BlO—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 23,1982 LANCASTER Rabbits are becoming popular pets. With proper feeding, handling, and health care, these quiet creatures can be quite enjoyable pets, says Nancy M. Kadwill, county agent, Montgomery County Extension. A well-balanced diet is the most important factor contributing to your rabbit’s overall health. Commercially prepared rabbit feeds are probably the best diet for your rabbit because these feeds are prepared specifically for rabbits and provide the proper nutrient quality and balance. Lettuce or other garden vegetables make good treats if fed in small quantities. Your pet also should have access to fresh, clean water at all times. This is especially important when the rabbit is on a dry food diet. Be careful to always support your rabbits’- hindquarters when lifting it from a cage and while holding it.' The animals’ 1 quick, jerky motions can result in a fractured back if the rabbit is not properly supported. -It’s best to grasp the loose skin over the top of I . &UAC< 2.. -KP 3 . iBUQW