A new year is beginning tor all of us. For some it will be good and for others not so good. But as they say, "Hope springs eternal in the human heart,’’ and so we hope for good health to ac complish all the things that we didn’t get done last year. Sometimes it seems as though there are more unpleasant things happening than pleasant ones. 1 suppose we just remember them longer. All these little frustrations go to maite up the pattern of our daily living and so we must accept them. Recently 1 bought myself a sterling silver necklace with a Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 2,1982—815 beautifully cut crystal from Austria. You guessed it the first tune that I wore it, it fell off on the driveway. A very tiny link had &. r 9ifen. Believe it or not, I was able to mend it with invisible thread after all other methods failed. I happened to have some remaining from stringing a broken strand of Job’s Tears. These are hard and shiny gray seeds which when dried are strung as beads. They've been used, especially for children, since tune began. Another nasty little thing that happended this winter made me angry. I discovered that mice had eaten most of my bunches of peanuts which 1 had hung from the basement rafters. They apparently jumped from a nearby box and had a feast. Of course there are pleasant thugs to remember like the surprise I got when my husband mentioned eating out after church. Although other folks might do this quite often, it was a real treat for me because it was the first time in over thirty years of marriage that we’d done this. And when our son landed safely at the Harrisburg Airport on nis return from snowstorm-ridden Chicago by way of Peoria and St. Louis without a mishap of any kind, it was a ihoment to relish. So we mix the good with the bad and try to make the best of whatever life deals us. I GEBHART’S 5 SANDBLASTING I I & RESTORATION I g INC. g Box 109 AA, R.D. 1 | H Abbottstown, Pa. i 17301 | 1 717-259-9868 j || • Water Blasting | p : • Chemical Cleaning s » • Brick & stone Re- j pointing & Water- \ h proofing j ;-x MEMO HAY, STRAW & EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY At 11A.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES ST ABUS, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Lloyd H. Kreider. Auctioneer