rvIUTET ,1 Lettuce, a cool-weather crop can be grown in any home garden and is very sensitive to heat. Lettuce will grow in any rich soil, although the plant does not do well in very acid soil. Have a soil test made, and apply lime to make the soil only slightly acid. Plant your seeds 1/4 inch deep, in rows 1 to 11/2feet apart. Allows to 12 inches between plants in the row. You can start spring lettuce indoors and transplant it to the garden when the plants have four to five leaves; you don’t have to wait for the end of light frosts, as lettuce is not usually harmed by a temperature as low as 28 degrees. In the fall, allow about 4 weeks for growing the seed directly in the row and thin; there is no ad vantage m transplanting. One-third ounce of seed will plant a 100 foot row of lettuce. This size row can give you about 100 well developed plants. Plant about 10 feet of row for each member of your family, but not all at one time. You can harvest high-quality lettuce from one planting for a week to 10 days if weather is mild. Sow a few feet of row at 10 day intervals until the crop will en counter hot weather. You can grow a continuous supply of lettuce for salads in your garden by sowing a small area Whichway 4-H meets COOPERSBURG - The Whichway 4-H Club held their monthly meeting last Monday night at the Ehlman home. Project awards were presented to Kathy Ehlman, Bryan Fenoff, Bonnie Hottle, Annette and Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24,1982—813 Growing lettuce every month from April to August. Lettuce is easy to grow, especially during the spring months. T SaladTJowT does well in spring and fall and summer. It’ heat resistant and ideal for home gardners. ‘Black Seeded Simpson’ is another popular variety. These non-heading varieties are com monly seeded in a row or bed and thinned to 6 inches. The dose planting forces the young plants upward in a tender, succulent growth which makes a delicious salad. If the leaves are cut off the outside, the plants will continue to produce for several weeks. Head lettuce demands a fertile, moist soil and very cool season. The varieties of Pennloke and Fulton are favorites among home gradeners. They should be started indoors and set out as plants into soil high in organic matter. The butterhead types are better in the home garden than the heading types. Make several plantings through the season. Buttercrunch is an excellent and very popular butterhead variety. Try the But tercrunch, it’s one of the best to grow as a small head lettuce head. Select lettuce varieties that have been mosaic tested. This means that they have been checked and found to be virtually free of seed borne mosaic disease. Lorame Rafter, Pam Ronca, Jeff Stuart, and Andrew Sutton. The club voted to donate sports equipment to Bucks County for use at the General Camp. The next meeting will feature a talent show at the Grundy House m Quakertown.