Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1983, Image 31

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    HARRISBURG Public of- State -Agriculture Secretary
fidais and nonprofit organizations Penrose Hallowell said the
involved in the distribution of meeting was scheduled by the
surplus food commodities are state and federal Departments of
being invited to Harrisburg for an Agriculture to discuss ad-
April 13 meeting to assess the , mlnistrative changes, program
impacts of recent state and expansion and recent federal
national developments on the legislation,
distribution program. Andrew P. Hornsby, Jr., Ad-
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excessive fermentation, oxidation, contact your young's Feed Management
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Livestock Nutritional Services
PDA calls surplus food meeting .for April 13
ministratbr of the ..MidAtlantic
Region of the USDA’s Food and
Nutrition Service will join with
state officials in conducting the
meeting. Hornsby and his staff will
identify alternatives and clarify
federal requirements at that time.
“Many public officials and
charitable, nonprofit organizations
have expended tremendous
volunteer efforts during the 15-
month Special Dairy Distribution.
Through their assistance, Penn
sylvania is a national leader in
distribution of cheese and butter to
needy citizens,” Hallowell said.
“However, recent develop
ments, including President
Reagan’s announcement to expand
these programs and federal
legislation will have a significant
impact on future efforts. This
meeting has been scheduled to
provide officials and agencies with
information and to give them a
forum for questions on their in
volvement with the program,” be
The President on March 22
announced that the program would
be expanded to include limited
quantities of rice, commeal and
non-fat dried milk, commodities
which do not require refrigeration.
That same day. Congress passed
legislation further expanding
commodities that can be
distributed and allocating |SO
million to fund storage tran
sportation costs.
“In the past several weeks,
USDA has begun allocating cheese
and butter on a state-by-state bans
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lancasiar farming, satwrday,Apdi 2,1913-431
due to processing delays,"
Hallowell said. “We have not yet
been advised of Pennsylvania’s
monthly allocation, but we will
continue and expand the
distribution program wherevere
“To do so, it is essential that all
agencies involved, from the local
volunteer through the USD A,
understand the needs, the
problems and the potential
solutions,’’ he said. “Our goal, and
the reason for the April IS meeting,
is to insure that every possible step
is taken to provide these surplus
commodities to the needy citizens
of Pennsylvania with as little
confusion as possible.
“I am pleased that USDA has
agreed to join, with us in the
meeting, and to work with us in the
meeting and to work with us in
adapting the program for the
future,” Hallowell said.
One modern combine, can
harvest enough wheat in nine
seconds to make 70 loaves of
Combining by loaf