>l26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 23,1983 York Holstein tour (Continued from Page A 24) The Stolzfus are abundant with their thanks and praise for those who helped with the buildings, and for donations of hay that arrived later. In spite of the fire and the temporary housing with neighbors, the herd has maintained a rolling herd average of 16,000 milk. Bull selection earns high priority attention on this herd of 4 Ex cellent, 25 Very Good, 27 Good Plus and 6 Good individuals. Stolzfus leans forward typey bulls with production, rather than dwelling heavily on index numbers. “If I make up my mind to use a certain bull, not too much in fluences me against that,” he told the York breeders. Current sires favored include Wileeda, Milk man, Marvation and Magic. A mostly-home-bred herd fills the 60 tie-stalls at Rocky Side Holsteins in Chester County, owned by the Jefferson Yoder family, Elverson. Jeff and his son, Carl, operate the 800-acre farm, cropped to hay and grams, and also maintain a herd of 120 head of Herefords. Yoder’s breeding philosophy shys aways from the “hot”, high Predicted Difference sires, with typiness and size an important part of the overall breeding goal. One measure of Yoder’s success is his 16 consecutive years of winning the Holstein Association’s Progressive Breeder Award, and an unofficial BAA of 105.5. “Our bulls have panned out It's Time For Our SPRING OPEN HOUSE Fri., April 29-8 AM to 8 PM Sat., April 30 - 8 AM to 5 PM Free Coffee And Donuts SPECIAL PRICES ON TRACTORS, LAWN EQUIPMENT AND LAWN FERTILIZERS! We have to be smart toFuelYbu!