B4—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March's, 1983 Ida’s Notebook Ida Risser March has arrived and with it the realization that starting a garden will soon have the top priority. The other day I picked up a thick, brightly illustrated book on growing vegetables which our daughter Cindy, was given when she attended National 4-H Congress in Chicago two years ago. Some of the first pictures that caught my eye were stressing the value of planting vegetables and flowers together. One picture showed marigolds growing bet ween the cabbage rows while another had leaf lettuce growing among the daffodils. Rhubarb chard was said to add beautiful color to any garden and have leaves that are more tender than the green variety. Over the years, I have tried several unusual kinds of plants in my garden in addition to the usual peas, beans and com. In the very early spring, I have green onions from my Egyptian sets long before the ground can be worked. They are planted in the fall and by mid DON'T BE SLOW Call Now To Place Your CLASSIFIED AD Ph: 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 GROW YOUR OWN NITROGEN! Let Brillion Help You Put Your 'Set-Aside' Acres To work ★ SEED YOUR P-l-K ACRES WITH LEGUMES AND GRASSES AS A "PLOW-DOWN" COVER CROP. ★ "CROW" NITROGEN BY SEEDING HIGH-YIELDING ALFALFA - ADD AS MUCH AS 150 POUNDS OF NITROGEN PER ACRE. ★ SAVE ON NEXT YEAR’S FERTILIZER COSTS. THE NITROGEN YOU "CROW" MAY BE WORTH. UP TO $24 PER ACRE. ★ AND ... USE A BRILLION "SURE-STAND" SEEDER TO GET "SURE" STANDS AND CUT SEED COSTS FROM SO TO 50%. ORDER YOUR SEEDER TODAY SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! summer they form miniature bulbs at their tips, where most onions form flowers. I’ve also enjoyed planting garden cress which is ready for use in ten days and tastes similar to water cress. My Spanish peanuts are always a conversation piece in my garden. This year I hung the plants on the rafters in the cellar only to find out that, shortly thereafter, either a mouse or squirrel must have found and eaten all of them that was a disappointment. But one thing that never disappoints me is my Jer susalem artichokes. There are always more of them to dig than I can use and I’d certainly be willing to give some away. When I planted red potatoes last year, I used some that I purchased in the grocery store. That was not a good idea because they were treated against sprouting and they took weeks to come up. After they bloom and have tubers, I simply reach in the loose ground and get enough for a meal without disturbing the plant. Now what should I try this year? (Continued from Page B 2) bees to 60,000 bees. It is possible to create a new hive by removing a group of bees and eggs. The bees will implant royal jelly into one egg which in turn will become a Queen bee and be the creation of a new swarm. x Barbara’s father extracts his own honey, process Barbara en joys helping with. He uses a three frame extractor which has been motorized. The honey is heated enough to strain through a nylon mesh cloth. “It is nice smooth honey, and we usually put it into gallon jars and later into smaller jars. I Uke working with the honey. We usually do it twice a year, once at the beginning to the middle of June, and then in the middle to the end of August.” Has this young bee enthusiast ever been stung? Yes, she says with a smile, “But I haven’t SCALES LIVESTOCK SCALES For Hog Operations TRUCK & PLATFORM SCALES ALSO AVAILABLE GARBER SCALE COMPANY 'Smoketown, PA 17576 Phone: 717-393-1708 ALL SCALES STATE APPROVED. She promotes honey worked with them as much as Dad.” Of course, beekeepers wear protective gear when working with the hives or getting out the frames, and Barbara says that usually offers good protection, along with the precaution of smoking the hives to slow down the movement of the bees. Occasionally a par ticularly stubborn bee will penetrate the gloves that are used and sting the hand. Sometimes an ankle will be stung if boots are not worn. She works in the' office of Manbeim Manufacturing and Belting, and is looking forward to her presidency. She says her biggest job will be chairing meetings in the course of the year. The best part of the job will be continuing to tell about the virtues of honey and the rewards of beekeeping, a tradition Barbara P.O. Box 8 began as Pennsylvania Honey Queen in 1979 and something she will continue in her role as president of the Honey Producers in Lancaster County. The following is one of her favorite recipes: WALNUT HONEY BROWNIES 2 02. chocolate V« cup butter % cup honey 2 eggs, well beaten y* cup flour V« tsp. baking powder Itsp. vanilla 1 cup chopped walnuts Melt chocolate and butter together. Mix in honey. Stir into eggs; mix well. Sift together flour and baking powder. Combine with chocolate mixture. Add.vanilla and walnuts. Pour into a well greased 9” x 11” pan. Bake 45 minutes at 300 degrees. May be iced with a thin layer of chocolate frosting before cutting into squares. Woodcraft £ipo|i CUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN CABINETS DESIGNED TO SUIT YOUR SPECIFICNEED RAISED PANEL DOORS |||WF|rSyß P ; jii| IVAN FISHER 98LOOP RD. QUARRYVILLE. PA. 17566 DROP US A CARD AND WE WILL CALL YOU