DlP—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 27,1982 Penn Twp. sludge (Continued from Page 09) application; slakes oft the areas tor application following DEH specifications; and then periodically samples the soil atter application. Once application begins, the drivers keep accurate records of f lud f e * s '° ad ed in the “Big A ” from a 6,000- gallon tanker truck. Due to the size of the tanker, use of the “Bie A" 's sometimes limited depending on terrain. the exact amounts applied and the content ot the sludge. Upon completion, the farmer receives a summary sheet listing the date ot application, the tarm, which fields were covered, the percentage ot N- F-K, the time, gallons, and the tons of dry matter. The farmer can use this intormalion to determine any additional fertilizers to be applied. Hess says this is when the far mer can really see the savings. Though all this is at no cost to the farmer, he is obligated by his permit to mamiani a 6.i> ph level in the soil. This will require that he lune his fields, a practice which Hess says the tanner should probably do anyway. According to Hess, Penn Township is currently spreading sludge on it sites which represent I,‘MO acres. Hess projected, "Our sludge could be savmg tanners about $32 an acre. That projection could be low smce it is based on litttl fertilizer costs. A farmer near Littleslown projects a savings of about |&0 an acre. “The key m makmg this work hi that the fanner be able to manage his farm. He must keep accurate records and plan his crop rotations, ’' Hess observes. Hess admits he feels fortunate to be working with the Penn Town ship faculties since they are one of the tew places to his knowledge that employ a person solely to operate such a program. Hess adds, proudly that DEK rales the Penn COAL AND WOOD STOVES HARMAN Before buying any stove see the Harman burning in my showroom and also look at the Grate system. CHESTER B. HOLT 30 S. Hershey Ave. (Bareville) Leola, Pa. 17540 PHONE (717) 656-6898 Hours; Mon. & lues. By Appointment Wed., Thurs., Pri. 10 to 8; Sat. 10 to 4 MARTIN MACHINERY Emergency or Prime Power Systems from 1 to 1000 KW Balanced Design to Give You Peak Performance For Your Applications; Form - Industrial - Commercial Residential industrial Radiators Safety Fan Guard Energy Saving Cow Watt Density Thermostatically Controlled Block Heater Deep Heavy Duty Mam Frame Channels For Added Rigidity Anc Vibration Absorption 24 Hour Emergency Service by Radio Dispatched Service Personnel OPENINGS FOR DEALERS IN DELAWARE, MARYLAND 4 PARTS OF PENNSYLVANIA Units Available For Methane Gas MARTIN MACHINERY P.O. Box 35, Martindale, PA 17549 215-445-4800 or 267-7771 AJCC announces meeting COLUMBUS, Ohio The 114lh annual meeting ot The American Jersey Cattle Club and its marketing arm National All- Jersey Inc. will be held m Wichita, Kansas, on June a, 10 and 11. The Wichita Hilton East will be con vention headquarters. More than 500 Jersey breeders from across the United States are expected for the event. The National Heifer Sale and the Great Plains Classic will highlight the Township program as the best of its kind m the Harrisburg Hegion. Hess has received numerous * requests from other municipalities and Penn State for additional literature on the enure operaUoh. Hess welcomes anyone seeking additional inforniaUon on sludge application to call the waste water treaunent plant at '/l //63'Aii*u. r rt a.j n«,« tety System To Protect To Oil Oram Etc Engine From Damage Due To Low Oil Pressure. High Water Temperature And Overspeed Check These Features: B For Free Literature or Demonstration, I Send This Coupon Name Martin Machinery P.0.80x 35 ■ Martindale, PA 17549 . ■i mm ■!■■■§ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ I Address Phone three days of meetings, tours and sales. Sixty-five head ol the country’s finest Jerseys will ha offered in the two sales to be hekF at the Kansas Coliseum on June 10. The heifer sale was the sixth high Jersey sale m 1981 with an average fo $2,(157.98 on 42 animals. Tours of Wichita and the Flun Hdls are planned. The Wichita Wmdwagon, hot-air balloons. Histone Ccwtown and demon strations by Weuel Jewelers, Gragg Furs and artist Charles H. Sanderson will be features of the program. Dr. Chase Wilson, Frame Village, is the president of the Kansas Jersey Cattle Club, hosts of the event. Convention chairmen are Daryl and Judy Lewis of Piedmont. Mrs. Lewis is a member of the AJCC Hoard of Directors. NOW - TREE TRIMMING IN WINTER MONTHS WITH OUR AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT AMOS FISHER 667 Hartman Station Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 717-393-6530 Minimum ol Five Channel Cross Members ine Control tote Cranking Large Shock Bow Completely •Brushless Alternators Modern Solid ■State Voltage Regulator