B2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 8,1982 Enjoying the Apple Blossom Festival As Mother s Day approaches, we are reminded ot that special bond shared between mother and child In honor of his favorite person, Groucho Marx jokingly once said, My mother loved children she would have given anything if I had been one " Well now is your chance to become a child again and see the Apple Blossom Festival as only a child can Come along with Paul and Cindy and ex penence a festival dedicated to nature's fruitful beauty GINGER SECRIST M VERS Staff Correspondent ARENDTSVILLE - “Are we there yet, Dad?” “Just about kids. The South Moutain Fairgrounds are j ust west of Arendtsville.' ’ “1 still don’t understand where we’re going,” said Paul. “Well kids,” replied mother, "We’re taking the whole family to the 32nd Annual Apple Blossom Festival. The event is always held For the light at heart, contests are an annual event. Here children bob for apples and after this, they’ll probably take part in the pie eating contest. wmes(ead t/nies ~, «t». a«p*" >- «* » « as2'. '£s« «<•* *ll '-TV The Upper Adams Jaycees cook apple butter the Oakside Community Park. Making apple for sale at the Festival The money raised from butter from scratch takes about 18 to 22 hours the butter is used for their community project - and brings $1 a jar. the first weekend m May and coincides with the blooming of over 20,000 acres of fruit trees in Adams County. It’s educational and has a variety of agriculturally related displays and demonstrations.” “Well, I’m not so sure I’ll like it if it’s educational,” piped in young Cindy, “But anything is better than staying indoors on a beautiful day like today.” “Here we are kids,” announced Dad, “The parking and admission are free, so we can go right in. Why don’t you two kids take some tune to look around and your mother and I will meet you a little later at that information booth that’s decorated with apple signs.” Just as Paul and Cindy entered the festival, a hehcopter took off. Both intently watching the chopper, they walked right into an older gentlemen. “Oops,” said Paul, “Sorry, 1 The reason for all the fun, music, food and The event coinci the ig of over frolic at the 32nd annual Apple Blossom 20,000 acres of fruit trees in Adams County. Festival? The beautiful blossoms shown above. guess we weren’t watching where Blossom Festival. The festival is we were going.” sponsored as a joint venture “Yes, you kids seemed pretty between the Adams County intent on watching that chopper,” Fruitgrowers, the Adams County the gentlemen replied. ‘Ts tins Agricultural Council, and the your first visit to our beautiful Gettysburg Travel Council. It is a festival?” promotional event to educate the "Yes,” both children replied in public about the fruit growing chorus, "It sure does look like a lot industry and ail of Adams County to see." agriculture participates. The “Well let me introduce myself. My name is Mr. Mac N. Tosh and I’ve been in the fruit business for years. If you like, I can give you kids a tour of some of the highlights of the festival. What did you say your names were? ’ ’ "We didn’t,” replied Paul, "I’m Paul Newcomer and this is my sister Cindy. We’d really like a tour ” "The first thing you kids should know is why there’s an Apple Jtertainment was supplied by the Country Mels and Dees. Their specialty is country and gospel music. *** * fruitgrowers start working on planning the festival in November and have always worked hard to keep it agriculturally oriented.” "What are all those people doing over there in that line Mr. Tosh'” asked Cindy “They’re tasting the dessert sampler, kids You see, fruitgrowers' wives bake and donate all kinds of apple desserts This year we had over 100 pies and well over 100 kinds of apple breads ' V:;>' y? ' » p One of the biggest attractions at the annual Festival is the Adams County Poultry Association’s chicken barbeque. The dinner is only held on Sunday because Saturday features a pork barbeque by the South Central Pork Producers. and cookies. Processed apple products such as juice, apple rings, and apple sauce are donated by Knouse and Mussleman Foods. For a small charge which goes to support the festival, people can have a sample of all the desserts on those tables. And that’s not all the good things to eat that people come for One of the biggest attractions is the Adams County Poultry Association’s chicken bar-b-que dinner. Last year they served over 4000 dinners on Sunday. Yesterday the South Central Pork Producers featured a pork bar-b-que dinner. There’s practically anything you want to eat here from soup to nuts ” “That’s loud over there,” ob served Paul, "What are all those engines'” "That’s Harry S Hahn’s gasoline engine collection. Mr. Hahn is from Emmittsburg and has been collecting those engmes piece by piece for years. There are nine different gas engines there including a small hammer mill, a cider press, and even a cream separator.” “That looks like a witch’s pot over there. Are they cooking up some land of brew ' ” asked Cindy. “That’s the Upper Adams Jaycees cooking their apple butter. The Jaycees cook the apple butter and sell it to raise money for their community project, the Oakside Community Park. To make apple butter from scratch takes about 18- 22 hours. The Jaycees sell their apple butter for $1 a jar and you can buy a loaf of homemade bread at their stand too. Like all the work related to the festival, the Jaycees donate all their tune to this project. They’re here in the fall for the Apple Harvest Festival and (Turn to Page B 4) -1-1