810 -Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24,1982 NEWARK, Del frightening to see a horse collapse from heat exhaustion. The stricken animal lies on the ground and sweats profusely. Its muscles tremble involuntarily. Breathing and pulse are very rapid. Body temperature may be as high as 105 or 108 F. University of Delaware Ex tension equine specialist C.M. Reitnour says heat exhaustion indicates a malfunction of the This cow knows how to beat the heat! ■vW &LACK REP Yeuow BLUE fcfcOWN ROCPHOPPER PBN6U/N. THESE S TRFIH6E &fRDE> OR THE RA/TAPCT/C WOK LIKE LITTLE FAT MEM (HEARI ME A PRESS SO/T THE T HA HE SHORT FLIP PERS LIKE 00/HQS TRET LOOK UKE ERMS. A MIL uoH Years A&o trey LOST THEIR ABILITY TO FLY, THE MAL E A HD FEMALE LOOK 50MUCH AL/KE IT /S D/FF/CPL T TO TELL THEM APART 11 the heat is bothering you and you feel liki appy penguins from Antarctica and think al It’s body’s heat-regulating mechanism. It happens when a horse is subject to high heat, high humidity and poor ventilation for too long a time. Ouruig summer a horse may collapse while doing light or heavy work, or even while standing still in an unventilated stall. Heat causes the animal’s peripheral blood vessels to dilate, which leads to collapse of the circulatory system and shock. ORAhJGE GREEK! LT. BROWN! LT. BLUE LT. GREEN! 6 . 7. 8. 9. 10. .e you may melt, then color these they’re standing on bout the cool, refreshing iceberg I Xkl. If a horse shows signs of im pending heat exhaustion weakness and rapid breathing cool the animal down as quickly as possible. Spray with cold water. Have it stand in ice water to constrict the blood vessels in the feet: this will help the circulatory system maintain enough pressure to keep the major bodily functions going, and may help prevent collapse, Keitnour says. A veterinarian may administer -*• £ .“fv -1 v „ *< ( ■A-y Here's what the recent heat wave does to a group of pigs it makes them even more lazy than they already are. What a life these porkers live. They don't have to worry about paying bills - instead they make them. They fluids to replace those lost in perspiration and in the failure of the peripheral circulatory system. Protect a horse from heat exhaustion by giving it plenty of clean, fresh water and an adequately ventilated stall. Make sure it has been through a good conditioning program before you demand any kind of heavy per formance. v > , V w I tJjLJ * * *** don’t blink an. eye at a dirty pen - instead they roll happily in dirt. They don’t count calories and eat green vegetables why should they worry about their diet when man is crazy enough to do it for them? When the temperature and humidity are high, a horse may need frequent stops for rest and water. Salt is also essential, and should be kept available. According to Keitnour, hot, humid summers make heat exhaustion a real possibility, so it’s much better to take precautions than to risk the shock of collapse. '"" ;• -‘7 4‘29~8Z it >v; . **** . * r '"~" r t