Livestock market # Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, September 23 Report supplied by USDA Today 849 l>ast Friday 744 Ixist Year 935 TREND: Compared to last Fnday feeder steers firm to 1.00 higher. Supply included 454 in graded sale, offered in lots of 10 or more. FEEDER STEERS MEDIUM FRAME 1: One lot 445 lb. 56.25; few lots 660-735 lb. 53.50- BIG FARM POWER AND EQUIPMENT __ ' \ ■ i* 4 4WD POWER AT A 2WD PRICE 3 s -, '".'* ¥=,- -ins r.^ We Dare You PERFORMANCE: 4WD means 4 equal size tires for reduced fuel consumption, better flotation and the traction you need for optimum tillage re sults. PROFIT: 4 WO performance in time and fuel efficiencies will mean increas ed profits at season’s end. Don’t pay the price for less tractor when you can afford your first choice. Profit from the VERSATILE 555 4WD Tractor 53.75; one lot 595 lb. 51.50 and one lot 965 lb. 54.75. MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 1. Several lots 565-775 lb. 51.50-54.00; couple lots 835-890 lb. 51.00-53.50. LARGE FRAME 1: Few lots 865- 905 lb. 53.00-53.75; one lot 1010 lb. 48.25. SMALL AND MEDIUM FRAME 1; One lot 540 lb. 56.75, one lot 665 lb. 52.75; and one small lot 955 lb. 53.25. MEDIUM FRAME 1-2. Couple lots 485-555 lb. 51.75-54.75; few lots 700940 lb. 48 00-48.75 Your 2WD just isn’t pulling its weight anymore and you’re faced with a choice... buying a bigger 2WD, OR with a 555 TRACTOR To Compare... lARGE FRAME 1-2. Couple lots 625-770 lb. 50.50-52-25. SMALL AND MEDIUM FRAME 1-2: Couple lots 530-570 lb 51.70 52.50 and one small lot 715 ib 54.25 FEEDER HEIFERS MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 1. Couple tots 685-690 Ib 42.50. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, September 27 Auction not reported due to reporter on vacation. • PRODUCTIVITY: VERSATILE 555 4WD gives you a 555 cid. high torque rise engine to get the (ob done in less time and beat out the bad weather odds • PRICE: Shop around. You'll find 2WD tractors in the same horsepower range at comparable prices.* (2WD with FWA costs even more!) But because the VERSATILE 555 Tractor is 4WD, you’ll know which one is the best value for your money. * In the comparative pricing data all models are with 3 pt hitch 2WD models in elude front weights and dual wheels Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 1,1983—A15 Greencastle Market Greencastle, Pa. Monday, September 26 Report supplied by auction CATTLE; Butcher Steers- Choice 60.00-64.00; Medium Good 50.00- Butcher Heifers- Choice 5?.0(W)LOO; Medium Good 47.00- Butcher Cows- Utility Good 37.00-43.85; Canners and Cutters 34.00-42.00; Shells down to 31.00. Butcher Bulls- Medium Good 45.00- Stock Steers- Medium up to 58.00. Stock Heifers- Medium Good up to 50 00., CALVES. Medium Good Calves -160-220 lbs. 55.00-70.00; 125-160 lbs 50.00-65.00; 100-120 lbs. 48.00-00 00, 80-100 lbs. 45.00-55.00. Holstein Bull Calves up to 81.00. Holstein Heifer Calves up to 7].00. Light and Green Calves down to 35.00 HOGS - Good-Choice Butcher Hogs- 190-225 lbs 42 00-45.50; 225- 250 lbs 44 00-45 50. Good Choice Butcher Sows- 400 lbs., down up to 38 00 , 400 lbs, up up to 39.00 Heavy Boars- up to 28 50 Pigs - Per Head-12 00-21 00 st , \ s VSVv.\