Bl4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 17,1982 'rJa/iw 1 QAAmga I Societies I Lancaster Co, Executive Board The Lancaster County Executive Board uet April 12 at the Coca Cola Building in Lancaster. Thirty presidents attended. Lancaster Co, Society 1 Lancaster Farm Women 1 met at had to tell the story of it. One hat, the home of Amy Miller recently to worn by Evelyn Paige, was from celebrate Easter and to hear a Hawaii and had little hula dancers program on cancer by Jeame on the top. Another was worn at the Bentzel, “Nurse of Hope.” wedding of Charlotte Barton, sixty- Birthday recognitions were two years ago. given to Jessie Gross and Bertha The nex t meeting will be held at Cousler the home of Mary Decker. For entertainment, each member wore an Easter hat and Lancaster Co, Society 16 Lancaster Farm Women 6 met at the home of Ray Hixon on April 3. Program for the evening was slides and a talk on the passion play by Nancy Miller, paster at the United Methodist Church at Milton Grove. Stocking Distributor for: CURTIS—TOLEDO | AIR COMPRESSORS I SALES & SERVICE ♦ | ★ We Service All Brands of I ♦ Compressors in Our Shop or ♦ ♦ At Your Location ♦ ♦ * CURTIS "ECONO" LINE SPECIAL PRICES TO THE PUBLIC 3 HP, 2 STAGE COMPRESSOR PUMP 5 HP. 2 STAGE COMPRESSOR PUMP AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR THE ORIGINAL STAUFFER PNEUMATIC WATER SYSTEM Benji Beiler & Ben Beiler Jr., 134 Black Horse Rd., Paradise E&R Plumbing (717) 354-5554 Scenic Road Farm Supply Melvin Kauffman ★ FARM EQUIPMENT REPAIRS ★ MACHINE SHOP SERVICE Beits & Pulleys, Roller Chain. Coleman Lantern Service, Hardware STAUFFER’S MACHINE SHOP RD 3, Ephrata, Pa Phone (717)733-4128 '/< Mile South of Rt 322 on Pleasant Valley Rd . Ephrata Exit New Rt 222 The 65th annual county con vention has been set for November 6 at the Farm and Home Center. The next meeting will be held Junel. Members should each bring a flower to this meeting A contribution was given to LARK and to the Meals on Wheels project. The next meeting is scheduled for May 1 at the Church of God in Elizabethtown County officers and Society 31 will be the guests. *389.00 *550.00 Lancaster Society 7 met Saturday, April 10, at the home of Mrs. Carlton Homsher of Ronks. Speaker for the evening was Mary Alice Mill, exchange student from Australia. The next meeting will take place May 8 at the home of Mrs. Harold Eby of R 1 Kmzer. The program will feature an auction.of plants, food, crafts and miscellaneous items. Lancaster Farm Women 25 entertained Society 17, at a covered dish luncheon at the Farm and Home Center, Saturday, April 10. Robert Shoff, featured speaker, showed slides of his recent safari to Kenya, Africa. New member Evelyn Stecker vetz was installed by County Farm Women President Mrs. Roy Sauder. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Gerlach, Lancaster on May 8. QUARRYVILLE - Fulton Grange will hold an open house on April 26 at the Grange Hall in Oakryn in observance of Grange Week John Kitch of Remholds, district forester, will be guest speaker. He will be speaking on “Battling the gypsy moth in southern Lancaster County.” At their recent meeting, the Grange heard guest speakers Donna Lucidi, Lancaster County 4- H Extension agent, and Donald Trimble. Trimble presented a talk on the new 4-H club m southern Lancaster County called the “Kids and Cows Dairy Club.” PUUET Lancaster Co, Society 7 Lancaster Co, Society 25 Fulton Grange Va and per Qiv ijffile :hltKl hou Grow wrHv us and we'll grow for you. X' Lancaster Society 12 meets for a silent auction Lancaster Society 17 meets to hear musical selections by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kettering Lancaster Society 18 meets for a tour of Rock Ford Lancaster Society 3 meets to en tertain Society 28 at the Salem Lutheran Church at 12:30 p.m. Monday, April 19 Lancaster Society 31 to entertain Society 23 Lancaster Society 29 to hold a white elephant sale OAKRYN Lancaster Pomona Grange #7l will be holding its spring meeting here next Saturday at the Fulton Grange Hall. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. The evening’s agenda includes a business meeting conducted by Master Clifford W. Holloway, Jr. Then Galen Copp, resource con sultant with the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, Lancaster Division, will discuss energy and conservation on the PRECISION Washed and disinfected growing house - Bird weights every i two weeks - Service call For more for,,,'-' BILL J* mmmMs 717-354-4616 * : u r ;. (V Saturday, April 17 Pomona Grange Lane. No. 71 to meet LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS % Lancaster Society 30 meets for a covered dish luncheon auction Tuesday, April 20 Berks Society 6 meets with Delores Mensch for a covered dish dinner Thursday, April 22 Lancaster Society 28 meets with Eileen Hershey for a health and physical fitness session Saturday, April 24 Lancaster Society 27 meets for a trip to- Baltimore’s Inner Harbor Lancaster Society 4 meets to hear words and music by the Rev. Gary McCullough farm and m the home. He wil? explain how wind and solar energy can be adapted to use on farms. Providing the entertainment will be Mrs. Frank Aument and Mrs. J. Everett Kreider who will perform a vocal duet accompanied by Mrs. J. Richard Jackson. The square dance routine will be under Mrs. J. Stanley Stauffer, Jr.’s supervision. Grange members will be asked to take part in a roll call for suggestions on ways to conserve water m the home and farm. READ ROWING