Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 21, 1984, Image 12
Al2—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 21,1984 PFA calls for hunting CAMP HILL - The Penn sylvania Fanners’ Association had called upon the Pennsylvania Game Commission to delay the start of small game seasons and to extend antlerless deer and bear seasons this year to alleviate farmers’ crop damage by game animals. In recent testimony presented by PFA’s Associate Administrator Charles Mohn, the statewide general farm organization urged the changes be made as,” . . .an expression of gratitude by the sportsmen for the farmers making their land available to them to enjoy their recreation.” Mohn told the commission. “We feel the farmers are asked to put up with the sportsmen for too long a period of time.” PFA recom mends small game season be delayed two weeks until Nov. 3 and rabbit and pheasant hunting be set back one week until Nov. 10. Mohn also said PF-A believes an overabundance of deer continues to cause crop damage problems for farmers. Accordingly, PFA is recommending that this year’s antlerless deer season be extended to three days instead of two. PFA also called for both the antlered and antlerless deer seasons to be delayed one week until Dec. 3 and Dec. 17, respectively. Mohn said, “Recent studies indicated the ag community season changes contributed better than $3O million annually to support the deer herd. Since this study, prices advanced and it could be in excess of $35 million at the present time - more than the license fees that the sportsmen contribute to the commission. The farmer feels he is receiving little or no consideration for his contribution to the main tenance of the herd. I think we all agree that killing, deer for crop damage is not the answer. We need OUR READERS WRITE, ORGANIC FARMING IS A WINNER Dear Editor: The current domination of chemical farming methods on American agriculture is causing many serious problems. All life on this earth is interrelated and the poisons that are sprayed on insects and weeds will also hurt wildlife, livestock and people. The in creasing addition of toxic, man made substances into our en vironment has to be the cause of why the U.S. population continues to get vastly increasing numbers of cases of cancer, leukemia, birth defects and liver ailments. . A major culprit is no-till far ming. It creates an unhealthy environment for crops and, as a result, huge ever-increasing amounts of herbicides and in secticides must be dumped on the soil to try to stop the legions of invading weeds and insect pests. No-till is being promoted as a soil conservation tool, but nothing could be further from the truth. Poisoning the soil, stripping everything off the land and not planting cover crops cannot be conserving the soil. And greater amounts of energy are used to Hamilton Bank supports Agricultural Education. On January 25th, Hamilton Bank will once again help to support the annual York County Corn Day at the York County 4-H Center near Bair. AND OTHER OPINIONS C 3 i to control the herd by giving the sportsmen a longer season resulting in more deer harvested.” Mohn said farmers are also suffering considerable bear damage and recommended that bear season be extended to three days. He added that statewide crop damage due to elk herds does not seem significant at present. PFA is recommending that the com mission fence in the elk herd on public lands. manufacture the no-till chemicals than are us<*d in conventional cropping. These chemicals are so deadly that hunters complain that they can’t find any game to hunt in the farm areas. One reason we are having trouble exporting grain to foreign countries is that they know our grain has low nutritive value and is contaminated with chemicals. Livestock and poultry today are raised in crowded factory farms. Farm Calendar (Continued from Page A 10) Guernsey special sale, 12:30 p.m., School. Guernsey Sales Bam, Lan- Del. Assn, of Nurserymen, 8:30 caster. a.m. - 4 p.m., Sheraton Inn, Lancaster Farm and Home Foundation annual dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m., Farm and Home Center. Cecil County no-till breakfast, 7:45 a.m., Schaefers Canal House, Chesapeake City, Md. Adams County milk marketing workshop, 7:30 p.m., vo-ag room. Bermusian Springs High i 1 1 M ♦a- jt jy— V; The swine and poultry are crammed into cages and never see the light of day. Because of this heavy concentration of animals, diseases run rampant and the livestock must be pumped full of drugs and antibiotics. They are also loaded with hormones and all kinds of chemicals to produce. Modern farming is truly filthy. You can’t take a pleasant country ride anymore because the air reeks with the stench of powerful agricultural chemicals and chemicalized manures. I know that these methods of farming are wrong and that none of this insanity and destruction is necessary. My family has been in farming for over 100 years, so I know a lot about agriculture. To prove that there is an alternative way to farm and that naturally grown crops are of top quality, we entered some of our organically grown produce in the 1984 Pa. Farm Show. Despite this past summer’s fierce heat and drought, we won ribbons in a wide vareity of categories. Absolutely no pesticides, herbicides, hormones, etc. were used to grow them. We won first in turnips (second year in a row), other type squash and root parsley, third prize in shelled field com (60.2 lbs. bushel test weight), onions, sweet potatoes and medium wool, fourth in Indian com (stalks over 10 feet tall and only watered once), oat hay, late cutting grass hay (tested 19.3 percent protein), face and sugar pie pumpkins, dry beans and medium wool, and fifth in first Dover. Friday, Jan. 27 Vegetable Production meeting, 9 a.m., Penn State Fruit Research Lab. Biglerville. Saturday, Jan. 28 York County 4-H beef banquet, 7 p.m., Seven Valleys. N.J. dairy goat luncheon, Ryland Inn. I! t} i cutting grass. In last year’s show we won first prize in turnips and wool, second in face and fourth in neck pumpkins. Let no one say that organic farming doesn’t work. In addition to organic crops having high quality and nutrition, the non-use of expensive ag chemicals cuts their production cost down greatly. There is a large demand from the public for clean food and it is growing all the time. When you spray, you are poisoning yourself, your family, animals, our society and future generations. Reduce your dependence on chemicals, give nature a chance to help you and you’ll receive a bounty of rich harvests, good health and the pride that comes from raising wholesome food. James Smith Shippensburg I Now is I the Time (Continued from Page A 10) Alfalfa sod can add as much as 75 pounds of nitrogen per acre. That is one advantage to having legumes in the crop rotation. A complete soil test will reveal the needs of each field. Then the needs can be met by using farm manures, legume sods, or com mercial fertilizer. Careful han dling and storage of manure will preserve many of these valuable fertilizer elements. To Provide Supplemental Heat This is the time of year when many pigs and lambs are being bom into cold quarters. If the newborn animal becomes chilled that firsf hour, it will be in trouble. Many digestive and respiratory problems can develop. We urge producers to provide heat lamps, or some other source of heat, for these animals the first few days. Modem farrowing bams already have supplemental heat, units that provide the proper temperature to get little pigs off to a good start. However, many sheep bams are too cold for little lambs. The placing of a heat lamp over the small pen in which the ewe and lamb are kept for the first few days will be helpful. Be careful that the heat lamp is well attached and out of the reach of animals. * * SS6 HAMILTON BANK '£Hl f/j