A26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 14,1984 Open beef show winners named at Farm ..npi jgi „ ,ly ly Evelyn 201, are from, left; Pa. Angus Queen Julie Myers; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rishel, breeders; Judge Fred Smalstig; Greg Davis; and Greg Kruegar of Genetics Unlimited. Champion Angus bull is Sir Williams Cracker Jack 735 D. With the champion are, from left; Pa. Angus Queen Julie Myers; Judge Fred Smalstig; Michelle Wiesenbaugh; Joseph Wiesenbaugh and Kim Norning. Polled Hereford female white looking on are, from left, judge Jerry Ballard; Pa. Polled Hereford Queen Lisa Brudney; owned Frank Darcy; Wendy Wise: and Dave Wise, herdsman. Standing proud with the Polled Hereford champion bull, SCH Proud lad 445 MPB are, from left, John Hausner; judge Jerry Ballard; Pa. Polled Hereford Queen Lisa Brudney; John P. Hausner; Gail Hunter; Randy Becker; Sam Hunter, and JoAnn Hausner. (Continued from Page Al) Farm of Lyons Farm Road, Waynesboro. Koolspnng Con nection 128, a senior yearling, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tait of R 4 Mercer, was named reserve champion. CHAROLAIS SHOW Carla Loraine Clutter, of R 1 Prosperity, Washington County, and her summer yearling, Derby’s Jane 2118, earned grand champion female honors in the Charolais Show. Carla also exhibited the reserve female winner, a spring calf named 4C Eve. Ray and Mary Grimes of McKnightstown, Adams County, captured the grand champion bull honors with BCF Excell, a spring yearling. The reserve champion was 4C Temcom, a junior calf owned by Carla Clutter. CHIANINA SHOW The Chianina female champion was exhibited by Jamie Kohr of Church Road, York. Lauxmont’s Snowflake J 514, a winter calf, was the winner. The reserve title went to a summer yearling, LVF Princess Anne, owned by Eugene Moore, of R 1 Warriors Mark, Centre County. MF Black Extender Rl9, a junior calf, was named grand champion bull. The winner was exhibited by Joseph Messick of Schoolhouse Road, Middletown, Dauphin County. M’s Thunder, a senior calf exhibited by Moving M Farm of R 1 Warriors Mark, was the reserve champion. HEREFORDSHOW The grand and reserve grand champion females of the Hereford Show were exhibited by William and Earl Renner of R 3 Waynesburg, Greene County. The champion was RF 359 Dommette 205, a spring yearling, and the reserve was RF 359 Dommette 273, a summer yearling. The Renners also exhibited the grand and reserve grand cham pion bull honors. Cl 1 Domino 269, a junior yearling, was named champion, while RF L 1913 Pac man 345, was the reserve winner POLLED HEREFORD SHOW Spring Bottom Farm of R 2 Fairfield, Adams County, won the grand champion Polled Hereford female title with SBF Royal Gypsy, a spring calf. Named reserve female was DS MS Dividend 304, a spring calf exhibited by Stockdale Hereford Farm of R 1 Dayton, Armstrong County. JDH Polled Hereford Farm of R 2 Dover, York County, won the grand champion bull honors with an early summer calf, SCH Proud Lad 445 MPS. A spring calf, SFG Top Domino 306, exhibited by Scottland Farm of Gettysburg, Adams County, was the reserve winner. SHORTHORNSHOW Kemanne Ranck of R 2 Reading, Berks County, and her junior yearling, Len Rue Melody 82, captured the grand champion Shorthorn heifer honors. Reserve honors went to Woodside Clipper Lady, a spring calf owned by Gerald Tracy of Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Lancaster County. There were no Shorthorn bull entries. SIMMENTAL SHOW The Simmental female grand champion title was awarded to a spring yearlmg, Miss Rolling Ridge P 916, owned by Rolling Ridge Farms of R 1 Karas City, Butler County. Rolling Ridge also took the reserve title with VV Precious, a spring yearling. Grand champion bull honors went to Shoemaker’s CPS Junior, a junior calf, owned by William E. Shoemaker of R 1 Buffalo Mills, mmn > n ■pk^ % / Sh ‘ champion Charolais female are, from left, judge Don Boggs: Ontario Charolais Queen Kim Robson; Colonial Charolais Queen Marty Chambers; and Carla Clutter. Champion Charolais bull is BCF Excell, honored by, from left; Ontario Charolais Queen Kim Robson; Colonial Charolais Queen Marty Chambers; Ray Grimes and Melanie Hem minger. Domino 269 Pictured with 359 Dominette 250, the Hereford female champion, is Bryan Snyder. Early Senior Heifer Calf Bedford County. The reserve bull i An..* Mane f.e» ? netmmh j Hntiman i was TFC Fantastic, a spring calf Maw,,e VrS£ve.ri.n,H«i.r owned by Triple C Farm of | r.nl Teels ? Dale Rams 3 Tracy Groif. Ohlinger Road, Shoemakersvllle, Early Summer Yearling Heifer „ . . ’ ’ I r, » Robert Miller Sh.ve ? f>nil R tiny n < Berks County. r.mMrKean The top three placings in each breed class are listed below March Jr Yearling Heittr Junior Heifer OaM q p rey 2 Sidney Riggs 3 Jason M 1 Fml7 ( Frey 2 Deborah J Hotlman 1 Bross Sandra F i^nhour Late Senior Heifer Calf I RorkyFo'geFarm Show *v < •* % * April Jr Yearling Heifer 1 Rishels Edlyn Faim ? Erskine H Ca».h II 3 Calhy Sbtve Early Jr Yearling Heifer 1 Twin Clay A Vision land 7 Sidney Riggs (Turn to Page A2B)
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