Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 31, 1983, Image 34

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    Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 31,1983
Jesse Helms, Chairman of the
Senate Committee on Agriculture,
Nutrition, and Forestry, outlined
the agenda of agricultural
legislation for the second session of
the 98th Congress.
“The committee will, of course,
continue to monitor the farm
economy and will be attentive to
problems which might arise in
1984. Beyond that, I hope the
committee will lay the groundwork
for considering the future direction
of farm policy,” Helms said.
“While the committee plans no
specific legislative activity in
regard to the 1975 Farm Bill, in
formal activities preparatory to
action in 1985 will be of interest to
the committee. And, without
question, the committee will have
a special interest in efforts to
provide for a more fiscally
responsible operation of all
government p r ograms-including
farm programs-due largely to the
problems imposed on farmers by
the economic dislocations of
massive federal deficits,” Helms
Other matters on the committee
agenda include;
Expiring Authorities
In 1984, authorization for several
child nutrition programs, in
cluding the Special Supplemental
Food Program for Women, In
fants, and Children (WIC) will
expire. In order for these
programs to continue the- com
mittee must specifically
reauthorize them. Some
modification is likely to be con
sidered in that process.
Also, the committee is expected
to reauthorize the Federal In
secticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) as well
as several other expiring
authorities which provide for user
fees in such USDA programs as
Taral ifLhVMr
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Helms outlines ag legislation agenda
cotton and grain inspection and
Wilderness Bills
Another of the priorities for
consideration early in the session
will be several bills currently
pending before the committee
making wilderness designations in
North Carolina, Wisconsin, New
Hampshire, and Vermont. Several
other bills involving proposed
designations in other States are
expected to come before the
committee as well. The Chairman
hopes to begin hearings soon after
Congress reconvenes Jan. 23 and
move to an early mark-up.
“The wilderness bills have a
high priority,” said Helms. “We
hope to move these bills through
Congress and restore long-term
stability to the management of our
forest resources for multiple use
“Unfair trade practices by other
countries continue to rob U.S.
farmers of export markets,”
Helms said. A number of proposals
to counter this problem were in
troduced last year, and the com
mittee reported S. 822. Helms said
consideration of that bill or a
modified version, S. 2005, the
Agricultural Export Trade Equity
Act of 1983, is possible early in the
“Our farmers continue to suffer
from the export subsidies of the
European Community,” said
Helms. “Other EC proposals
concerning its Common
Agricultural Policy appear to be
blunted right now, but if they come
up again, I can assure the EC that
the Agriculture Committee stands
ready to support countermeasures
to make sure U.S. farmers are
given fair access to world
Bills Pending
Helms said other bills currently
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considered early in the session.
H.R. 3867 (comparable to S.
2052), a bill to amend the
Perishable Agricultural Com
modities Act, would provide sellers
and suppliers of fresh fruits and
vegetables with assurances of
timely payment. Helms said he
hopes this bill will move quickly
when Congress returns.
Also, extensions of the National
Aquaculture Act of 1980 (S. 1101),
and the Native Latex Com
mercialization and Economic
Development Act (H.R. 2733),
which have been reported by the
committee, may be considered
early in the session.
Food Stamps
The committee will review the
recommendations of the
President’s Private Sector Survey
on Cost Control regarding all areas
within the Department of
Agriculture. In addition, the
committee will review the findings
and recommendations of the
President’s Task Force on food
The committee will conduct
hearings on S. 1279, the Chairman
Helms’ bill to provide state option
block grants for nutrition
assistance in lieu of the Federal
food stamp program.
Hearings will be held also on the
food stamp program, specifically
It works for cows. See ad below. Why shouldn’t natural
products prevent disease if they stop existing ailments There
must be a better way. Why do some people not get a virus which
others get? Because of stronger resistance.
Disinfecting Is Not The Answer...
Back To Nature Is.
If I stand on your foot and you holler, what shal I do get off of
your foot or cut off your tongue? Will bankers and Harrisburg bail
you out the second time if they go broke from the fnst swing?
A farmer with 150 cows using a natural product on the whole
herd, increased fat from 3,75 to 4% in November, and milk 250
lbs. per day, equal to $55 Cost only about $lO per day or less
according to quantity.
Same product in hogs saved 12% on feed and nearly that much
on chickens because of better digestion. Evidence from the dairy,
less product may give same results, thereby more than paying for
itself also in chickens.
Product is money back guaranteed if you can’t see im
provement in layer’s healthy appearance or performance in 10
days, (before disease outbreak).
it is not government approved yet, but if you are desperate,
you and the poultry industry can’t afford to wait Our other proof
is sufficient. Proved is better than approved, in desperation.
Write for literature Too much to say on phone. Only part-time
hours next week.
We are getting another hot natural for prevention with plenty
official proof. Will have literature available.
FULL SPECTRUM lights would also help. Layers lack sunshine.
Full spectrum is nearest -thing to the sun. Just increased
production, egg quality, less mortality pays for them m about a
year, let alone probably preventing disease especially in con
junction with the above mentioned product. Write for literature
Impure water also helps cause disease (Solution natural
fertilizer in the future. Ours produces superior crops anyway,
better than the neighbor’s, then better livestock health Write for
literature For immediate solution use our "CAREFREE d)6N
DITIONER” It changes water from toxic to more negative No
maintenance, no tanks or bottles, no electricity, salt or chemicals,
no filters or cartridges. Less corrosion in water heaters, longer
plumbing life, better healthier growth in greenhouses Un
conditionally guaranteed Price ranges from $l4O to $290 ac
cording to size
Rock Phosphate in stables is best fertilizer dollar spent
Minerals and trace elements multiply the bacteria in manure,
increase its value greatly Makes manure rot. Higher phosphorus
is needed anyway to balance the high potash in manure Over
whelming proof. Write for testimonial literature
A Natural Mastitis Treatment That Works
It is rich nutrition in the feed Costs only about $2.75 per day, 2
feedings usually knocks it out except in old prolonged cases. Even
those sometimes when drugs have failed. It is Light Force
Spirulina' , an algae that grows on water. Extremely rich m
vitamins, minerals, trace elements, ammo acids, chlorophyll and
enzymes. It supplies the missing elements. Makes cows resistant
It is double purpose - nourishing the cow and treating the cause,
not just the udder or symptom. Farmers say helps improve sick
cows in a few hours.
200 Tablets... $18.95 Postpaid
Good repeat orders prove that this mastitis treatment works
We also have another excellent natural product to use in com
bination for very stubborn cases and sick cows. Free literature
Dealerships available for both these becoming popular products.
Eli Stoltzfus
Organic Center
with regard to proposals for
eliminating the fraud, waste, and
abuse in the program. Among the
bills to be considered is the
Chairman’s bill, S. 1727, a bill
introduced by Senator McClure
and others.
Other Issues
Helms said other committee
Senators may bring issues before
the committee. For instance,
Senator Roger Jepsen (R-IA) is
supporting legislation to reform
soil and water conservation laws.
Senator Paula Hawkins (R-FL)
plans to hold hearings early in the
session on S. 1300, the Rural
Electrification and Telephone
(Turn to Page A 35)
217 S. Railroad Ave.
New Holland, PA 17957