V, Thats what SARANAC AR is all about! The one to plant for top yields in anthracnose country. Even in sticky, hot, humid weather when anthracnose is sweeping neighboring fields, Saranac AR goes right on producing. And how it can produce! In April 1980, Herman Espy of Spruce Creek PA, where anthracnose flourishes, seeded five acres in Saranac AR and Pennlate Orchardgrass. The following year, he took four cuttings—in June, July, August and October. His winning yield; 10.7 tons per acre. Next year, Herman plans to seed an additional 35 acres. In Saranac AR, of course. if you’re out to beat anthracnose Saranac AR stands up even to Race II anthracnose, the new virulent strain that can wipe out other anthracnose resistant varieties. Race II is not prevalent today, but if it does take off you will want Saranac AR in your fields. Bacterial wilt resistance, fast recovery, long lived stands and top yields are bred into Saranac AR. Add anthracnose resistance, and you’ve got the only one to plant where anthracnose Race (or Race I! is a threat. ' NORTHEAST-BRED PROTEIN UNLIMITED J - i Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 9,1982—A31 alfalfa