Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 21, 1984, Image 123
HELP WANTED • Commission • Company Benefits Farm Equipment Salesman For Lehigh County (Pa.) Area! • John Deere, New Holland, And Many Allied Short Lines Send Resume' To: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 366 D-106 Lititz, PA 17543 Pennsylvania Corporation has highly paid position for person with complete nutritional knowledge and sales experience with Dairy cows. Person must be a leader and seif motivated. Rare opportunity for qualified in dividual. Executive type salary, transportation traveling ex penses, profit sharing, hospitalization, etc. Write Lan caster Farming, P.O. Box 366, D -107, Lititz, PA 17543 RETIRED? BORED? Sell savings plans lor that extra zest in your life and extra money in your pocket. Phone; 808 BINKELE 717-569-1634 or collect to HOWARD ALBRIGHT day or eve. 717-677-8115 Experienced couple would like steady employment milking cows. Will relocate. References 717- 548-3690. Farm hand work wanted, preferrably Central PA, IS years experience, good references, 717-543- 6263. Tenant farmer on shares for 50 acre farm in Lan caster Area. Lam house, equipment provided. Rep ly to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, L-08, Lititz, PA 17543. Farm family with herd move upstate, barn and housing available, write Box 93, Denver, PA 17517. Second year DVC Animal Husbandry mayor needs summer experience plus college fees. Write Tanr Hawes, Box 254, Delaware Valey College, Doylestown, Pa. 18901. Christian man with dairy ing experience for lane modern dairy farm, references required, Lan caster Co., write to Lan caster Farming, PO Box 366, EMI3, Lititz. PA 17543. FARM FERTILIZER SALESPERSON FOR SOUTH JERSEY AREA Salesperson needed for fertilizer company, farm background and sales experience is desirable. Some office work included. Interested persons submit letter and resume to: LANCASTER FARMING PO Box 366 J-297 Lititz, PA 17543 HELP WANTED BUSINESS I M OPPORTUNITIES SITUATIONS WANTED DAIRY FARM EXPERIENCE WANTED Strong demand for dairy farm employee*' Good opportunities and interesting locations Employers pay us to find the people they need Recent dairy farm experience good references and witling to relocate required Since 1968 Now nationwide Call or write today AGRlcamrs, Inc. 515-394-3145 (Nancy or Sandy) New Hampton, lowa 50659 Herdsman to care for 50 milk cows and heifers. Excellent salary and benefits offered. Send resume and request for application (no phone calls) to Weeping Willow Farms, R.D. 3 Box 919 Mount Joy, PA 17552 Make more money working overseas in countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Etc, also positions are available in Northern regions of Canada, Alaska and the North Sea Permanent/ temporary workers needed are tradespeople, laborers, professionals etc for ful information send a self addressed, stamped envelope to Overseas, Dept 5032, 701 Washington Street BUFFALO, NY 14205, USA For Sale - 80 cow herd with 18,700 herd averafe. Would rent house, bam and silo facilities to buyer. Would consider owner financing. Chester Co. Write Box 366, L-10 do Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543, WANTED Amish merchant for all Amish food center located in established Farmer’s Market Poultry, meats, deli, baked goods, produce, low low rent, call now 215-269-4050 COMPUTERS Try Before You Buy. Working Software Demos. Available. Farm Software Services, BernviHe, PA 215-926-3167. Wanted Distributors for Apple & IBM-Type com puters w/Farmplan Soft ware, minimum invest ment, full training, sup port, excellent return, na tionwide company. AC&CS, Box 2008, Syracuse. NY 13220. 315-475-1084. Cash immediately for your old car. Prefer open cars from 1900 UP but will consider any-Fast reply write Box 538, Spring Mills, PA. 16875. 1957 Plymouth Belvedere, 2 door, Cp., V-8, mechanical good, ready for paint, real classic. 717-286-8650 after 5 PM. North umberland Co. NO!!! PUPS WANTED!! Until Feb. 28,1984 $lOO for the cutest pup purchased on Feb. 28 JO JO THE DOG MAN I need nice Shepherd, Collie & Terrier pups. Also - cute Peen-A- Poos, Cock-A-Poos and anything cute & shaggy. I need good healthy, clean pups, pure & cute mixed breeds, to 8 weeks old. Offering extra high cash prices. Baskets of cash waiting for you! Paying up to $75 for extra cute mixed breeds. When I reopen on Feb. 28,1984 See Me At Root's Farmer's Market RDI Manheim Every Tuesday SPM- 8 PM P S - Please do not call Root’s HOUSEHOLD GOODS Sears - Ken more electric sewing machine, top of the line including all at tachments, in tike new condition, mounted in Deluxe desk cab, $350; Bxlo' handmade braided rug, all wool, $200; several smaller braided rugs, new $75 to $lOO each, 717-626-6805. Wanted - puppies for pets. AKC, purebred and mixed litters. WIN pick up locally. 717-442-4259. For Sale - Registered Australian cattle dog pup. Pick of litter. Male - 5 months old, shots, wor med, started on dairy cattle. Katty Lawson, Rt. 3, Box 122 A, Smithsburg, MD 21783. 301-824- 3152. Will deliver up to 100 miles. Registered Redbone coon hound pups. Bom Oct. 23. $85.00 717-753-3503 Sonya Vanorder, RD*4 Box 219 Jersey Shore, Pa. 17740. For Sale - Cairn Terrier's (registered pups), 5 weeks old, $2OO female, male pups $175, Barry L. Ream, RD 1 Narvon, PA 17555,215-445-6032. For Sale - Australian cattle dogs (Blue Heelers) Purebred puppies, shots, wormed. Starlight Farms. Salem, N.J. 08079. 609- 935-2893. AKC Shelty pups. 717-768-8569, Mon.-Fn. Jonathan King, 114 Pond Rd.. Ronks, 17572. For Sale- AKC German Shepherd pups, Sam Stoltzfus, Vt mile east of Intercourse. For Sale - Border collie puppies, 7 weeks old. Great farm pets, excellent w/chil d r e n . 717-432-9442. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984—C47 FOR SALE - New and used automatic washers, dryers, gas and electric refrigerators, ranges, us ed wringer-engine washers, new bedroom furniture. Open 7:30 to 4:30; Saturday, 7:30 to 12:00; evenings by apoint ment. Myer* Washer- Dryer, Rt. 772, between Brownstown and Leola. 717-656-7169 2" new boiler flue pipe, exc. for gates or fencing. 717-872-9152 days, 872- 2579 eves, and weekends. One hive or 50, some with honey crop. Call 301-838-7648. Bought and sold new and used cardboard boxes; drums, plastic scrap, Reliable Recyclers, 178 Greenfield Road, Lane. PA, 17601, 717-397- 7695. Warm Morning coal heater, brown enamel finish, 66 lb. coal capacity, 3rd season. $425. 717- 656-9630. Rabbit pens, different sizes, alt metal and wire, also guinea pig pens. 215-584-1705. Skis, bearings, drive belts, light bulbs, spark plugs for most snowmobiles. JLD and Polaris parts. Hess Welding Shop, 5 miles North of Liverpool on Rt. 104. Phone 717-444- 3958. Snowmobile suits, jackets and pants-Men's S to 5 XL and longs. Insulated boots, gloves and mittens. Also ladies and childrens sizes. Hess Welding Shop 5 miles north of Liverpool, PA. on Rt. 104. Pnone 717-444-3958. Border Collie mixed pups, very nice, reasonably priced, 717-627-6473. Wanted to buy - Poodle mixed puppies, Cock-A- Poo, Peek-A-Poo, Lasa- Poo and some purebreds, 717-653-9483. Excellent mo user, healthy 2 X A year old male cat, free to loving family, write to Lancaster Farming, PO Box 366 D-114. Lititz, PA. 17543. NOTICE. Lose 10-29 pounds a month. 100% guaranteed. Call your Herbalfe distributor, 717- 866-4296 concerning 30 day supply. Wanted - Used single or double ratchet fruit press. Write, describe condition. W. Van Engel, P.O. Box 223, Gloucester Point, VA. 23062. Power Meat Saws. Also, Butchering Equipment and Supplies. P.J. Dantro and Compoiw 1905 West Phitadelpha Street, York, Pa. 17404. 717-843- 6922. Meat grinders, band saws, slicers and tenderizers. Also new slitting saws only $249. Gerry Grundy, Doyles burg, PA on Rt. 75, 200 yards north of RL 274. Open Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone 717-349-7654 or evenings cal 215-549- 7584. Pincor 35KW PTO 45 off, Ber* heavy duty cleaner replacement chain $4.00 ft. below competitor, PAD silo UL 25% off, PVC pipes to 24". Lane. Co. 215-445-5309. Structural dazed tile, Call 717-428-2748. TRADE -69 VW Bug. Runs very good, rebuilt motor, etc. will trade tor 3 tons of hay. Also have farm wagon. 215-248-4490. Hammond 8200 Aurora organ, tone bars, poly synthesis. percussion unit, auto van 64 units, piano unit, many other ex tras. Like new conditaon. Price $3,000. 717-582- 2352. Many different size switch boxes up to 440 amps to 40 horse 3 phase motors some with pumps up to 6 inch. Heavy duty conduit pipe with copper wire, plastic and aluminum pipe up to 10 inches. Mary fit tings, adapters, elbows, steel and plastic. Also valves 2 to 10 inches, 50 gal. fiberglass tanks. Give offer. Menno Stoltzfus, Box 52A, Madisonburg, Pa. 16852. Wanted- Used harness sewing machine. Woodie Sheads, Rt. 1 Box 456, Riseyville.VA 22737. Grandpa Herr's pure natural Lancaster County HONEY. We AH your con tainer, 99 cents pound! Free Samples! Bird-in- Hand Farmers Market. Bird-in-Hand, PA. Ft. 340 Fr. & Sat 8:30-5.30, 717-291-9544. Kuntzelman's Penn Dutch Ice Cream Premium Ice Cream made in Lancaster County ELIZABETHTOWN CREAMERY CO., INC. Rear 519 S. Market Street 717-367-1389 Residential-Commercial FIRE ALARMS • BURGLAR ALARMS AUTOMOBILE ALARMS Your smoke detectors can be connected to your local fire department for as little as $620.00 CALL DAY OR EVE. 656-9773 SCOTLAND YARD SECURITY SYSTEMS FREE ESTIMATES RD 1 LEOLA E Frick taw mil (or tale - 2 saw blades, 3 head)locks, 14 foot carrage, 36 inch opening, al ball bearing, with 220 Cummins power unit. Call evenings, 215-845-2136. Tired, fatigue, hyopglycemic? Vitamin therapy, colonic therapy, urine testing, hair, analysis, reflexology. First consultation FREE! Call (215)856-7281. For Sale - 10 xl2' walkin refrigeration unit, metal construction used indoors; 14' display cate w/mirror. Wayland Durane fruit grader w/wet brush used for peaches and apples. Good JD A in running con dition; 1948 model. Call 301-756-4397. RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order Ink Pads Available Write or call after 6 P.M Gary Hess 451 N. George St. Millersville, PA 717-872-6245 FOR SALE BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT MEAT SAWS. GRINDERS STUFFERS, SLICERS SPLITTING SAWS TABLE KNIVES, ETC NEW & RECONDITIONED MARTIN BAMBERGER CO. 4110 Pinkney Rd BALTIMORE. MO 21215 (301)358-9700 We Pay Top Prices For Standing Hardwood Saw Timber Weaver Bros. Sawmill Beaver Springs, 717-658-3447 collect after 5 PM