Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 08, 1983, Image 49

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Lancaster Society 5
a Jsr a “ on on -*■«
Longenecker, Manheim Rl. C win h* rw ™
The group will pack baskets for meeUng W *P 9**'
the elderly and shut-ins of the when the gro “ p attend
society on Nov. 21 at the home of sf 1^65 at Founders HaU, Her-
Mrs. Mervin Peifer. shey and wiU have brunch at the
Kathy and Karen Esbenshade. are
Mount Joy, entertained the group
Lancaster Society 26
ssss*ssr -
Jjl.. f Marthl S vif C S ere speaker will be Ann Pierson, from
elected. Martha Kline, recording House of His Creation,
secretary; Polly Kreider,
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Working for people who work the kind
Ste L%°J> [e % V° „ me i recording secretary; Jennie
recently in the Refton Fireball and Sh k ® assistant kecretarv
made final plans for a bus trip to S
Raystown Lake and East Broad corresponding
tvi t n,„ The society will have tables for
for Ibuid WoSL, and p at 111
October at the Farm and Home
The following officers were November meetine will be
Sc °“’ •rf?* ST? NanSld "
Nancy Starr, vice president; Eve H arnsbure Pike
Gettle, treasurer; Kathryn Stebbe, SbU g Flke ‘
Lancaster Society 11 met at the were made for
home of Margaret Swarr and o„i OI ,„„ < .. c .
elected the following officers- anco library Solanco
eieoea the touowing officers. Meals on k
Helen Shaub, president; Helen e~ t . ~
Waener vice President- Dottie The group will be entertained by
Ss recordbie mS? SoC,ety 18 on f>ct ' 15 ’ ne next
meetmg wUJ 13)16 p,ace 27 at
M”"r n “wXS P r the home of Helen Wagner
Lancaster Society 22 met at the Joy.
home of Mrs. Jack Robinson for a Farm Women Day is Oct. 14.
program by Kathy Armstrong on Open house will be held at the
cake decorating. homes of Arlene Witman and Mrs.
Members will entertain their Robert Hess,
husbands at 7 p.m. Oct. 11 at the The next meeting will be at the
Country Table Restaurant, Mount home of Mrs. Carl Diller.
comparison proves that Agway Farmowner's
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Lancaster Society 10
Lancaster Society 11
Lancaster Society 22
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 8,1983—89
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Berks Society 9
Berks Society 9 met at the Amity
Fire Company, and Fire Chief Ron
Henry' gave the group a tour and a
talk on the equipment and clothing
they use for fires.
Bingo will be held at 7 p m. Nov
3 at the Annex Building
The women gave a donation to
the fire company:
The October meeting will take
place at the home of Karen
Schreier, Douglassville R 2. The
program will be candlewickmg
y * 11 1 rviOwifii <
Saturday, Oct. 1
Lancaster Society 2 meets for a
silent auction,
Society 19 meets at
Hempfield Church of the
Society 1 meets to hear
a nurse’s assistant from the
Ephrata area.
Society 7 meets for a
birthday dinner
Tuesday, Oct. II
Lancaster Society 22 meets for a
“Day with Lydia."
Wednesday, Oct. 12
ILancaster Society 25 meets for a
visit to the sight saving center,
lane aster Society 16 meets with
Alice Patterson, Christiana.
Lancaster Society 14 meets at the
home of Ruth Longenecker
Thursday, Oct. 13
Lancaster Society 21 meets for a
dried flower arranging
Lancaster Society 9 meets with
Jeanne Brenneman
Friday, Oct. 14
Lancaster Society 13 meets with
Dottle Leaman and Edith
State Farm Women s Day.
Saturday, Oct 15
Lancaster Society 3 meets to leam
to make dried flowers by Viola
and Verna Mueller.
Lancaster Society 8 meets for a pot
poum musical by Julie Kohler.
Lancaster Society 12 meets with
Nancy Morrow for a program
on "The Seasons of Life.”
Lancaster Society 18 meets for a
salad luncheon to entertain
Society 11 at the Farm and
Home Center. Michelle
Rodgers, Extension home
economist, will have the
Re-Roofing Specialists
Galen Smoker