Straight talk about your layer business As an independent layer producer, you have a whole different set of circum stances facing you today than you did when you first got into the business. And no one needs to tell you that these circum stances call for the most cost-efficient management program ... the one that will give you the best return on every dozen eggs that you produce. The biggest expense you have is for feed, so naturally the first place you look to cut costs is right off the top of your feed bill. That could turn out to be a very costly move. Because the figure that you should Scott Buckwalter P' ilti • Feed Sal< * make your decision on is the bottom line number .. the one that shows you how much profit you’ve made on your flock’s production. We’d like to sit down with you and show you how to use your housing, your feeding program, and your layers’ potential to your absolute best advantage. We can work with you to develop the custom feeding program that will give you your best bottom line. lil, f jVf. * * . £ 4 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 29,1983—AS At Pennfield, we believe in the future of the inde pendent layer business. We’ll be holding feeder meetings to discuss this subject, and we invite you to call us for more infor mation, or let us know if we can set up a meeting for you. Let’s get together for some straight talk about your layer business. Because together, we can make the most of it. pennfie d feeds 711 Rohrerstoun Road Bov Lancaster PA 17(>(M Call 299-2561 or Toll free; PA: 1-800-732-0467 MD: 1-800-233-0202 Quality - Performance .¥ * W* * jiaiir' -l,tS '' Service