Chore-Time names East service manager MILFORD, Id. - Kevin Schnitkey recently joined Chore- Time as an Area Technical Service Manager. In his new position, Schnitkey will work with Chore- Time distributors in the Eastern states. Prior to joining Chore-Time, Schnitkey was a service manager for Hurst Equipment, a Chore- Time distributor, in Napoleon, Ohio. A native of Napoleon, Schnitkey makes his home there with his wife, Sheila, and their two children, Shawn and Shannon. Chore-Time Equipment manufacturers and internationally markets automated equipment for the care and feeding of poultry and livestock. ...IN GRAIN BIN LONG-UFE, CONVENIENCE, SAFETY FEATURES AND HANDY ACCESSORIES Considering grain storage? Then it makes sense to consider what you’re getting for your money. With BROCK, you get more. More long-life features, more convenience features, more safety features, and BROCK offers more handy accessories that add versatility to your new bin. - LONG-LIFE features like High-rise roof ribs and adjustable roof stiffener rings to protect your investment (and your grain) years longer. CONVENIENCE features like exclusive Cam-Lock door that needs no tools to open, giant fill hole and positive control lid hinges. SAFETY features like real la'dder tubing on the roof, not just angle cross bars, bolted to the ribs. This eliminates sharp edges. ACCESSORIES like the BROCK WELL-GARD™ Discharge Guard for positive bin unloading. Contact us now, we’ll give you lots more ... GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CONSIDER BROCK FIRST I want to know more about Tam Agri and your entire line of grain drying and grain handling equipment. NAME ADDRESS COUNTV PHONE BROCK-HRST STATE. Kevin Schnitkey ZIP. QUEENSTOWN, Md. - Growers, extensionists and USDA personnel got a first-hand look at the performance of Asgrow soybean varieties and com hybrids at the field days in Queenstown, Md. Twenty-five extension, USDA and Asgrow personnel attended the first field day Sept. 7, with another 75 growers at the event the following day. Each day those in attendance were taken on a seven-stop in formational tour. John SchilUnger, Asgrow Seed Company soybean project leader and station manager for the company’s Ames, la., research station, informed visitors of Asgrow’s variety development program for the East Coast. Dale Weigelt, research assistant at Stonington, 111., discussed Asgrow’s quality seed la^ R.D. 1 MOUNTAIN RD. OILLSBURG, PA 17019 7.17-432-9738 WE'RE WORTH YOUR TIME 100 attend Asgrow days program, and Dennis Berkey, manager of Asgrow’s quality assurance program, explained the advantages of planting proprietary rather than bin-run seed. Other aspects of the in formational tour included in formation about Asgrow’s product line soybean varieties A 3860, A 4268, A 5474 and A 5618, and RX6IA, RX777 and RX9O9 - Eradicane Extra going national WESTPORT, Ct. - Stauffer Chemical Company has announced a full scale, national marketing program for its Eradicane Extra herbicide. The new product was sold only in limited quantities for the 1982 season, under an in troductory program. “Grower response to m