DELTA Eighteen York County 4-H dairy project youngsters clipped, scrubbed, pulled, pushed and occasionally pleaded with their heifers through a fitting workshop, held July 13 at Kingway Farms, Delta. By the close of the annual workshop, sponsored by the county’s Junior Holstein Association, the nine calves that commanded the attention of teams of dairy fitters and showman were, for the • most part, ready for parading before the judge. “Fitting is a really tough job,” acknowledged Dauphin County 4-H agent Bruce Kreider, whose task it was to select the best fitted animal, and then choose a top showman from each of three divisions based on year’s of showing experience of the members. Taking first place in the fitting competition was the team of David King, Kenton McCleary and Kelly Morris. Second team was Patty Bupp and Andy Rusland, placing over the pair in third, Kelly Diehl jp ip . pK Holstein fitting-showing workshop went to, from left, Shannon Doll, first in junior division, Patty Bupp senior division and champion winner,, and Andrea Kauffman, in termediate division. Judge for the competition was Bruce Kreider, Dauphin County 4-H agent. BUILT TO LAST FOR A LIFETIME These heavily reinforced Cattle Guards are precast in one piece for a lifetime of maintenance-free operation. Supports heavy machinery and truck loads LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH WEIGHT 16 ft -9000 lbs I? ft -7000 (bs STRENGTH 5000 RSI reinforced Concrete Sollenberger Silos Corp. A Nitterhouse Company Box N Ctumboreburg, PA 17201 [7l7] 264*1 A Producer of Quality Concrete Products Since 1923 York 12 ft or 16 ft TV Ift. For More Information, Contact: -. % V 4-H dairy juniors hold fitting workshop and Matt Miller. Others, in placing order were, Lesley King and Shannon Doll, David Krone and Richard Bupp, Mike Krebs and Tim Fitzgerald, Downa Doll and Tim Warner, and Andy Kauffman and Kim McCleary. In selecting his showmanship winners, Kreider told the entrants that they need to be aware both of the location of the judge at all time while in the showring, as well as staying alert to how their animal looks. Senior divison winner Patty Bupp won the nod for top overall showmanship winner, with in termediate class front-runner Andrea Kauffman taking second in the showmanship finals. Rookie division winner Shannon Doll also competed in the final runoff for the championship. Division placings are as follows: Showmen with over 5 years of experience, 1. Patty Bupp; 2. David Krone; 3. David King; 4. Lesley King; 5. Mike Krebs; 6. DownaDoll. “M-s'-l Si 1 ' 1 I ! S I \ I I \ I S -I I H-H- CROSS SECTION »■ # » . „ « Joining Junior Holstein fitting workshop judge Bruce Kreider is the team he selected as the top group in preparing their heifer for the fitting competition. From left are team members Dave King, Kelly Morris and Kenton McCieary. Showmen with 2 - 4 years ex- Bupp; 4. Kelly Diehl; 5. Tun 2 - Andy Ruhland; 3 - Kim perience: 1, Andrea Kauffman; 2. Warner; 6. Matt Miller. McCieary; 4. Tim Fitzgerald; 5. Kenton McCieary; 3. Richard Rookie showmen; 1. Shannon Kelly Morris. NE dairy farmers endorse dairy compromise SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The Nor- assessed to cover the cost of a .. severe J Upp ° r * theast Dairy Coordinating Com- production diversion program and , n?!?.? mittee representing some 25,000 increased national promotion it was the dairy farmers in the Northeast efforts. f 31 1? mter f. sts ’ ! on Monday took a position favoring The compromise would end a a dairy compromise which would period of uncertainty to the dairy P rovl ded poS , ltlV6 ( ° reduce the surplus of dairy industry, which has faced several products and government ex- short term changes in dairy Jp penditures. Under the proposal legislation over the past two years, several memterso fte rthea now being considered in W Committee indicated that it delegation have Washington, farmers would be supported the compromise rather legislation comp omi ■ HANDY CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK IMPORTANT: Be sure to include name, address, and Please publish my starting with the word count PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY (Number of Words) MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 366, Lititz, PA 17543 NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions in Section B with Mailbox Markets. 13-$2.60 17-$3.40 21-$4."20 25-$5.00 29-$5.80 33-J6.60 37-J7.40 Lancaster'Fanning,Saturda'y’, Jufy^3,l9B3—Cl t .word ad issue. Classify under For ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change deduct 20 percent discount. (See rate chart at beginning of classified section for an example of dis count.) 14-$2.80 18-$3.60 22-J4.40 26-$5.20 30-$6.00 34-$6.80 38-s7.6tt »■■■«■■■■■■■■■■ ■"1 (Number of Times) DEADLINE: 9 A.M. THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK'S PUBLICATION RATES: 20 c Per Word, $2.40 Minimum Charge 15-$3.00 19-$3.80 23-$4.60 27-$5.40 31-$6.20 35-$7.00 39-17.80 times 12-$2.40 16-$3.20 20-$4.00 24-$4.80 28-$5.60 32-$6.40 36-$7.20 40-$B.OO