OUR READERS WRITE, $ (Continued from Page Al 2) Donald Moul, head of Dog Law Enforcement, was asked at a meeting in September, “How bad is it down there in Lancaster County?” He replied, “Not as bad as it -was made out to be. One or two places need some upgrading out of 30 or 32.” Those aren’t bad percentages at aIL The following state-wide groups are also opposing House Bill 2535: Pa. Federation of Sportsman Clubs, Pa. State Fozhunters Assn., Mason-Dixon Foxhunters Assn., Pa. Nite Hunters, Pa. Federation of Beagle Clubs, Pa. Houndsman Assn, and the Pa. Dog Owners Protective Assn. If this bill passes, we feel the license buying Penn sylvania resident once again has ' ■■ Kir, Dutchman jl EfllfflßlTP &/ii| i/u!cniijfliio ck rnvuni i c® Tw&s&ftpdfties Known tot&e poultry farmers andfami managers as havfogthebest eqyipment mottey car* • buy... ha ve come together. Youasfc, "‘Hdw this affect me, a farmer with housesof FAVORITE BhS ahdFAVORITE can answerthis only by saying “Both product lines are even stronger now - much stronger. We are how cm team determinecf to have the best automatic poultry equipment in the world... AffUNSEATABLE INDUSTRY”. AND OTHER OPINIONS I am writing in reference to the editorial on the Pritikin diet (“Health food hitlist makes headlines,” Off the Sounding Board, Nov. 6, 1962 issue of Lan caster Farming). I was born in New Zealand where butter, eggs, cream REAL cream, plenty of beef, lamb and pork are in the daily and weekly diet Life ex pectancy is long and infant morality low. had bis pocket picked by a group of people who should be representing E B * more eggs, butter, cheeses, the majority but, for reasons of meat add milk for brain their own, sometimes don’t. development s' Mm. fhuorite r • s Brain power Jack Fldler, Treasurer Pa. Dog Owners Protective Assn. Ireland, where they all eat, drink and enjoy cream, butter, whiskey, meats of all kinds, eggs galore, has very low heart statistics; and the Irish live a long time, given a chance. Anyone who wants to make money fast has only to think up a diet. Everyone thinks that diet will cure aIL It helps, but isn’t the only answer. It’s easier to cut out eggs than do a daily exercise routine. One reason why the un derdeveloped countries are un derdeveloped is due to the lack of many nutrients in the diet which feed the creative processes in the brain. Aren’t nutritionists blaming poor eating habits (in some people) for lack of mental ability? Authorized Distributor HERSHEY EQUIPMENT PI I COMPANY, INC, O SYCAMORE INC. PARK 255 PLANEtREE DRIVE, lANCASTE*. PA 17602 (717)393-5807 R«rte3o West at the Centerville Exit Eve Alwyn Hlnchnum Lebanon, N.J. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 20,1982—A29 Application period for storage facility loans ends GALESBURG, 111. Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block an nounced that with the 1962 grain harvest in its final stages and most loan money targeted, applications will no longer be considered for the farm storage facility loan program, effective Nov. 12. “Our changes in the program and the additional funding have been successful in meeting our goal of assuring adequate storage for these record crops,” Block said. “Farmers have taken ad vantage of the program and have applied for most of the funds made available for loans. ’ ’ On Aug. 20, Block authorized £/& UM .diomitlsy ~iS o?iA ?