Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 25, 1983, Image 10

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    Alo—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, tone 25,1983
Leroy Geesaman, president of the Penn
sylvania Young Farmers, made a lot of sense
at the Cedar Crest YF banquet last week in
In his home Northern Lebanon Chapter,
Geesaman is heading up an effort to sign up
dairymen to participate in a year-round milk
advertising campaign over the radio. He’s
trying to enlist more participating dairymen
among the other YF chapters in Lebanon
As far as we know, this is the first continuing
advertising promotional program being
considered on a continuing year-round basis
directly by a group of dairymen.
“It’s important that we as dairymen get
behind ideas such as this," Geesaman said.
“After all, if we don't think enough of our
product to get behind it, what is the consumer
supposed to think of it and us?
"Consumers are going to think better of our
product and us when they see dairymen
getting directly involved in promotion.”
And we’d like to add one more idea
In a couple of weeks, the Pa. Young Farmers
get togther for their summer conference at
In between the tours and the horseshoe and
volleyball tournaments, we hope there’s some
discussion between representatives of
chapters across the state about Lebanon’s
proposed cooperative advertising program
among dairymen. Possible spread among
other chapters can only help the overall
promotion of milk and dairy products.
Up along Rt. 322 at Fontana, Umberger's
Mill and local dairymen have once again
To Control Disease Spread
in Poultry
Much the same as humans come
down with the flu, poultry also has
a special kind of flu called Avian
Influenza. Several cases have been
confirmed in Lancaster County by
the state Diagnostic Lab. They
include layer, broiler and started
pullet flocks. The most important
thing you can do at this time is to
keep a very close watch on the
flock, and if you see any peculiar
illness developing take several
birds directly to either the Sum
merdale State Lab or the New
Bolton Lab. We also need to im
plement the procedures developed
by the LT Task Force which in
clude the following;
By Jay Irwin
Lancaster County Agriculture Agent
Phone 717-394-6851
•• Lock all access doors in the
poultry house
•* Put on clean coveralls, rubber
boots and disposable caps
•• Bring on the farm only ar
ticles which can be cleaned and
•• Incinerate all dead birds
•• Provide obvious, outside
receptacles for feed slips, invoices
** No visits to other poultry
•• Rodent control. Don't forget
stray dog and cat control.
By implementing these
procedures you will be protecting
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DPP Inc.
Dairy Product
| | | | Promotion Inc.
® 0
cooperated in giving away a iree glass of white
or chocolate milk during June. The promotion
has been going on for several years.
Mrs. J. Melvin Koser, of R 2 Narvon, would
like to see more dairy cookbooks and par
ticularly for children to make milk-based
drinks and no-bake recipes.
Adam Leid, of R 3 Ephrata, would like to
know where he can get a rubber stamp like the
one that Mrs. Reitz, of R 2 Mayport, uses and
told us about.
Mrs. Keith Coddington, of R 1 Port Royal,
endorses the banning of soft drinks at Ag
Progress and the Farm Show and would like to
see the ban go even farther.
She writes:
‘The farm wife who suggested banning soft
drinks at Ag Progress Days and the Farm
Show has a wonderful idea. In fact my
husband has said the same thing himself.
"Now, we suggest it go one step farther.
Ban alt products sold that are not 100 percent
pure. For example, ban margarine, use butter;
ban Cool Whip, use real cream: ban fruit
drinks, use real fruit juice.
“Get the idea.
“Let's see what the other folks think."
your industry from spread of all
diseases, thus, helping to make
everyone more prosperous.
We want to emphasize that
Avian Influenza is not tran
smissable in the egg or meat. One
positive aspect the Avian In
fluenza virus seems to be self
limiting with time and the virus
disappears from flocks in two
To Feed Dry Matter on Pasture
Pastures are very lush this
spring due to favorable growing
conditions. This means that
livestock can utilise some dry
matter while on pasture. This can
include hay, straw or silage. With
the dry matter present, they will
consume a moderate amount along
with the fresh grass.
June 26,1983
Background Scripture:
Judges 4 through 5.
Devotional Reading:
Acts 16:11-15.
Earlier this week I sat in the
office of a young Assistant Pastor
in a large metropolitan church. He
could no longer hide his sense of
hurt and disappointment, “I did
not come here for a lot of glory,”
he explained, “but sometimes it
would be nice to be recognized as
making a contribution.”
The church in which he works is
one of those dominated by the
personality of the senior minister.
Other staff members, no matter
how hard they work nor how fine is
their contribution, are largely
“invisible” as far as the
congregation is concerned.
Deborah, Barak and Jael
Whether in the church or in other
acres of our society, we often seem
to have a fixation on ‘ 'super stars. ’ ’
We tend to overlook the fact that
real success is usually the result of
contributions and efforts from
many sources. The achievement of
the “super star” may be the most
spectacular, but often it could not
happen without the acts of other
people whose work and efforts are
largely unseen.
Sometimes people need to
realize that there is enough glory
to go around and we don’t have to
Farm Calendar
Saturday, June 25
No-till conference, Pineyhill
Farm, 10:30 a.m., 1/2 mile
south of Washington, N. J.
Berks County Wool Pool, 7 a.m. to 3
p.m., Bollman’s hat factory,
Mercer Co. dairy princess
Sunday, June 26
Annual convention. Pa. Con
fectioners Mfg. Assn., Host
The dry matter slows down the
passage of the lush forage through
the digestive system. Also, it
reduces the danger of bloating
when (here is clover or alfalfa in
the forage mixture. If the animals
are out all the time, then a portable
hay rack would be the way to feed
hay or straw. Dry matter intake is
important when pastures are lush
and high in water content.
To Ciena Pesticide Sprayers
The use of various kinds of spray
materials in one sprayer is risky,
this is especially true when you are
using any type of weed killer. In
too many cases the sprayer carries
sufficient residual weed killer
material to injure a susceptible
crop. Farmers who are spraying
corn fields with weed killers one
day and then spraying alfalfa or
tobacco plants the next day with
the same equipment had better do
a real thorough job of cleaning the
Some materials can be cleaned
by using warm water and soap
detergent. However, materials
such as 2,4-D had better be cleaned
with one pint of household am-
horde it all for ourselves. You don’t
have to lose so that I can win. Your
success doesn’t erase mine. We
can both be recognized without
taking anything away from each
other. 1 can rejoice with you in
your accomplishment and you can
rejoice with me in mine.
My wife/ Valere, and I are both
public speakers and a fair portion
of our ministry is dependent upon
our speaking and teaching
engagements. We are never
jealous of each other and our in
vitations from various groups. We
are glad for each other. I wish that
spirit could be carried out into our
society, so that all people could get
the recognition they deserve and
need. Individual achievements are
important, but the essence of life is
cooperation and lots of apparent
“individual achievements” are
dependent upon the roles played by
The Victory at Kadesb
The great victory that was won
at Kadesh by the Israelites was a
group effort that required
cooperation. Through the per
suasion of Deborah, God was able
to pursuade Barak to gather his
forces there against Sisera.
Without Deborah, Barak would not
have been encouraged to assemble
his forces. Without Barak’s ability
as a leader of men, Deborah would
not have been able to win the
victory. But the complete success
of the venture was to depend on yet
another person—a much more
obscure person at that: Jeal, the
wife of Heber, who by herself slew
the hated Sisera.
Deborah had forseen this, for she
had warned Barak: “the road on
which you are going will not lead to
your glory, for the Lord will sell
Sisera into the hand of a woman.”
Apparently, this did not deter
either Barak or Deborah, for they
knew that whatever glory there
was belonged to God.
Corral, Lancaster, continues
through Wed.
Monday, June 27
Beekeeper Short Course at Penn
State, continues through Friday
Penn Ag Industries Assn., annual
gram seminar meeting, 9:30
a.m. tc4; 30 p.m. and 6:30p.m.,
Treadway Resort Inn
National Holstein meeting, Nor
fold, Va., continues through
monia in 25 gallons of hot water.
Allow this mix to remain in the
sprayer overnight and then spray
it out through the system on the
lane or driveway. Don’t be guilty of
harming good plants. One of the
best practices is to have one
sprayer for weed killers and
another for other purposes.
To Renovate Strawberries
Since the harvest of the
strawberry crop is nearly over, it
is a good time to plan fornextyear.
In most cases, plants that have
yielded two or more crops, cannot
be expected to do as well in the
future. However, if the current
planting is to be used for another
year we suggest that the rows be
worked by the use of mechanical
cultivation and followed by top
dressing of fertilizer. These
practices will keep the berry
plants in a row and encourage
additional runners to increase next
years yield. In the case of a new
planting of strawberries, we urge
you to fertilize them in June and
again early in August. This extra
plant food will enable the setting of
runners and will help increase
yield next year.