HARRISBURG The current push at state and national levels to increase solids in retail fluid milk may backfire and not help far mers, according to a spokesman for the Pennsylvania Association of Milk Dealers. “For some time, there have been informal drives to raise the standards for whole, low-fat and skim milks by making it necessary Livestock market and auction Weekly Summary Friday, Oct. 8,1982 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE; 5653 Compared with last Friday’s market: Slaughter steers 1,00-1.75 lower; SI. heifers to 1.00 lower; SI. cows spots to 3.00 lower; SI. bulls 1.00-2.00 higher. SI. steers; (few) High Choice & Prime 300400 lbs. 59.00-64.00; (few) Choice 200400 lbs. 56.5(W1.50 (few) Good 53.00-57.50; (few) Standard 48.00-53.50; (few) Utility SI. heifers; (few) Choice 53.00-57.00 few to 61.00; (few) Good 50.00- 54.00; (few) Standard 45.0049.00; SI. cows; (few) Utility & Com mercial 38.0042.75 few to 44.00; (few) Cutters 34.0041.50; (few) Canner & L. Cutter 32.00-38.00; Shells down to 20.00. SI. bullocks: (few) Choice 57.00-60.25; (few) Good 51.00-56.35. Si. bulls: (few) Yield Grade No. 1, 1000-2200 lbs. ft BN BR KCro 80, Ba A totally NEW concept in baling machinery, the Krone line of round balers features an endless chain conveyor without belts. Closed chamber reduces problems associated with con ventional belt type balers. Less horsepower required for the Krone Round Baler’s fewer moving parts means great energy savings. Produces weather resistant bales with hard outer wrap and medium density core for better curing. Available in two models for bale diameters of five or six feet. See for yourself... A KMN representative will be glad to arrange a demonstration. Call, or write today to your distributor: If you plan on baling cornstalks this year and don’t cherish the idea of fighting problems with your old baler, ask your dealer for a demonstration with a KRONE BALER. rv A a product of : MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT INC. N4Ukl 12 SuiHvenSt, Westwood. Hi 07675 • (201)666-3707 Distributed by; CIMMNGS fi BMCKER, INC. PAMD questions higher standards milk to add skim powder,” said Henry R. Geisinger, Executive Vice Preisdent of the Harrisburg-based dealer group. “Now there is national legislation being con sidered to make it mandatory.” Sen. S. I. Hayakawa, a Senator from California not running again, added the proposal to the Agriculture Appropriations Bill which" will be considered when 47.00- (few) Yield Grade No. 2,900-1450 lbs. 45.00-50.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers, (few) Medium frame No. 1,300-700 lbs. 45.00-58.00 few top 62.00; (few) Medium frame No. 2, 300-600 lbs. 41.00- CALVES: 4016 (few) Prime 95.00- (few) Choice 82.00- 102.00; (few) Good 65.00-85.00 (few) Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 60.00- 90-110 lbs. 54.00-60.00; 60-90 lbs. 45.00-55.00; (few) Utility 50-110 lbs. 27.00-45.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 80- 125 lbs. 50.0085.00 mostly 55.00- 79.00; Hoi. Heifers 80-140 lbs. 48.00 130.00 mostly 60.0080.00 HOGS; 5607 Barrows and gilts 1- 3.00 lower US No. 1-2 200-245 lbs. 60.5082.50 No. 18 200-255 lbs. 59.00 61.00; No. 28 200-275 lbs. 55.00 59.00; Sows mostly steady to 1.00 higher. US No. 18 300650 lbs. 51.50- 100 Stover Drive Carlisle, Pa. 17013 717-249-6720 Congress returns from its election recess. This will increase the cost to the consumer and can bring reactions against .other dairy programs. “Adding the powder could raise the price of milk from 3 cents to 10 cents a gallon, depending on the product,” Geisinger continued, “which could bring more sales resistance thap now is being felt in news , 58.75; No. 2-3 300-700 lbs. 50.00- 55.00. Boars 42.00-48.75. FEEDER PIGS; 954 steady to strong US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 20.00- 41.00 per head; few No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 36.00-54.00; few No. 1-3 50-30 lbs. 45.0068.00. GRADED FEEDER PIGS; 2802 Compared with 1880 head last week, and 2995 head a year ago. All sales by CWT. Feeder pigs under 40 lbs. 12-19.00 lower; over 40 lbs. 2- 11.00 higher (few) US No. 1-2 2060 lbs. 152.00-175.00 3040 lbs. 125.00- 165.00. 40-50 lbs. 128.00-147.00.5060 lbs. 96.00-118.00; 3040 lbs. 118.00 154.00. 4060 lbs. 113.00142.00. SHEEP: 1004 Spring/Wooled si. lambs mostly steady. Few Choice 65-125 lbs. 45.0057.00 60115 lbs. 39.0041.50. SI. ewes: 10.0027.00. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN DAIRY COMPUTERIZED FEEDING IS NOW HERE AND FARMTRONIX IS LEADING THE WAY OPEN HOUSE Wed.. Oct. 13 10 AM-2 PM Scm-Be Forms Union County, Pa. Let Us Show You How The DAIRY-TRONIG Feeding Program Gan Help Today’s Dairymen M.G. Henninger & Son Inc. Berrysburg. PA 17005 717-362-3333 B£H these days of economic distress. This doesn’t appear to be the time to make the move.” Farm groups pushing for the higher standards are using the argument it would “increase the use of nonfat dry milk by about 300 million pounds per year," said the dealer representative. There does not appear to be any real nutritional advantage. The pur pose merely is to help unload the surplus caused by year after year of over-production on the dairy farms of this nation, including Pennsylvania. “The taxpaying public already is aware of the millions of dollars worth of surplus butter, cheese and powder now stored in warehouses across the country at a high cost,” Geisinger continued. “There has been considerable reaction in the press about this as production continues to. mount. If you now raise the price of fluid milk there may be moves to do away with support pricing, CCC purchases and the rest.” “The increase in price definitely will affect sales. Will the gains from unloading that extra powder overcome Class I losses to Penn sylvania farmers? Will producers with relatively low solid milk be eliminated to keep dealer costs down? All these factors must be considered. “There already are imitation milk products being pushed around the state with claims they are as good as the real thing. This is not true but the budget-worried mother may go for them thinking it is bettr than that bottle of pop. We Welcome You To Our SAN-BE ★ | Rt. 45 •—State Col lege | I Rt. 104-W be more efficient Increasing Milk Production While Saving Feed Costs Sponsored By: mmmmmm B*RMIROND( Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, October 9,1982—A15 “The completion from highly advertised soft drinks already is hurting milk sales, despite the fact that “nature’s most nearly perfect food’’ with aU'nutrients costs less than the bubbly sugar water,” he said. “Why raise the price even higher?. The publicity resulting from milk hearings will bring more reactions from the press and those who seek publicity by knocking milk prices. “The argument has been heard that in California, where the product is sold, sales are much higher than the rest of the nation. Untrue. There are numerous federal order markets which have a higher per'capita consumption than California.” Rather than taking this route, the dealer spokesman said, why not fight to continue the school milk program where ap propriations have been cut? Here, our youth learn to drink a great product which also has healthful benefits. It also helps sales. Or, why not push for more milk powder in bread and other products rather than changing from the traditional and most satisfactory milk composition found in the product now sold. MT. ZION The Lebanon County Holstein Chib will hold its annual meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m. here at Zbhr’s hall. Lebanon Holstein meets Mifflinburg