I YORK You wouldn’t slosh gasoline on the wood in your fireplace just because it would be a faster way to start a fire, would you? Well, you shouldn’t use un safe canning methods just because they’re faster either. Many unsafe methods of canning have surfaced over time and should be avoided, according to home economist Joan Lamberson. Open kettle canning is unsafe. Open kettle canning means food is cooked in an open kettle until it is adequately heat-processed. Then it Canning methods not recommended and why is packed into sterile jars and sealed without additional processing. This method of can ning is not recommended because transferring the food from the open kettle to a sterile jar can expose it to additional micro-organisms and recontaminate the food. Also, the heating processing in the open kettle does not always kill all the microorganisms that could cause spoilage. Steam canning, in spite of research done in the past ten years, is not a safe canning method either. Steam canners that are marketed today do not allow for venting of steam. Instead of pure, saturated steam or boiling water, steam canners use a mixture of air and steam which is not deadly to microorganisms and which will not sterilize your canned food properly. j Oven Canning in any oven conventional or microwave r— is unsafe. The balance of internal and external pressure in an 'oven cannot be maintained as In a canner. Glass jars may ’ ' or Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 18,1983—817 explode from this uneven pressure and result ui the loss of food or injury if it occurs while opening the oven. An ovlen also does not distribute beat evenly, resulting in some jars not being heated enough for sterilizations. Jar lids also don’t seal well in the dry head of an oven. Automatic dishwasher canning is also unsafe. Dishwashers were made to wash dishes, not process food. The temperature of water in a dishwasher is usually about 130- 160° P, not nearly hot enough to process canned food. Aspirin canning is another un safe method. Aspirin is not a preservative and doesn’t contain enough acid to change the acidity of any food. It cannot replace or even reduce the need for heat processing of canned foods. Cold pack is not a canning method, but the terminology could cause some problems if used literally. When cold or raw foods are packed into jars, you must also process the full jars in boiling water or in a pressure canner for the recommended times to sterilize the food. The only two recommended methods of processing food are boiling-water and pressure processing canning. The method you use depends on the type of food you’re processing. Use a pressure canner for canning meats and vegetables, other than tomatoes and pickled beets. Use a boiling water bath for canning fruits, tomatoes and all pickled foods. THINK AHEAD... Read Future* Markets an Page 3.