Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 04, 1982, Image 55

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    for their years of service as
follows: two years, Jennifer
Mease, Carrie Stuart and Jennifer
Stuart; five years, Bonnie Bottle.
Perfect attendance was achieved
for the second year by Jennifer
Mease and for the seventh year by
Bonnie Bottle.
Pomona Grange Awards for
outstanding achievement in each
project area were presented to:
Shawn Lodi, Karen Fields, Jen
nifer Fisher, Bonnie Bottle, Kelly
Leister, Jennifer Kline, and
Jennifer Mease.
Highlighting the evening was the
presentation of the USET award
for the most 4-H spirit. This one
time award for dub members was
presented to Jennifer Mease. She
was chosen by the other dub
members as the 'member who
showed the most 4-H spirit
throughout the previous year.
Lancaster Co, Society 2
Lancaster Society 2 met at the
home of Edna Loose of Penryn
recently to make bed pads for the
Brethren home.
Lancaster Co, Society 5
Lancaster Society 5 met
Saturday, Nov. 27 at the home of
Kathryn Eickelberger of Brethren
Village, Lititz.
Guest speaker for the afternoon
was the Keverand Nevm' :k who
The next meeting will be held at
the Danner Home in Manheun,
Saturday, Dec. 11.
delivered a Thanksgiving
The next meeting will include a
Christmas luncheon at the home of
Sandy Yocum and will feature a
gift exchange.
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, December4,l9B2-115
Lancaster Co,
Society 12
Lancaster Society 12 met at the
home of Mrs. James Fry recently
to hear a representative of United
Way talk about this year’s cam
The Society will hold their an
nual Christmas party tonight at the
Lira’s Club Building in Miller
Berks Co,
Society 11
Berks Society 11 met at the home
of Rose Hibshman to install new
officers for the upcoming year.
Officers include: president. Rose
Hibsiunan; vice president and
corresponding secretary, Doris
Brown; secretary, Jean Erb; and
treasurer, Shirley Lentz.
Society 11 will be holding their
Christinas party tonight at the
church in Hamlin.
Fultonr Grange 66
Fulton Grange 66 met at the hall
in Oakryn recently for an aerobic
dance demonstration and com
mittee reports.
A Christmas party will be held
Monday, Dec. 13, and will include
both a Christmas card and gift
Members will go carolling on
Saturday, Dec. 18.