A2B—Lancaster Farming, Friday, December 24,1982 Gem-Rock is Holstein operation in transition BY DICK ANULESTEIN ANNVILLE - The Gem-Kock Holstein operation, now under the direction of the third generation Kenneth Sellers family, could be described as a herd in transition. The operation, founded by Elmer H. Dutweiler in the early-40’s and recently honored by the Lebanon County Holstein Breeders, led the county in 1980 and 1981 in butterfat production with averages ot 762 and 741 lbs. Milk production uvereaged 19,400 and 18,900 lbs. But this year, production has slipped to 16,600 milk and 632 tat. The reason tor the slip is a good one. The operation is undergoing a completely internal expansion in cow numbers that has very nearly doubled herd size. . And brand new facilities- barn, milk house, teed room, silos and manure storage - to accomodate the larger herd will be on display at an open house on Wednesday at the tann located along Kl. 034 about haltway between HI. 322 and Annville. ‘We had 43 stalls in the old barn,” Ken Sellers explains. “Now, we have t>o tie stalls and three box pens in this new barn. Only tour stalls are empty and we’ve been busy building up the herd completely from within. "In lull rotation, we'll have about 00 to 70 cows, with tile dry cows kept in the old barn with the heiters. “We hope to gel back into merchandising again, 100. We've had to cut back on that ttie past year or so due to the expansion. "But in another year or two we should be getting back to where we were before all the expansion began." The old barn, which sets closer to the road, was beginning to show its age. There was pipeline trouble and the gutter cleaner was shot. So, we had to decide whelhei to overhaul or build new,” Sellers said. - We decided to gel bumelhing we wanted and 1 liaven'l been burry. Sure, it’b going to be light tor o** New Gem-Rock dairy barn contains small trough used as boot bath. Although he’s not wearing boots. Ken Sellers vV. iV i ’ “ * & r 4 4**. **T» Mt , IV «/r Five-year-old Kevin Sellers gives mom and dad, Karen and Christmas was just around the corner had nothi Kenneth, an extra big hug in new dairy barn. The fact that with his impromptu show of affection. awhile with the cutback m milk support, bul it's been a pleasure working in the new barn anti teeding troin a completely en closed area.' In addition to the JB by l/O-100l barn, there’s a milk house and ottice wing. The teed room extends some b’O teel oft the barn past the two brand new Madison silos - a 20 by 6t> Nulriinalic and a 20 by 40 Grainamatic. Tlie concreted and tooled manure bluiage bliuclurc ib capable ut holding about a mx moiilli supply. A I'atz tain ib located right in a cornel ot the barn. ' ‘ V * ‘**«*»-.*'’ Jy ! I'hel ellbe no tree*'mg pi üblein and working on n ib mueli eabiei, Sellers bald. ’There b borne odor when il b working bul the laiib quickly remove it. And there b been no bplabhrng problem. Another unique deviee ib located - --’-'V* . ‘ V ' >&* Wit ♦ H. xv >*. s'CSk ,4 t *. ~* ' U*. -5* , ’ ■tm >• ' ,■* ■ V’ “* *•>>, jz • - * v . - ■* - t *»y'•«-* * '--* ’L**'*? 1 ' "-* - .f* •tf'w ?, ’'A3tV* , *' w ',.'' ~~ ~ vC-% - .TV .. *r „ - ’**&,*> ;- '&*&*' - " 4 - "- * i *■» *■*■/ f* *VMI '•r •*. J* •* J ~3r'** v v ** '• r ... . •'„■?<*.,,• - ;-* a 'W. V - ~r ' Spreader stands idle and will not be used as much on Kenneth Sellers farm manure storage facility goes into operation. ♦* M , * \m ¥= jubl aerobb Hie entrance tiom the ram When people come m. the> abk what 11 iib little trough lb, helleib bald. it b a bool veterinarian recommended U The Annville-Cleona !• FA graduate look ovei the opeialion in ! 1 * WUbh and ’-•V* ' *• £4 » *■„ I'J/U liuiu liib tall year lalei, Ken American Decree, member ol Hie Vuui Bui Hie operallun Hie Kive-K. filer, Karen, Uie UauphU (TurntoPai I -V"** ' - <■ ~ \' i. x f • s v **r *2* N*