Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 14, 1984, Image 14
Al4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 14,1984 Livestock market and auction news Apple Market News Monday, January 9 Report supplied by PDA Movement of apples, especially 12/3 bagged apples, is showing improvement, up from slow to moderate. Prices are remaining steady. Many packers are feeling optimistic. We are beginning this week to report on movement of cases per week from the growers, packers, shippers, who are contacted weekly for information contained in this report. This is not a true number of total cases moved each week in Pennsylvania, but will serve as an indicator of movement, and, hopefully will show the trends of case movement of apples from the Commonwealth growers. Reports from 13 growers, packers, shoppers, show movement of 27,059 cases last week of which 18,225 cases were bagged apples and the balance of 8,834 cases were traypacks. Summary Prices quoted below are wholesale, truckload, f.o.b. prices at the orchard or packing house on Pennsylvania apples. Bagged Apples, 12/3#: Red Delicious - U.S. Fancy 2V-T mostly 6.00 some 6.25, few, 65.0; U.S. Fancy 2V’ 7.50; Extra Fancy 2V*” 7.00. Golden Delicious - U.S. Fancy 2V 4 ” 6.00-6.50. Romes - U.S. Fancy 2V*" 5.50- 6.00; Extra Fancy 2V’ few 8.00. Law Romes - U.S. Fancy 2M>” _ . _ HEAT HEAT «Reduces Creosote • Allows Slower Burning (_ r [ Tj r* • Increases Heat Output I 1 __ | j • Reduces Chimney Fire Risks U T KO j • Easy Installation . i Jffl • 5 Year Limited Warranty B a • Adaptable to 6 7" or 0 ' Rues H | • For Top or Rear Venting Stoves ~r . tt t \ ftade Exclusively by NU-TEC Incorporated HIESTAND SUPPLY CO. RDI. Box 96 Marietta, PA 17547 (717) 426-1921 Dealer Inquiries Invited HoMim&i'i farm ] MARKET, INC. TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: 1755 W Main St 1515 E Chocolate Ave Ephrata, PA 17522 Hershey. PA 17033 Located on Route 322 Phone (717) 533-4060 J .Phone (717) 738-1131 A few 7.00; Extra Fancy IV*" 6.50 7.00. Stayman - U.S. Fancy 2V mostly 6.00, few 8.00. Winesap - U.S. Fancy 2V4” few 5.50. Red Yorks - U.S. Fancy 2V 5.85-6.00. Traypacks; Red Delicious - U.S. Extra Fancy 113’s & 100’s 10.00, some 10.50; Comb. U.S. Extra Fancy & Fancy 113’s 9.00. Golden Delicious - Comb. U.S. Extra Fancy & Fancy 113’s & 100’s 9.00-9.50. Red Romes - U.S. Extra Fancy 88’s 10.00; Comb. U.S. Extra Fancy & Fancy 72’s, 80’s, 88’s, & 100’s 10.00-11.00. Peoria Cattle Thursday, Jan. 12,1984 Compared to last week slaughter steers and heifers closed steady to 1.00 higher. Full advance noted on choice steers and heifers free of mud and in excess of 1150 lbs. and 950 lbs. respectively. Cows and bulls regained Monday’s loss and closed steady. Trade during the week moderate with buyers very selective as to weight and bulls. Majority of supply good to choice steers and heifers with 21% cows and bulls. Receipts this week about 2600 as compared to 1902 a week ago and 2911 a year ago. CATALYTIC RETROFIT Now you can upgrade any woodstove to a catalytic! USEABLE USEABLE SMOKE. IN Patent Pending Npi for use with tool SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1150-1250 lbs. 66.50-68.00, part load choice 3 1150 lbs. 69.00. 1000- 1150 lbs. 65.00-66.50. Good and choice 2-3 950-1150 lbs. 63.00-66.00. Good 60.00-63.00. Several lots returning to feedlots 55.00-59.00. Holstems Good and choice 1-3 1150-1300 lbs. 53.50-57.50. Standard and good 1-2 1000-1200 lbs. 50.00 53.50. E,M. Herr Has Prices You Can Warm Up To! pV New FROSTEX II Heating Cable %m ae $ 1.19/Ft I #V J/Ft. 50 FT. OR MORE WM Hi-Pressure - \ Washers \ ' | Wm, 500-600 PORTABLE OIL HEATERS REDDY HEATER BTU Reg SALE 30.000 $199 95 $169.95 50.000 $229 95 $189.95 70.000 $279 95 $229.95 90.000 $329 95 $259.95 150.000 $399 95 $359.95 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS. Choice 2-4 925-1075 lbs. 64.50-66,00, few 1000-1100 lbs. 66.51W7.00. YG 3- 4 62.00-64.00. Good and choice 2-3 850-1000 lbs. 61.00-64.50, Bulk 62.00 64.00. Good 58 00-62.00, few lots 50.00-55.00. COWS: Cutter and boning utility 1-3 31.00-36.50, late 33.00-36.50, Canner and low cutter 27.00-33.00 BULLS. YG 1-2 1100-2000 lbs. 39 00-44.00. Oklahoma Cattle Wednesday, January 11 Estimated Receipts Same Day Last Week. Feeder steers under 800 lb. steady; over 800 lb. 1.00 lower. Feeder heifer steady. Demand moderate to good. Trade fairly active. Bulk supply medium and large frame 1 and mixed 1-2 450-900 lb. feeder steers and 400-700 lb. heifers. FEEDER STEERS. Medium and large frame 1 350-500 lb. safer won t overheat even when overlapped use on any pipe even plastic more reliable new design for long life regulates its own heat output without a thermostat cut it to any length Reg. $369 95 1000 $499 95 mostly 68.90-71.75 ; 500-600 lb. 65.25- 67.80, lot 545 lb. 70.60; 600-700 lb. 65.70-69.00, small lot 645 lb. 69.70, 700-800 lb. 64.20-67.85 mostly 65.70 up, late 715 lb. 68.95; 800-900 lb. 61.75-66.00 several lots 64.00-64.20; 900-1000 lbs. 59.75-63.50 most 61.75- 63.50; lot 1050 lb. 60.75. Mixed medium and small frame 1500-600 lb. 64.75-67.70 Small frame 1 535 lb. 59.75; 670 lb. 57.00. Medium and large frame mixed 1-2 450-500 lb. 66.25-66.30; Few lots 600-700 lb. 65.7086.70 ; 700800 lb. 62 0085.50, Few lots 800900 lb. 61.1082.10. Medium Frame 2 660 lb. 58.00; 835 lb. Dairy-cross 47.10 Large frame 2 holstems 600850 lb. 46.8048.40 ; 775 lb. 49.00; 1010 lb 45.50. FEEDER HEIFERS. Medium and large frame 1 300500 lb. 57.00 61.00; 500700 lb. 58.0061.90, lot 565 lb. 62.70; lot 705 lb. 60.80; lot 870 lb. 56.60. 8500 6568 Mixed medium and small frame 1 375-450 lb. 53.00-56.50 ; 585 lb. 59.20; 66S lb. 57.20. Medium and large frame mixed 1-2 400-500 lb. 51.75-53.75; 500-700 lb. 54 75-58.50, few 53.25-54.75; 825-875 lb. 53.50-56.25. Medium and large frame 2 250 lb. 54.50, 500-600 lb. 47.00-52.00. K.E.W. Hi-Pressure Washers HOT OR COLD WATER WATER PSI $2295.00 Cold 1740 $2850.00 Cold 2200 $3590.00 Hot 1300 $4990.00 Hot 2200 NELSON AUTOMATIC LIVESTOCK WATERER • Pasture or Confinement IP ffiPßj • Hogs, Sheep, Cattle, Calves n 8” high Reg. 109.95 24” high Reg. 139.95 SALE *99 ,S SALE $ 1 29” SALE w HOT BULK HYDRAULIC OIL • Quaker State • »3” Gallon Bring Your Own Container SALE LIST s lBso°° *2295°° s 2Bso°° ‘3895 00 ANTI-FREEZE f&3\ Sno-Flo Permanent _ . Wrnzt Uiy s 2.99 Case Price 6 Per Case 55 gallon drum Sale *154.00 ■!SI SPECIALS EFFECTIVE ES2 THRU JANUARY 21 We UPS Anywhere Just Call 717- 464-3321 Or Toll Free (Area Codes 717 & 215) 1-800 732-0053 G&M Livestock Monday, January 9 Duncans vllle, Pa. Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER CATTLE: Steers- Low Choice 62.00-66.90; Good 56.00- 62.00; Standard 52.00-56.00; Utility 46.00- Heifers- Choice 62.00- 66.60; Good 54.00-62.00; Standard 48.00- Utility 42.00-48.00. Cows- Choice 36.00-38.00, couple to 40.00; Good 32.00-36.00; Standard 30.00- Utility 28.00-30.00; Cutters 26.00-28.00; Canners down to 22.00. Bulls 1100-1650 lbs. 46.00- 54.00; 900-1100 lbs. 42.00-50.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers- Medium and Good 300-600 lbs. 46.00-58.00. Heifers- Choice 300-600 lbs. 42.00-52.00. CALVES: Vealers Prime and High Choice 90.00-101.00; Good and Choice 70.00-90.00; Standard 40.00- 70.00; Utility down to 30.00. Farm Calves- Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 90.00- Heifers 90-120 lbs. 55.00- HOGS: Barrows and gilts 200-240 lbs. 50.00-a2.25; 170-300 lbs. 44.00- 50.00. Sows- 300-500 lbs. 42.00-50.50. Boars-28.00-34.00. FEEDER PIGS: 25-35 lbs. 12.00- 18.00 per head; 35-50 lbs. 18.00- 28.00. SHEEP: Slaughter lambs 75-105 lbs. 52.00-62.00; ewes 12.00-20.00. GOATS: 12.00-42.00. Leather Gloves • Bucko color, top gram cowhide • Fleece/foam lined for extra warmth • Double shirred wrist, gunn cut • No 1166L/M r# Frost Proof Hydrants Reg. 3’ - 37.95 4 -38.95 m H \ 5-39.95 * YOUR CHOICE Tj *36.95 q 2 Ft. Bury To Si 7 Ft. Bury Q FARM & HOME SUPPLY R.O-1, Rle. 272 South, HtrrviHe Rd WIHow P». Ptona; (717)4*4-3321 Store Hours Mon Thurs Sat 730 AM 600 PM 730 AM SOOPM 1 Pair *3.59 Reg $4.99 12 Pair Pack $ 2.99/Pr