A32—Lancaster Farming, Saturday; Juljjf 9,1983 How do Jersey breeders celebrate July 4> BY DONNA McCONAUGHEY SHIPPENSBURG - Where do you find Jersey enthusiasts on the Fourth of July? At a Jersey event, of course. Carefully laid plans of the Cumberland Valley Jersey Breeders to sponsor not just an ordinary sale but a social event for JERSEY % Handsome quilt featuring the ideal Jersey cow sold for $3OO at the July 4 Cumberland Valley Jersey Breeders sale. u - 1 THE AERO DRYTM COMPUTER YOU REMEMBER that the corn crib, while using only natural air, would dry down corn quite nicely. Well the AERO DRY COMPUTER™ enables us to use the air only when conditions ARE RIGHT to rapidly bring the corn moisture to where we want it. AND we do not aerate until we need to - thus saving you tremendous amounts of money AND time spent babysitting The AeroDry System To Your Existing Bin. AeroDry Systems Distributed Exclusively by ADVANCED AG SYSTEMS, INC FOR THE REPRESENTATIVE NEAREST YOU. CALL COLLECT Jersey folks came to fruition on this July 4th. The crowd poured in from Pennsylvania and neighboring states to fill the seats as well as the perimeter of the sale bam. The results of much hard work was 37 head of bred heifers and cows selling for an average of - |2SSS‘ I ► 3M Elverson, Pa. (215) 286-0301 Vm * r THE AERO DRY™ FANS 12 universities back us up when we say the more air you move, the faster you dry. After years of experiments only 2 fans arp now approved for your AERO DRY system Both are MADE for us. AND our AERO DRY vane axial fans put out more air in actual drying conditions than any other fan m the world PERIOD! COMPU $llO4. Walebe Hi-Power Quiche con signed by Walebe Farms, of Collegeville, topped the sale with a 91650 price tag. A daughter of Reglis Deni Hi-Power and out of a Marlu Milestone dam, this fancy heifer sold to Ted Small, of Chambersburg. Typical of many Holstein breeders in the Cumberland Valley, the Small family is buying Jerseys to incorporate into their herd. They currently milk 100 head of Holsteins. Their goal is to have 20 Jerseys in the herd one-year from now. The Small’s chose some of the best offered at this sale. In addition to the high-selling heifer, they also purchased S.R. Roxy Lotus Ella, consigned by Spruce Row Farm, of Meadville, for the third highest price of |1320. This cow has a 3- year-old projected record of 12,556 lbs. of milk and 585 lbs. of fat. Ogston Farm, of Columbus, N.J., consigned the second high heifer, a daughter of Brigham Val Zev of Ogston bred to Milestones Generator. This heifer brought 11350 and will make her new home on the Cumberland Valley Farm of Bill and Susan Dietrich in Newburg. In addition to the regular sale offering of Jersey cattle, the Cumberland Valley Jersey Breeders made available a hand made quilt featuring the ideal Jersey cow in applique. The quilt was made just for this sale by Norma Bowser of Grant sville, Md., and sold for f3OO to Dr. Dreisbach of Hamburg, PA. The proceeds from the sale of this quilt will go into the fund for Penn sylvania’s hosting of the 1985 National Jersey Heifer Sale. Topping the Cumberland Valley sale was Walebe Hi-Power Quiche, consigned by Walebe Farms; Collegeville, at $1650. From the left are Ted and Marion Small, buyers; Lester consignment that went to Bill and Due Dietrich, of Newburg. Also-shown are Lester Martin, sale co-chairman: and Doug Martin, at halter. THE AERO DRY™ FLOOR SYSTEM Looks strange, doesn't it? H your floor does not look like this, you’ve got a floor designed to only AERATE! Our floor was designed to DRY!! Our floor is 23% open. An aerating floor is usually only 11 to 12 percent open. You would have a bottleneck. NAME ADDRESS ZIP CODE PHONE # NO. OF ACRES FARMED THE TURBO VENT energy powers the Turbo Vent. In a 4 mph breeze, the turbo vent does the work of a */< H.P. motor. It GENTLY completes the )0b the COMPUTER, FLOOR SYSTEM and FANS started. The stagnant moist air is exhausted. V hr , 'V g Systems Inc. □ Yes, I want to arrange for a quote on a system for my farm DRY™