U.S. Senate approves 3-year WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry approved last Wednesday a three-year ex tension of the farm and rural credit programs of the Fanners Home Administration. In the Committee approved bill, farm operating loan levels would be increased to |1.6 billion for fiscal years 1983,1964, and 1965. In addition, the Committee agreed to continue the FroHA limited resource borrowers program and the Business and Industrial (B&I) loan program at limited funding levels. The Committee legislation, patterned after the Ad ministration’s S. 2314, followed FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION FUNDING LEVELS (In billions) FYI9BI FY1982 Senate Actual Authorized Dfooosed 848 1 37 1 6 813 825 775 Program Operating loans Ownership loans Emergency Disas ter Business & In dustnal 652 Water and waste 750 Community facility 260 Don Bare milk s 60 registered Hols terns at Double Springs Farm m luim aster ami « arms each one unh TB7 before she freshens "High producers need worming as much, or more than, average cows,” says Don Bare "A cow that’s capable of doing 80 to 100 pounds a day after freshening is going to be under an awful lot of stress. And •<" she’s stressed by worms, too, there’s not much chance she’ll give you that kind of production “We proved it on our milking line We didn’t know what some of our cows could really do until we began worming with TBZ®bcfore they freshened." “Amazing heifers.. “Our first-calf heifers were coming in from 14,000 to 16.000 lb before we began worming. Now many TBZ PREFRESHENIN6 DAIRY WORMER extensive hearings in the Sub committee on Agricultural Credit and Rural Electrification, chaired by Senator Paula Hawkins (R- Fla.). Senator Jesse Helms, chairman of the Committee, commended Senator Hawkins for “completing a very difficult task under severe economic circumstances.” Helms expressed concern about increased funding m certain areas of the bill and about the continuation of FmHA programs, which do not benefit farmers. “In the area of farm operating loans, the Committee action forged by Senator Hawkins is important to American farmers and ran chers. However, I am concerned 5 112 such sums 300 375 130 TB/ (thiabendazole) i\ a registered trademark of \fertk & Co fnt extension on farm credit such sums 400 300 130 Almost all cows worms. That’s why ling our 18,000 lb withTßZ has proved ly profitable...” suis Donald Hare I jam aster. PA of our heifers are doing 18,000 and up People are amazed when we tell them how much they milk Worming doesn’t do it all, of course, but we're sure it helps ” “TBZ gives us the simplest worming program on the market. We worm just one time per lactation - before freshening We just put pellets with TBZ in front of them, on the grain, and they cat it right up “All in all. TBZ has proved really profitable that increased funding in many areas of this bill may contribute to an increased federal budget 2Sfi?}t, which will exacerbate problems farmers face with in terest rates,” Helms said The following is a summary of the items considered by the Committee: —Farm operating loans. The Committee approved a three-year authorization of farm operating insured and guaranteed loans at a level of $1.6 billion. The Ad ministration bill (S. 2314) provided for a level of $1.51 billion for each of the next three years. —Farm ownership loans. The Committee approved a three-year extension of the loan authorization for farm ownership loans at a level of $775 million, the same as the request in S. 2314. —Basinets and Industrial loan program. The Committee ap proved a compromise agreement presented by Senator Hawkins providing $4OO million for guaranteed B&l loans in each of the next three years. The Ad ministration proposed to eliminate “TBZ...simple program” “Our records show it pays off ” Your dealer, feed supplier, and veterinarian have TBZ in a feed or dosage form that fits your management. Start your prefreshening worming program with TBZ now. Faming, Saturday, May 15,19*2-019 the program In order to make the program more accountable, the Committee proposed to raise the equity requirement on loan applications to 20 percent instead of the current 10 percent; to decrease the present 90 percent federal loan guarantee on loans to 80 percent to ensure proper loan making and servicing, and to require a high unem ployment. —Limited resource borrowers program. The Committee ap proved a Hawkins’ proposal to set aside 15 percent of farm operating and farm ownership loan funds for beginning or disadvantaged far mers. The Administration had proposed to eliminate the distinc tion between limited and non hmited resource borrowers. Present law requires that 20 percent of the funds be set aside for this purpose. A provision was also adopted that would require limited resource borrowers to repay the subsidy on interest rates when they dispose of property obtained Check With Me First For Ail Your Needs New • Additions • Repairs • Carpentry • Masonry • Concrete Large or Small with low-interest loans —Emergency Disaster loan program The Administration had proposed to cap the disaster program at $1.5 billion The Committee agreed to a provision to continue the authorization for the program providing for "such sums as may be necessary ’’ —Water and waste program. The Committee agreed to the Administration proposal to authorize the water and waste disposal loan programs at $3OO million and $l3O million for community facility programs. The Committee approved bill also includes a provision to establish the rate of interest on water and waste disposal loans at 5 percent for communities below the 80 percent statewide non metropolitan income level. The bill also provides an intermediate rate of interest of 7 percent for com munities between 80 and 100 percent of the state-wide non metropolitan median income level —Alcohol Production Facilities Program. The Committee agreed to eliminate the alcohol production facilities loan program. However, the Senators agreed to include language in the report providing that a portion of the Business and Industrial loan funds will be made available for alcohol production applications if they meet the regular requirements of the B&I loans. —Purchase of Crop Insurance. The Committee adopted a provision that would authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to require FmHA borrowers to purchase crop insurance of any type where available, on crops that will be used as substantial security for a loan Five-Year review of Borrowers. Under the Committee proposal, a thorough review of any borrower who has received FmHA farm operating loans for the previous five years would be required to determine his financial (Turn to Page D2O)