B2o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 6,1982 Since we pass but once through this life, I’ve always embraced the philosophy that we should see and do and learn all that we can on this one-way excursion. And that's how I wound up in the arcade. An arcade, is home for those sophisticated bleeping, shirring, humming video games that have replaced the old ho-hum pinball machine as a youthful temp tation. Heading the pack of computer game favorites, is something called '’Pac-Mah.” 1 had often heard of this Pac Man character, usually tied in with our children’s laments on how they were theioiie deprived kids in this entire country lacking the faome-cOmputer video games. ! -vAwvy. - - On being a farm wife •And other hazards Joyce Bupp But I’d never met turn face to face in fact, ignorant as I was, I had never played any computer game. So when we recently attended our Holstein convention, with a videoarcade located prominently m the hotel lobby, 1 knew 1 had to grab this chance. After all, aren’t conventions for learnmg new ideas? Besides, how could 1 keep up with my children if 1 knew - nothing of what they were talking about? The venture turned into a cooperative one. Financing came from an outside interest. A cooperative bull-stud representative, who overheard me confess my video LOADED FROM THE BREWERY MENCHVILLE M. SUPPLY wish, and tor keel over a quarter. (1 was to discover later that two quarters are the norm for this machine to even come alive.) Finally, the moment came when 1 could steal away to ex plore this arcade. Not wanting to venture into unknown territory alone, I invited along another adult video novice. And on our way, we rounded up a Holstein staffer for moral support, which turned out to be a crack-shot decision. He was a Pac-Man expert. After feeding in our two quarters my partner financ’d his own way the TV-type screen lit up, and at last 1 was eyeballing this famous Pac-Man. Cute. He’s a yellow, round, blob, with a pieshaped triangle mouth, and runs all over the screen through a computerized maze, gobbling up little dots. Players steer the blob with a sort of gear-shift lever. And scattered through the maze are bigger dots, which, when gobbled by Pac-Man earn the player points. One catch. While Pac-Man is gobbling his way through the dots, other colored blobs are chasing him. If they gobble the yellow blob, before he gobbles sufficient big dots to keep them at bay, the player is sunk. 1 was mostly sunk, at least during the first game when 1 was soundly clobbered by the op posmg team. Suppliers of Dried Brewers Grain with Dried Brewers Yeast and Dump Trailer Hauling Available iiSiii m 494 Menchville Road Newport News, VA. 23602 804-877-0207 Sealcrete can paint your farm buildings quickly and inexpensively... for 7 estimate HYDRAULIC AERIAL EQUIPMENT MENCHVILLE M. SUPPLY CORP. M Id i With the loan ot a second quarters and financiers to fund quarter, 1 turned the tables and this tun new experience. Even the won. And quit. Best to stop while change-making machine ignored on a winning streak. me Besides, 1 had run out ot Potato growers to hold YORK The York County Potato Growers will hold their annual winter meeting on Monday, March 8 at the Centre Presbyterian Church in New Park, starting at 10 a.m. John Thompson from- Shrewsbury, president of the York County Potato Growers, will be chairman of the session. The program will be as follows: 10:01) Sura vers and Spray Coverage Donald Daum, Agricultural Engmeer-Penn State University; 10:35 Colorado Potato Beetle and Their Control Robert Lei by Lehigh County Extension Agent; 11:15 Pest Management Program on- Potatoes Zaue Srmlowitz Plant Pathologist Penn State University , 11:46 —Lunch Crude Protein Crude Fiber Crude Fat NFE P o winter meeting Seal Crete, Inc. RD2, Ephrata, PA 717-859-1127 ANALYSIS ON 100% DRY BASIS 1 must be a bad risk. 1:00 Discussion on programs; tor the coming year 1:20 Comments trom Chip; Company Representatives 1:30 Proper Methods ot Using s Pydnn for Colorado Beetle Control'; Todd Kemmer Shell Co. v 1.50 - Results pt York County Potato Variety Plots John T. } Smith County Agricultural i Agent i 2:00 Manage tor Potato'' Quality Richard Cole Potato -• Specialist Penn State University ; 2:30 Panel Discussion on ■ Growing Morctups. Panel Mem- Jjj bers; William Warner, H. 3 Felton; : Lemar Neuhaus, R. 2 Stewart-1 stown; R. 3, Felton; Alan Eveler— R. 2, Felton. Panel Moderatoi John T. Smith, County Agn. Agent 3:oo—Adjourn Contact Allen B. Shirk 24%/29 1 / 2 % 15%/1 6 1 / 2 % 5% 38% TO YOUR ► W '* V %*■*<&. VAV5