AB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24,1983 V SEPT. 26-OCT. 2,1983 Days of gold nol 100 cold. Apple picking time begins John Jay became first chief justice of United States Sept 26, 1789 Last quarter of the moon Sept 29 (Thurs ) Average length of days for the week, 11 hours, 51 minutes W H Auden died Sept 28, 1973 Porg y and Biss opened in Boston Sept 30, 1935 Babe Ruth hit 60th home run Sept 30, 1927 None is a fool always everyone sometimes Ask Ihe Old Farmer: We have a cast-iron Dutch oven that keeps rusting up on us Can we do anything to prevent this 7 LJ B , Jacksonville, Fla After each Use give it a quuk wash in hot sudsy water, then rinse in hot clear water and wipe with a damp doth Dry in the oven or in the open air Home Hints; I' or quick cleaning of a blender, fill the container half full w ith hot water, add a little dish detergent, and blend for a few seconds then rinse thoroughly OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Rainy and warm for the week, sunnv, cold nights tor the weekend Greater New York-New Jersey: Week starts sunnv and hot midweek mild, thundershowers, sunny and cool for the weekend Middle Atlantic Coastal: First part of week hot, showers, mild re mainder of week Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Hot to midweek, then show ers, mild, partly cloudy, unseasonably cool weekend (All Rights Reserved Yankee Publishing liuorporated Dublin Ml I 014+1) Oklahoma Cattle Wednesday, September 21 Report supplied by USDA Trade slow. Demand moderate on cattle under 500 lb., light on cattle over 500 lb. Feeder steers and heifers under 500 lb. steady, over 500 lb. weak to 50 lower, several early 1.00-1.50 lower. Bulk of receipts 500-800 lb. feeder steers and 500-700 lb. feeder heifers. Medium Frame 1 through 2 grades dominant. FEEDER STEERS MEDIUM AND LARGE 1: 330 500 lb. 67.00-71.80; 400600 lb. 59.80 64.00, couple lots 500550 lb. 64.50 67.40; 600800 lb. 56.0057.50, few early 57.8059.90; 800900 lb. 54.50 57.20. MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME MIXED 1-2: 375-500 lb. 58.75-65.75, few 66.00-69.25; 500600 lb. 54.00-58.00; 800-800 lb. 54.00 57.00, late mostly 54.00-56.10; 850 8751 b. 53.40-54.80. MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 2: 500-800 lb. 50.0055.30. LARGE FRAME 2 HOLSTEINS: Pkg 725 lb. 40.70. FEEDER HEIFERS MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 1; 350600 lb. 55.00-58.00, one lot 345 lb. 59.00; 500600 lb. 51.00-52.60, couple lots 500-525 lb. 54.7055.00; 6006001 b. 51.0053.30. A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Phone: 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 FEEDER SALE! TUES., SEPT. 27 CARLISLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Just Off 1-81 Exit 12 Phone (717) 249-4511 or Jim 249-2359 thiqLD 41MAYU& MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME MIXED 1-2: 400-500 lb. 49.30-51.80; 500-800 lb. 46.5050.80. MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 2: 500-700 lb. 44.0(M8.10. Trade moderate at best, demand light to moderate with buyers being quality conscious. Compared to last Wednesday, feeder steers under 500 lb. firm to 1.00 higher; heifers under 500 ib. 1.00-2.00 higher. Medium and Large Frame 1 feeder steers and heifers over 500 lb. steady to SO lower; medium and large frame mixed 1-2 and 2 feeder steers and heifers over 500 lb. unevenly 50-1.50 lower. Slaughter cows steady to 1.00 higher with breaking-utility and commercial 2- 3 35.60-39.80; boning-cutter and utility 1-2 34.40-37.40, few 38.30- 39.10, Canners and low cutters 28.25-34.60. Slaughter bulls closed 3.00-4,00 lower with YG 1 1400-1700 lb. 46.0051.00; 1175-1400 lb. 45.00- 50.00; few 995-1190 lbs. 40.00-41.00. Salable receipts this week estimated at 18,300 head compared with 20,227 head last week and 18,407 head last year. Majority of receipts consisted of feeder steers and heifers; cows and bulls made up 11 percent of estimated supply. ATTENTION FARMERS EVERY MONDAY HATFIELD PACKING CO. and BAUMS MEAT PACKING Will Receive Your Hogs and Cattle at the [ DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET 1 I RD4, Danville, PA 1 I • We will receive your hogs from 8 AM to 12 Noon | every Monday. Your hogs will be weighed and i i paid for immediately, i.• We will also accept your sows & boars. ! 1 • Your cattle will be received from 12 Noon to 4 PM. We will either pay tor your cattle immediately or you may sell them dressed weight. • There will not be a commission or yardage fee deducted from your check. • You may call our office Monday morning and we will be able to tell you the base price for hogs for the day. • Please come and give us a chance to continue doing business with you through this method. FOR INFORMATION CALL 717-275-2880 WEEKLY CATTLE SUMMARY Livestock market and auction news Morrison’s Cove Auction Monday, September 19 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE 282. High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 61.75-64.25, Choice 58.75-60, Good 54.50-58.25, Standard 50.50-52.50, Utility 40.00- 45.50, Choice slaugther heifers 54.50- Good 51.50-53.50, Standard 45.50-48.50, Utility 37.50- 43.50, Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 41.50-45.25, Com mercial 40.25-42.50, Cutters 38.50- 41.50, Canner & Low Cutters 34.50- 38.50, Shells down to 25.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 54.50-55.50, Good 50.50-52.50, Standard 44.50- 48.50, Utility 40.25-43.50. Yield Grade slaughter bulls 50.50-53.50, #2 38.5047.50. Choice feeder steers 56.50- Good 50.25-53.50, LOUIS LYONS & SON Consign your cattle and hogs, feeder pigs & calves to Louis Lyons & Son. They offer choice service, excellent sorting & marketing of your livestock. Charles Oilier, Manager Phone 394-7915 Burnell Siegrist - Buyer & Seller Phone 626-8653 ftasy porsoone* Green Dragon Livestock Sales PjwJ 1 Mile North of Ephrata, PA VUV