Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 17, 1983, Image 55

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    Peg Linville stands by a wheel in front of some of the
wreaths which depict Christmas legends. "Yule translates as
wheel," Peg explained. According to legend, Scandinavian
people pictured the sun turning like a wheel, and many of
their legends revolve around the sun. Peg is holding a St.
Lucia Crown, which is used during a Scandinavian celebration
of St. Lucia held on Dec. 13.
fertilizer can get your corn crop
off to a super start:
It has a high concentration of water-soluble Phosphorus that
gets to young seedlings quickly. Helps plants establish a good
root system the starting point for top yields. Its quick-acting
and long-lasting Nitrogen team up to feed the young plants
for full yield potential, continually from sprouting to harvest.
This is the Starter Special that corn growers know from good
experience. It’s highly effective as a banded starter. And it’s
SAFE... no chance of ammonia damage to tender, young
seedlings when used as a “pop up” and applied directly with
the seed at 50 Ibs./acre
How can we fit UNIPEL 13-34-10 into your com
fertility program?
T M s ORTHO Chevron ar j design UNIPEL Peg U S Pat Off
These tiny carollers greet visitors as they walk through the door as
Shop, which is run by Karen Knudsen and located next to the Weed Shop at Linvilla
(Continued from Page B 18)
feed animals,” Peg explained. He
decided to sell most of the animals
Helping the World Grow Better
PH: 717-299-2571
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, December 17,1983—019
and plant fruit.
He originally sold fruit from a
horse-drawn wagon which he
drove into town. Later, he sold the
fruit from his front porch, and
finally, in the 19405, the market
was opened.
Although the market, especially
the cold storage room, is fragrant
with the aroma of apples, they are
not the only fruit grown on the 300-
acre Linvill farm.
“The nature of the retail market
is that you have to have variety,”
Peg said. Apples, peaches, pears,
sweet corn, pumpkins and pick
your-own strawberries are other
features of the market.
What is the secret to a successful
direct marketing approach?
“I haven’t found out,” Peg
laughed, adding on a more serious
note, “There’s a real rapport
among fruit growers. A lot of ideas
are shared.”
Her husband, Paul, is also active
in the Pa. Retail Farm Market
Association, which, according to
Peg, “does a lot of educational
And the special features, such as
homemade apple cider and
freshly-baked pies also add to the
market’s success, as do the special
outside displays which begin in the
The first display is Johnny
Appleseed’s Birthday. That is
followed by Pumpkinland and then
a Thanksgiving Display. At the
Solar Calf Kennel
Pail ar
Hay Rat
Pail not
individual pens Calves cannot reach
together Overall size Bxl2, plus 3'
overhang to protect feeder on 4x4
skfds, and is movable. Half-inch
Aspemte sides and white baked enamel
roof to reflect heat
We Can Arrange Delivery
Ask Us About Our Calf Shelters
For Older Calves
We Do General Farm Construction in Milking Parlors,
Dairy Setups ft Poll Sheds
In Lancaster) York ft Chester Counties, PA
Harford ft Cecil Counties, MD.
Other Styles and
Sizes Available
Ira C. Herr & Son. Inc.
RD I, Quarryville, PA 17566
Phone Day-717-284-4543 Nite 717-786-2090
time of this interview, “the world’s
largest rag doll,” according to
Peg, was on display. Peg explained
that she made the doll, using old
sheets. It stands approximately 38
feet high.
The Linvills also have deer, as
well as assorted other animals, on
the premises, which seemed to
delight the children.
According to Peg, when the
outside displays are set up, they
employ four tour guides and take
about 30,000 school children
through the grounds every year.
During the Christmas season,
Linvilla Orchards is open from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week.
They are closed from Jan. 1 to May
Clever Clovers
4-H Club
Three members of the Clever
Clovers 4-H Club received awards
at the County 4-H Achievement
Dinner. Members congratulated
the award recipients: Sarah
Wingerter, who received the
Clothing and Foods county
medals; her sister, Rachel,
recipient of the Needlework and
Foods County medals, and Chrissy
Blackwell, who was recognized as
the Unit 111 Foods award winner.
The Chirstmas meeting was held
Dec. 14 at Helen Knights home in
Ringoes. Members sang Christmas
carols and then held their annual
Christmas tea.