Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 13, 1983, Image 56

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    Bl6—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, August 13,1983
Staff Correspondent
shey, 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Hershey, R 1 Marietta,
was named the 1983-84 Lancaster
County Poultry Queen at a contest
held last Friday at the Farm and
Home Center.
Alternate Queen will be Beth
Weber, 17, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Weber, Reinholds. Both
girls will promote poultry products
during the coming year on behalf
of the county’s industry, which
ranks first in the state m value of
products sold. There were eight
contestants vying for the honor.
During the evening program,
Chairman of the County Com
missioners Robert Boyer
presented a proclamation signed
by the county commissioners
designating August as Poultry
Month in Lancaster County. In
giving the proclamation to Poultry
Association President Marlin
Hershey, Boyer recognized “the
tremendous contribution of the
industry to our economy. ”
Master of ceremonies for the
evening’s program was Betty
Rode, commodity promotional
superviosr for the Bureau of
Markets at the Pennsylvania
Department of Agriculture. She
also narrated a fashion show by
contestants, in which they modeled
costumes to show a day in the life
of a Poultry Queen.
Brenda is a 1961 graduate of
Donegal High School, where she
was a cheerleader for football and
basketball and played hockey and
softball. She graduated in 1983
from Northampton County Area
Community College with an
associate degree in dental hygiene.
She is currently employed by Dr.
John Black, Willow Street.
while your fields are "vacationinq"
on tlr UK program:
Hershey Wears
While in college, she par
ticipated in the Inter-Varsity
Christian organization through
Lehigh and Lafayette Colleges,
and was part of its Big Sister
program. She was a member of the
Phi Theta Kappa honor society and
at graduation received an award
from Sigma Phi Alpha, national
dental hygiene honorary society
for being in the top 10 percent of
her class. She also received a
clinical award for top clinical
performance, while in college.
A member of the Mt. Joy
Mennonite Church, Brenda will be
teaching Sunday School part-time.
Each contestant had to prepare a
30-second radio commercial
promoting poultry products, and
Brenda chose to hold a two-way
phone conversation planning
menus for a weekend trip. She
encouraged her friend to take a
“12-pack,” telling her that at 80
calories a piece and $.53 a pound,
eggs were a great buy and would
make for an “eggciting weekend.”
In response to a question chosen
at random, Brenda sqid she would
like to talk to the younger
generation because as they grow
up they can increase their use of
poultry products, and they can
encourage their parents to pur
chase the products. Brenda’s
father has a 110,000 laying
Beth is a 1963 graduate of
Garden Spot High School, where
she played softball. She is
currently employed at the Country
Acres Farm Store in Refton. Her
parents raise 70,000 layers.
In her commercial, Beth talked
about the protein value of chickens
and eggs and called them a
“healthy treat.”
The 300 people attending the
banquet and pageant were treated
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Mb A6HmALTn£<^
THOMASVILLE, PA. • 717-792-2631
Lancaster Co. Po
Darlene Musser, retiring Poultry Queen, crowns Brenda Hershey as the 1983*84
Lancaster County Poultry Queen, following the contest last week. Alternate Queen Beth
Weber looks on.
to pickled red beet eggs which had
been shaped to look like apples,
and had been prepared earlier m
the week by the contestants.
The new Queen was crowned by
outgoing queen Darlene Musser,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin
Musser, Mount Joy.
Other contestants were: Deanna
Cravens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Cravens, Lancaster;
Wanda Hershey, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Hershey,
Manheim; Suzanne Singletary,
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daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Donald
Singletary, East Earl; Carolyn
Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Weaver, Mohnton; Suzanne
Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Weaver, New Holland; Vit
Yang Wong, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Chung Sau Wong, New
All contestants received a gold
watch for participating, and the
new queen received a $5OO
scholarship. The __ alternate
received a $2OO scholarship.
...refresh and replenish them with soft,
white, Thomasville limestone. Now, wnile
your fields are at rest due to your par
ticipation in the PIK program is the perfect
time to lime. When you're ready to plant
again, you'll come back to fresh, produc-
tive, SWEETENED soil...what could be
easier? Cali today for details. Thomasville
has a special plan for your PIK fields!
I /
Chairmen for the event were Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Mowrer,
Columbia R 2.
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