Thurmont-Emmitsburs Show THURMONT Record breaking crowds attended the 26th rThurmont and Emmitsburg ‘Community Show at Cstoctin High School on Sept. 10-12. A record 601 exhibitors from the Catoctin High School area entered 1,950 entries. Also there were 40 commercial exhibits, 20 machinery exhibits, 117 pet show entries and 80 head of livestock exhibited, which is a new record. Attending the opening ceremonies on September 10 was Maryland Comptroller Louis Goldstein who announced the Catoctin FFA Chapter Sweetheart Karen Seltzes. He also commended the citizens of the area for the outstanding agriculture show and excellent program that featured the flag ceremony, recitation of the FFA Creed by Joe Stambaugh, Catoctin FFA member and Maryland State winner of the FFA Creed contest, vocal selections by Pat and Richard Lee Troxell ac companied by Margaret Barnwell hnd the honoring of “Cooperatives” the backbone of American Agriculture. James L. Fisher principal of Catactin High School was presented a silver tray, certificate and ribbon from the Thurmont and Emmitsburg Community Show. He is retiring Jan. 1. Other highlights of the show: Pet show champion, Kim Bentz’s cat named Sis Chesterfield Peanut Ballou Fisher Bentz; Pie eating champion Amy Valentine; Bike rodeo, pre-school, Chad ogle; Pl\^ u