulls From Top Record Dams Farm Machinery plus Holstein Heifers Located at RD 1, Landisburg, Perry Co , PA Jay C Mc- Coy, Owner Klmg's Auc tion Service SAT APR 7 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery, Antique Fur mture, Dishes and Tools Located 3 mi north of Cochranville, PA, just off Rt 10 on Martin Rd Mrs Filmore Martin, Owner Steve Petersheim, Auc tioneer SAT APRIL 7 9 AM Public Auction of Real Estate, Coal Business, Equipment, and Antiques Located at the corner of Bethany Rd and East Fulton St , Ephrata Township, Lancaster Co „ PA Milton Wanner, Owner T Glenn Horst and Timothy G Horst, Auctioneers TUES APR 10 730 PM Easter Lamb & Goats Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction Centre Hall, PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilligan, Auc tioneers WED APRIL 11 3PM Public Auction of Lamb and Goats Located at the Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, PA B L Market, Owners, Mark Click, Auctioneer THURS APR 12 10 AM Public Auction of Rabbits 11 AM Public Auction of Lamb and Goat Kids Located at Keister's Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc Rt 555, 3mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers FRI APRIL 13 7PM Horse Sale at New Holland Sales Stables. Inc 12 miles east of Lan caster off Rt 23 in New Holland, Pa Abe Diffen bach, Manager FRI APRII 13 2 PM Public Auction of Spring Lamb & Goat Sale Located at the Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc Exit 12 oft of 1-81 THURS APRIL 19 & FRI APRIL 20 ■ Public Auction of Farm Equipment Located one mile East of Marion, PA Ralph W Horst, Manager FRI APRIL 19 Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb. Inc , Maryland Farm, Woodsboro, MD, V 2 mile North West of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co P R S