E2 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5,1983 Dauphin Extension honors top adults, youths HARRISBURG - Theresa Johnson, homemaker and mother, was honored for her outstanding leadership of the Family Living Safe Slimming program at the an nual meeting of the Dauphin Coun ty Cooperative Extension Service held last Saturday in the Colonial Park United Church of Christ, Harrisburg. Under her leadership, fifty percent of the participants in the Safe Slimming program series lost a total of 5 to 25 pounds in reaching their weight loss goals during a ten-week period. The successful participants attributed their success to the following behavior changes: ex cess use of salt, sugar, fat and total calories were modified to less use of each; frequency of consuming nutritionally poor snacks decreased; frequency and amount of exercise increased; skills in decision making increased with Adams extension plans year The Adams County Extension Service is busily engaged in planning activities for the coming year. Newly-elected president, David Reinecker, York Springs, discusses Extension Executive Committee plans for 1983 with, from the left, Miriam Zepp, New Oxford, treasurer; Helen Rex, Biglerville, secretary; and Daniel Hoffman, Gettysburg, vice president. In 4-H activities, Linda Shoop, right, reviews the program for the Adams County Leaders Forum with planners, from the left, Mary Grim, East Berlin; Helen Rex, Biglerville; and Peggy Tyson, New Oxford. Dr. Shoop was the featured speaker on the topic of “Coping with Stress - Creatively.” Past President Donald Trostle, Biglerville, presents a certificate/plaque to retiring Extension Executive Committee member, Glenn Slaybaugh Jr., Biglerville, for completing nine years service on the committee. J. Richard Alwine, left, Middletown, receives award for his ag leadership from Bruce Kreider, Dauphin County Agent. use of the food exchange list as a guide to good eating; and John- »i £ - R#|| jw son’s enthusiastic leadership. The leader used the Safe Slim ming resource guide and handouts which were discussed in depth at each meeting. She made exercises a very important part of each meeting attended by men or women of various ages. Johnson, the first volunteer leader to the adult family living program, is married to Paul Johnson, of Chambers Hill, and is the mother of two children. J. Richard Alwine, Middletown, was recognized for his outstanding agricultural leadership at the annual meeting. Alwine was honored for the leadership he has given as president of the Dauphin County Dairy Herd Improvement Association and the County Holstein Club. During his presidency of the DHIA Board of Directors, major changes were made to improve the quality of the DHIA testing service received by the 80 Dauphin County farmer members. An additional supervisor was added to increase the numbers of members served. Also, during this time, action was taken to up-date milk testing equipment and to adjust fee schedules to cope with increasing costs. Alwme just completed three years of serving as President of the Dauphin County Holstein Club, a breed organization with 75 ' Patricia L. Huff, left. Dauphin Extension home economist, honors Theresa Johnson for her work as Safe Slimming Program leader. & Outstanding 4-H'ers from Dauphin County are Cindy Baker and Dale Fisher. members. He is also active as a lay leader at Geyer’s United Methodist Church. Alwme and his wife, Edith, have two daughters and operate a 55- cow dairy with his brother at 1611 Gingrich Road, Middletown. At the annual meeting two 4-H club members were honored foi their outstanding achievements and leadership in 4-H. The two recipients of these awards were Dale Fisher and Cindy Baker. Cindy is the 16-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Baker of R 2, Elizabethtown. She is a five-year member of the Lower Dauphin 4-H Baby Beef Club. Cindy is also active in the Dauphin CountyJJft Council where she is president. Cindy's other 4-H ac tivities include the Dauphin County 4-H Exchange and as a member of the Board of Trustees tor the Dauphin County 4-H Clubs, Inc. Dale is the 18-year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Fisher of HI, Hummelstown. Dale is a 16-year member of the Lower Dauphin 4-H Baby Beef Club. Dale also belongs to the Bullseye Archers 4-H Club and the Dauphin County 4-H Ex change of which he is president. He is also involved in the Dauphin County 4-H Council and on the Finance Committee for the Dauphin County 4-H Clubs, Inc. Both Cindy and Dale belong to the Lower Dauphin FFA chapter as well as 4-H. i Lt READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLEX! AND 4 UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS