V J-J, T r'*' 5 ' ■ A •* Furadan on stubble protects closer to the next cutting than anything else you can buy. Most any insecticide will clean up the bugs that are in your stubble when you spray. But only Furadan® insecticide-nematicide will keep them out for four full weeks with contact and systemic protection. That’s at least a week longer than any other insecticide can deliver. In its fourth week of regrowth your alfalfa adds nearly 20% to its total tonnage. Or it can lose - as much as 80% to insect attack. Furadan gives you systemic protection against potato ieafhoppers, blotch leafminers, alfalfa weevils, grasshoppers, pea aphids, lygus bugs and snout beetles (in New York). You can now apply Fur,' twice per season. And tank mix it with fertilizers. And when you put it down on stubble, you don’t have to worry about your machinery crushing down your crop. %• Ask your chemical dealer about Furadan. From FMC Corporation, Agricultural Chemical Group, 2000 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. * I Furadan 4F is a FMC