Soil Conservation Service calls for volunteers WASHINGTON, D.C. - Thousands of volunteers are needed to help battle soil erosion who needs them? Quality roughage alone can provide much of the protein and energy needed for milk production. But since roughages may lack both balance and quantity of minerals necessary for maximum milk production, bone and muscle development, and the most efficient utilization of other nutrients—many dairymen need a mineral supplement program. How can you tell if you need a mineral supplement program? Let us make a free analysis of your forage crops. We'll give you a report on the nutrient value of your hay, silage, or other roughages, along with recommendations for any supplements—if necessary. We won't try to sell you anything you don't need! Our three mineral mixes—Beacon Phos-Min, Beacon Mineral Ade and Beacon Cal-Min—are formulated by highly respected dairy nutrition specialists. The supplement they recommend will contain the necessary minerals to make up deficiencies or imbalance in your roughages and to achieve the proper calcium-phosphorus ratio in your total feeding program. You can rest assured that you aren't paying extra for exotic ingredients, high transportation cost, and expensive promotion and sales cost. With BEACON, you get more mineral units per dollar invested. Mineral supplements, formulated especially for the cow at reasonable cost, are part of what we call "No nonsense feeding”. CALL YOUR BEACON DEALER TODAY! WIMRMEITGO. MURPHY t CLOUSE FEES MILL Hanover, PA 717-637-6923 McCracken s feed mill, inc. Manheim. PA 717-665-2186 MARTIN’S ELEVATOR, INC. Hagerstown, MO 301-733-2553 H.O. ANDREWS & SONS, INC. McVeystown, PA 717-899-6772 BEAC^FEEDS York, PA Ph: 717-843-9033 RICHARD B. KENDIG Special Accounts Representative Phone 302-478-3058 Beacon Milling Company, Inc. We're Employee Owned. That's Why We Shine. and other natural resource problems, peter C. Myers, chief of the U.S. Department of YOU do! Carlisle, PA 717-249-2963 HOLT’S MILL Witmar, PA 717-393-1369 STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Stevens, PA 215-267-2150 CLARK SUPPLY CO. Rising Sun, MD 301-658-6464 ISAAC K. LEFEVER Sales & Distribution Manager Phone 215-267-7042 NEW FREEDOM FARMS. HOME SUPPLY, INC. FAWN MILLS, INC. Fawn Grove, PA 717-382-4553 Ri. RUDISILL Sales & Distribution Manager Phone 717-854-2281 Agriculture’s Soil Conservation Service, said last Tuesday. “Soil erosion is one of the most H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse. PA 717-768-3431 New Freedom, PA 717-235-3606 ROGER L. SANER Thompsontown, PA 717-535-5307 MODEL BROS. FEED Hamburg, PA 215-562-5398 RAYBRANAS Beacon Advisor 717-843-4515 serious problems facing America today,” Myers said. “People who will volunteer their time and talents to help the Soil Con servation Service and local soil and water conservation districts can put more conservation on the land while keeping federal costs down.” In the new volunteer program, authorized by the Agriculture and Food Act of 1961, people could perform a wide range of services on a part-time or full-time basis, such as aiding with. —field surveys and layout of conservation practices; —conservation education programs in schools, churches and clubs; —training of high school, vocational and agricultural students for soil and land judging contests; and —building or making use of outdoor learning areas with schools, Scouts and other groups "Volunteers won’t be paid, but they will find it satisfying and interesting work,” Myers said "They would not be considered federal employees, but they will BEAT THE SUMMER HEAT.. SPRINKLER COOLING SYSTEM (Not Fogger) When the temperature goes up one of When the temperature is above 72° F the first ways your body reacts is by even ventilation can t cure the stress that breaking out in perspiration That s results But a sprinkler cooling system can nature's way of cooling off help your hogs where nature fell short It's different with hogs High tern giving them a chance to cool off It sprays peratures cause them a great deal of them with coarse water droplets to reduce stress because they can't sweat When their body temperature The idea is under this stress due to heat hogs will simple but extremely effective lose their appetite weight gams drop there is poor feed conversion conception rate is reduced and pens become a mess All of this adds up to lost profits [THE SYSTEM: The sprinkle cycle is turned on automatically whenever the barn temperature rises above a preset level 72* F Throughout this on period the control functions to permit sprinkling to occur for a preset time period each hour (2 mmutes/hour is recommended tor best results ) When the barn temperature drops below 72* F the cycle is automatically interrupted The nozzles are clamped to a plast'C p pe strung over the gutter of slatted area at the -ear of the pen Each nozzel covers a 5 6 foot diameter area which usually means one nozzle per pen The nozzle assures a coarse droplet spray pattern which is important for maximum cooling A fine mist of fog is not desirable in geographical areas of generally high summer relative humidity Average daitv gam per hog Average daily teed consumption oer hog los teed per 10 gram per day Lbs feed save hog Days earner to market Research done at Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology in Ontario and at the University of California have shown these results These figures are calculated on no*s from lOOibs up to 200 io-> SWINE t POULTRY SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS FARMER BOY AG. 457 E MAIN AVE MYEPSTOWN PA 1706 7 BEST IN DESIGN, PRICE AND EXPERIENCE LanelßW ¥****,SttaHr, May 22,H«-A2S receive legal protection as well as insurance for any work-related injuries ” Lack of such protection discouraged volunteer service in the past The Soil Conservation Service had only a small student volunteer program under the Civil Service Reform Act. "Volunteers won’t be used to displace current employees of USDA We need all the trained conservationists we have,” Myers said "But volunteers can help us be more responsive to local needs without adding staff, and they can help free up more tune for field employees to work directly with landowners on solving con servation problems ” Anyone interested in volun teering, said Myers, should contact the local office of the Soil Con servation Service or the local conservation district. Other information on how to become a conservation volunteer is available by writing. Soil Conservation Volunteer, C/O Deputy Chief for Administration, P.O Box 2890, Washington, D C 20013 FOR HOGS uGQBSEB Hogs Sprayed Hogs Spra,ed Hogs Sprayed Control Hogs 1 min per hr tmm Off nr Imm p*>' nr not sprayed aoove&s*P above 70*P above 70* c MMMK 5 rj 'So 7 INC PH 71 7 866-7565